

Research on the Levels and Speciations of Trace Elements in Chinese Herbal Medicine of Veterinary

【作者】 钟进芳

【导师】 房少新;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 临床兽医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选择全虫、蜈蚣、僵蚕、红花、鸡血藤、川芎六味活血化瘀药,对六味中药中的Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Mg五种元素的含量水平、元素的初级形态和次级形态进行了较为详细的研究。利用原子吸收光谱法测定了上述六种中药中五种元素的含量水平,并对其与中药疗效的相关性进行了初步探讨。不同元素在药材中的存在的化学与物理形态不同,在水中和乙醇中的溶解性不同,其溶出特性和溶出率不同。研究中药中微量元素的溶出率,认识溶出特性,反过来可认识中药中元素的存在是否为易于溶出的形态,从而成为中药中元素初级形态的研究内容。本文采用两种方法提取中药中微量元素,一种是水煎煮提取的方法,另一种是用20%乙醇提取方法。按照初级形态分析流程,制备各样品,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定其含量,并计算出提取率、浸留比等形态分析参数。结果表明,元素在药渣中含量较高,说明药渣还具有一定的利用价值。水煎液和乙醇提取液的浸留比对比可以发现:僵蚕在水煎液中微量元素的提取率大于20%乙醇提取率,特别是Zn的提取率水煎液是乙醇提取液的16倍,Fe的提取率水煎液是乙醇提取液的25倍,因此可以看出僵蚕用水煎煮的方式更有利微量元素的溶出,药效的发挥更佳。红花中除铜元素在乙醇提取液中的提取率有所上升以外,其余元素在乙醇提取液中的提取率均低于水煎液的,特别是Zn元素在水煎液是乙醇提取液中的5倍;红花中的Cu可能大部分是以有机的形式存在,但是总体考虑建议红花使用水煎方式药效更佳。鸡血藤水煎液中微量元素的提取率均大于乙醇提取液。在川芎中Zn元素在水煎液的提取率较高,Cu、Fe、Mn的提取率乙醇提取液中大于水煎液,铁的提取率是水煎液的3倍之多,因此建议川芎可用酒泡的方式入药。在初级形态分析的基础上,对蜈蚣、僵蚕、鸡血藤、红花、川芎中镁、铁、锰、锌、铜四种元素进行了次级形态分析,进一步探讨有关元素在可溶态中发挥作用的存在形式。利用阳离子交换树脂、Amberlite XAD-2型大孔吸附树脂的研究表明Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Mg在六味中药中次级形态的分析中,大部分元素都以无机态的形式存在,但红花中的Cu大多数以有机形态存在,这就是红花中乙醇提取铜比水煎液提取铜高的原因。铜在元素中药可溶态中以非游离态的形式存在,Zn、Fe、Mn、Mg均以游离态的形式存在。Zn以有机态形式存在的极少,大部分中药都检测不到有机锌的存在,是因为有机锌在可溶态中含量过小。本论文研究结果,对深入探讨矿物元素发挥作用的形式,揭示其存在状态与药效的相关性以及新药的开发、研制等方面具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The contents,primary,secondary-level speciation of 5 trace elements (Mg、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn),which contained in six Chinese herbal medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis,was studied for the first time. The contents of 5 trace elements in six Chinese herbal medicines were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry,the relationship between the their effect was discussed. Different elements in Chinese herbal medicines in the presence of different chemical and physical form, the solubility is different from the water and ethanol. The research content of elements in the primary form of traditional Chinese medicine is study of the dissolution rate and dissolve character trace elements in it, in turn, we can know whether the presence of elements in traditional Chinese medicine for the ease of stripping form. In this paper, two methods of trace elements extracted from traditional Chinese medicine were used. One is to use decoction extraction method; another is to use 20% ethanol extraction method.The contents of sample of primary speciation obtained from primary analytical flow were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry,species distributions of the primary speciation analysis,such as extractive rate,immerse-residue ratio etc were also calculated. The concentration of nine element in medicines residue were high,which showed that the residue were still valuable. We can found: Immerse-residue ratio of Stiff silkworm in decoction extraction is greater than 20% ethanol extraction. Especially the extraction rate of Zn ethanol extract of decoction of 16 times; the extraction rate of Fe ethanol extract of decoction extract 25 times. So decoction extraction of Stiff silkworm is more favorable dissolution of trace elements in, to play a better efficacy. Trace elements extraction rate of Safflower in the ethanol is lower than decoction .But the extractive rate of Cu is increase in 20% ethanol. Especially the extraction rate of Zn ethanol extract of decoction of 5 times. The Cu of Safflower maybe exists in the form of organic. On the whole, the use of decoction way better efficacy. Trace elements extraction rate of Suberect spatholobus stem in the ethanol is lower than decoction. Zn elements in the Rhizoma chuanxiong have the higher extraction rate in the water decoction, but Cu, Fe; Mn extraction rate is greater than ethanol extract of decoction. The extraction rate of Fe ethanol extract of decoction extract 3 times. Therefore Chuanxiong medicine Herb plays a better efficacy available ethanol extraction method.Secondary-level speciation of Mg﹑Cu﹑Fe、Zn and Mn in Stiff silkworm、Safflower、Scorpion、Suberect spatholobus stem、Scolopendra and Rhizoma Chuangxiong Herb were studied on the base of the analysis of primary speciation. The results of secondary-level speciation were obtained by using cation-exchange resin,Amberlite XAD-2 macroreticular resin and Chelex-100 chelating resin. Five elements ( Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Mg) almost existed on inorganic forms, but the Cu of Safflower exists in the form of organic. The Cu of five Herb existed on no free form, the others existed on free form.
