

Research on WSN Localization Technology and the Application in Mine Personnel Positioning

【作者】 李华

【导师】 赵继军;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矿井下环境复杂,存在多种安全隐患。近年来我国煤矿事故频繁发生,造成重大人员伤亡和经济损失,现有的煤矿安全系统已经无法满足安全生产需要。无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,WSN)是集无线通讯、数据采集和信息处理功能于一体的新型分布式自组织数据采集网络,具有低成本、低功耗等特点,适合于煤矿井下的应用,将WSN技术应用于煤矿人员定位,将有效地提高煤矿安全生产监控和管理水平。定位技术是WSN的一项关键技术,在其应用中不知道节点位置监测到的信息是没有意义的,确定节点位置是对煤矿人员实施定位的根本问题。文章系统研究了WSN定位技术的定位机制,定位算法使用性能等,并重点对WSN定位算法在煤矿井下的应用进行了深入研究,针对煤矿环境的特点提出了适用于该环境的双半径定位算法,同时提出了适合于该算法实施和矿井环境的阶梯型节点布设方案。研究内容主要包括:(1) WSN定位算法及其适用性研究:文章对WSN定位算法的定位原理和特点进行了研究,并从算法的定位精度、信标节点密度、硬件要求、节点布设要求等角度进行研究,得出了典型定位算法的适用性能。(2)适合矿井环境下应用的定位算法研究:文章结合矿井下的特殊环境和定位算法特点选择较适合矿井下应用的质心定位算法,并分析其存在不足,在此基础上对该算法进行优化改进,提出了双半径定位算法,并对算法进行了仿真验证,仿真显示定位误差由10.51%降低到了3.62%,有效地提高了节点的定位精度。(3)节点布设研究:文章针对矿井特殊环境和双半径算法的特点提出了阶梯型节点布设方案,该布设方案能够有效提高节点定位精度、全面均衡获取监测信息以及控制节点使用数量,实现了信标节点和未知节点与环境的有效结合。

【Abstract】 The nature condition of underground coal mine is complicated that potential security risk exists. Recently in our country, coal mine accidents occurred frequently; resulting in heavy casualties and economic losses, the existing coal mine safety monitoring system has been unable to meet the needs of coal mine safety production. Wireless sensor network is the set of wireless communications, data collection and in formation processing function of the new type of self-organization of distributed data acquisition network, with a unified technical standards and low-cost, Low-power characteristics, and so on. Applying WSN technology to coal mine safety monitoring will effectively increase the production of coal mine safety supervision and management.Localization technology is a key technology in WSN. In its application, the information monitored by the node is meaningless if the node localization is unknown. To define the node localization is a fundamental issue to locate the coal miners. This article studies the mechanism of WSN localization technology, the performance of localization algorithm and etc in a systematical way, key to research WSN localization algorithm in the application of coal mine. According to environmental characteristics of coal mine, the corresponding algorithm named dual-radius localization algorithm and the ladder-type nodes layout scheme suited for algorithm implementation and coal mine are proposed.Major work is divided into the following sections:(1) The research on the localization technology and its applicability, the paper studies the theory and feature of algorithm in WSN and researches from point of view on t algorithm accuracy, density of beacon node, hardware requirement and node layout requirement, then concludes the application of typical algorithm.(2) The research on algorithm adapted undermining: The paper chooses the better algorithm which is suitable for applying in undermining environment with combining the special undermining environment with algorithm characteristic, and then analyzes the defect of algorithms. We optimize the algorithm based on the above researches, thus propose the double-radius algorithm which could increase the accuracy of algorithm and extend the application area of algorithm. Then we simulate the algorithm and prove its property, simulation results show that the algorithm error has been reduced effectively from 10.51% to 3.62%, but without additional anchor and hardware.(3) The research on node layout: according to special environment of undermining and the characteristics of double-radius algorithm, the paper proposes a node layout scheme, which could increase the localization accuracy effectively, acquires monitoring information and the number of control node, and realizes the combination of the beacon node and unknown node with undermining environment.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】265
  • 攻读期成果