

Image of Jing KE

【作者】 李振认

【导师】 马现诚;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 荆轲原本是一个普通之人,里巷之人,却成为千古英雄,不断被咏颂,有其深刻的原因。荆轲本身所具备的性格特点和历史机遇的共同作用使他成为秦庭行刺的主角,遂震惊天下,为世人口耳相传,继而走入史册。《战国策》首先记载下了荆轲壮举,初步确定荆轲智勇形象;司马迁《史记》中的荆轲形象鲜明生动,极具感染力,是荆轲历史形象的集大成者,为其成为经典形象奠定了坚实的基础。司马光《资治通鉴》评价荆轲愚蠢可悲的形象之后,对荆轲形象的认识批判提出了一种新的见解。随着封建制度体制的完善与加强,儒家作为正统思想地位加固,荆轲以极端手段刺杀秦王不被认可和采纳,荆轲形象在历史文本慢慢淡化。荆轲形象淡化出历史文本之后,在文学层面,荆轲形象得到全面的塑造和讴歌,在文学天堂里,荆轲形象最为绚烂多姿。小说注重情节把握,运用丰富的想象塑造了荆轲形象,丰富了荆轲形象的内容;小说受民间传说的影响,对荆轲形象塑造更为平民化、趣味化,荆轲形象在大众中得到了肯定和推崇。诗歌中对荆轲形象极力的讴歌,诗人借荆轲精神来表达自己的情感,对荆轲或褒或贬,感情极为复杂细腻,李白对荆轲形象持肯定与批判的态度,结束了司马迁以来对荆轲形象以赞为主的局面,诗人也开始反思荆轲形象的意义和作用。文赋中以鲜明的态度塑造荆轲形象,感情真诚而直接,给荆轲形象注入新的气息。戏剧重塑了荆轲形象,荆轲由悲剧形象转为喜剧形象,荆轲形象第一次以全新的面貌出现在文学领域中。荆轲形象与时代特征有着密切的联系,在动荡和变革时代最让人们想起,这正是荆轲精神所具有的魅力。荆轲形象的有着丰富文化内蕴,荆轲作为侠之大者,是中国古代文化的复合活体。荆轲形象集剑、武、侠、书和酒于一体,展现了荆轲特有的精神品质和中国古代侠士的风貌。荆轲形象中,复仇情节扮演着重要的因素,荆轲为大义而复仇,给复仇文化注入了新的活力。在荆轲身上体现出了浓浓的燕文化,“慷慨悲歌”基调给侠精神渲染了一种悲壮的环境,同时,也展示了燕文化的价值。荆轲成为了一个不朽的英雄人物,他不灭的精神,是中华民族精神不灭的表现,这种深刻的哲学意蕴并得到世人的认同,这使得荆轲从历史形象的层面上升到文化形象层面,从个人层面上升到民族层面,从某种意义上来说,成为文人侠客梦,世人眼中侠之大者,悲剧英雄等富有文化和哲学意味的代名词。荆轲形象具有审美价值。荆轲形象在塑造过程中,慢慢被赋予除暴安民的侠义形象,是理想社会美的践行者,具有浓郁的社会审美价值。荆轲侠义精神是其形象鲜活的因素,荆轲身上体现出的重义轻生的精神,以及明知不可为而为之的奋取精神,一直都感染的后人。荆轲知遇与报恩情节,表现出了中华民族拥有着美好的品质,而荆轲形象悲剧所具有的审美价值,使荆轲形象一次次被人们记起,荆轲形象具有了永久的艺术魅力。荆轲形象的内蕴,具有历史价值、审美价值和社会价值。荆轲毁灭于秦庭之上,但无法消失在历史长河之中,而他留下的历史价值,既是一笔历史遗产,也是一笔精神财富,激励更多后进之人。荆轲悲剧给审美价值提供了一个活生生的例子,让人更能体会“以悲为美”的审美价值取向。荆轲刺秦给社会带来了巨大的冲波,以及留下的社会价值,具有重要的意义。荆轲形象的内蕴,给我们认识中国传统优秀文化提供了帮助,荆轲的不朽的灵魂,是中华民族文化精神的一个缩影。

