

Chen Yunping and Xi Lu’ Ci

【作者】 桂珊

【导师】 孙维城;

【作者基本信息】 安庆师范学院 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陈允平,号西麓,四明人,宋末元初的词人。生前颇有词名,有词集《日湖渔唱》和《西麓继周集》传世。亦有诗名,有《西麓诗稿》传世。本文从词人生平、词作特色和词史地位三方面对陈允平及西麓词作一个系统的研究。一、词人生平陈允平出身官宦世家,家学渊源深厚,但科考不利,仕途不进。常年漫游,与周密、王沂孙、张炎等宋末词人交游唱和。宋亡前因事入狱,幸而被同僚解救,便在山中闭门不出。元初北上大都,后不受官南归,隐居山中而卒。二、词作特色题材上,主要有羁愁、景物、恋情、祝寿四类。艺术上,用“诗的写法”,不主一家,兼收并蓄;和平婉雅中饱含身世之感,倦游思归、寒士之悲和生命意识,由表及里,共同构成了西麓词身世之感的全部内容;寿词突出一个“闲”字,多有可观。三、词史地位西麓词具备独特个性和丰富内涵,历代评论家间有偏爱,在清代词坛有一定影响力。陈允平是可以和周密、王沂孙、张炎齐名的宋末一家。

【Abstract】 Chen Yunping,Xi Lu,comes from Siming,is a ci writer who lived between the late Southern Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty.He was very famous for ci at his time and had two ci collections handed down named“Rihu Lake’s Fishing Day to Sing”and“Xi Lu’s Learning from Zhou Bangyan”.He was also famous for poems and had one poem collection handed down named“Xi Lu’s Poems”.This thesis is to make a systematical study on Chen Yunping and Xi Lu’ci based on the research of the biographic history of Chen Yunping,the artistic characteristics of Xi Lu’s ci and their status in the Ci history.Firstly,the biographic history of Chen Yunping.Chen Yunping was born in aristocratic family of a government offical.He had deep teaditional literature origins,but he failed in the imperial examination and was auspicious in the offical career. He wandered in normal year,made friends and had poetry responsory activities with several ci writers lived in the late Southern Song Dynasty such as Zhou Mi,Wang Yisun and Zhang Yan.He was put into the prison because of an incident before the perdition of the Southern Song Dynasty.Then,he hid in the mountain.In the early Yuan Dynasty, Chen Yunping went to the northern capital Dadu,later came back home because he refused to be an official in Yuan.Then,he secluded in tne mountain until die.Secondly,the artistic characteristics of Xi Lu’s ci. There are four main categories in the subject matter:the traveler’s melancholy,the scenery,the love and the birthday greeting.There are three artistic characteristics.First,to use the“poetical writing method”,not only to learn from one former ci writer but also embrace everything that is useful.Second,there is a heavy sence of life experience contained under the surface of the mild,implicit and elegant words,the first is being weary of wandering through official career and longing for returning home,the second is the grief of poor scholars,the last is the life consciousness,together constitute the whole content of the sense of life experience from the outside to the inside.Thirdly,the status of Chen Yunping and Xi Lu’s ci in Ci history.Xi Lu’s ci has unique individual character and rich connotation,many criticals pay attention to it,some of them like it very mach.Xi Lu’s ci has a certain influence in the ci-circle of the Qing Dynasty.Chen Yunping can be regarded as an important ci writer as famous as Zhou Mi,Wang Yisun and Zhang Yan.