【Abstract】 Jing Ke was an ordinary person. there are deep reasons that made Jing Ke from a lane person to be a hero, and honored by people continually. The historical opportunity and his Personalities made Jing Ke become a leading role in assassination in the Qin dynasty, which is shocked and talked by all people and for this reason.. The book Intrigues of the Warring States was the first book that recorded Jing Ke’s feat and determined his brave and figure first.The figure of Jing Ke in Si Ma QIan’s Historical Records is clear and vivid.It was the master of his figure and made Jing Ke become a classical hero figure. Aftrer Sima Guang’s evaluating of Jing Ke’s silly and sorry figure in his History as a Mirror, which comes out a new opinion on evaluating Jing Ke’image. With the feudal system developing, Confucianism had become an orthodox thought, and the method of Jing Ke assassinated emperor Qin considered too excessive and was not accepted by people, and therefore, the figure of Jing Ke disappeared gradually in the text of history.After it disappeared in the historical text, the figure of Jing Ke had been modeled and praised totally in the literature field, and his figure was most colorful in the heaven of literature. Novel emphasizes plots and uses the rich imagination to make the figure of Jing Ke, and enrich the contents on the figure of Jing Ke. On the influence of folklore, to model the figure of Jing Ke in the novel is civilian and interesting, and the figure of Jing Ke was accepted and praised by the public. The figure of Jing Ke was praised almost in the poetry, poets express their own feelings through the spirit of Jing Ke, praise Jing Ke or criticize him with a complicated and exquisite sentiment. The positive and critical attitude of LI Bai’s to the figure of Jing Ke ended the situation that mainly praised the figure of Jing Ke in the time of Sima Qian, the poets started to self-examinated the function and meanings of the Jing Ke’s image. The essay modeled the figure of Jing Ke with positive attitude, and the sentiment was sincere and direct, giving Jing Ke’s figure a new scene. The drama remodeled Jing Ke’figure, from tragedy figure to comedic figure, and it was the first time that made Jing Ke’s figure appeared in the literature area with a total new appearance. It has a close connection between Jing Ke’s figure and the characteristic of age, people remembered it firstly in turbulent and changeable times, and this was the charm of Jing Ke’s figure.The figure of Jing Ke has colorful cultural connotation, and as the chivalrous person, he is complex body in the history of Chinese ancient culture. Jing Ke’s figure was mixed sword, Kungfu, chivalrousness, book and wine as one and reveals Jing Ke’s proper spirit and the feature of Chinese ancient chivalrousness. The vengeance played an important role in Jing Ke’s figure. Jing Ke avenged for the right, and brought new vigour to the culture of vengeance. Jing Ke reflected the culture of Yan State. Magnificent and pessimistic song gave the spirit of the chivalrousness a sad but stirring environment, and reflected the value of the culture of Yan State at the same time. Jing Ke had become an immortal person and his everlasting spirit was the representation of Chinese nation’s spirit. This deep philosophy meaning was acknowledged by people, and therefore, it made Jing Ke’s figure changed from history figure into culture figure. It became the dream of the literati, the chivalrous person in people’s eyes and the substitution of tragedy hero and other substitutions that with culture and philosophic meanings.Jing Ke’s figure has the value of aesthetics. In the progress of modeling Jing Ke’s image, it gave the figure into chivalrous person who eliminated the bad guys and good for people,. It was the practitioner of ideal society with deep value of aesthetics. The spirit of Jing Ke is the factor why his image is fresh and alive, it reflects the spirit of valuing friendship, making light of his life and trying his best to perform even he knew would be failed in Jing Ke, and this spirit has been influencing people all the way. The spirit of Jing Ke’s gratitude reflects the good character of Chinese nation, and this tragedy figure remembered by people time after time because it has great value of aesthetics, and Jing Ke’s image possesses the artistic charm forever.Jing Ke’s figure has history value, aesthetics value and social value. Jing Ke died in the Qin dynasty hall, but he did not disappeared in the history, the history value he left was a historical heritage and a mental fortune, encouraging later generations. The tragedy of Jing Ke gives a good example for the aesthetics value, let people realizing value of beauty of tragedy. The example of Jing Ke assassinating Qin emperor gives the society a great impact. The social value it left has an important meaning. Jing Ke’s figure helps us know about our Chinese traditional and outstanding culture, the soul of Jing Ke is the epitome of spirit of Chinese nation culture.

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