

Research of Information Interchange Technology Based on Spatial Information Grid

【作者】 范晓静

【导师】 姜月秋;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 卫星网络作为信息获取的手段,具有覆盖全球范围的能力,为人类提供了丰富的空间信息资源。虽然其目前已经建立了信息获取、处理、传递等系统,但还存在技术体系不规范、不统一,数据访问不透明等问题,致使信息难以实现共享。将栅格技术应用于卫星网络,构造空间信息栅格可以解决信息不能及时共享和融合等主要问题。信息交换是获取信息的一个重要途径,是空间信息栅格实现信息共享的基础,为此有必要研究空间信息栅格信息交换技术,为栅格节点提供统一的信息交换方式和规范,促成空间信息资源被有效的共享和应用。本文通过对五层沙漏和OGSA开放式栅格服务体系结构的分析,结合空间信息网体系结构的特点,构建了分层的、面向服务的、开放的空间信息栅格体系结构。在建立起对空间信息柵格的整体性认识的基础上,分析广域网的信息交换模型,考虑到空间信息资源节点的互联互通,构建了空间信息栅格统一的信息交换模型,确定了信息提供者、信息存储中心和用户三者之间的关系。为了消除信息交换中信息资源的异构性,分析了目前的信息资源描述语言,通过比较各描述语言的优缺点,针对空间信息资源描述语言需要灵活性、丰富性,使用XML统一描述空间信息资源。将描述好的空间信息资源XML文档映射到关系数据库中,进行细粒度关系的存储,提供了信息交换时的灵活性和简便性。设计了信息交换协议,包括交换的消息格式、命令操作等,使得信息在传递、读取、解析和使用信息时不会产生二义性,并在其中加入信息的动态注册注销、更新机制,实现信息生产者与消费者的信息交互。最后构建了空间信息栅格信息交换技术应用仿真系统,结合一个实例模拟信息交换的过程,对信息交换协议进行了仿真验证。

【Abstract】 Satellite network as a means of information access with the coverage of worldwide capacity provides a wealth of spatial information resources. Although the satellite network has been established for information acquisition, processing, transmission system and etc, within a certain degree has played an important role, there are some problems such as the technical system unstandardized, non-uniform, and data access untransparent and so on, which makes the information not to be exchanged and shared. Applying Grid technology in the satellite network, then constructing Spatial Information Grid can solve the current problems. Information exchange is an important way to access information, which is the basis for SIG information sharing, for the reason it is necessary to study the spatial information grid information exchange technology, which provides a unified information interchange way and norms, led to spatial information resources are effectively shared and applied.We through analysis five floors architecture and OGSA bring forward a layered, service-oriented and open Spatial Information Grid architecture. On the framework we analyze the wide-area network information interchange model and establish a unified information exchange model considering SIG information node interaction, which fixes on the relationship between the information providers, information storage centers and users. In order to eliminate the information isomerous character we use XML describe spatial information resources, make XML documents store in the relational databases, which carries on the fine grain relations the memory, provides information exchange flexibility and simplicity. We design the information exchange protocol including the exchange message format, the command operations, which banishes the information ambiguity in the transmission, reading, analysis, to achieve information exchange between information producers and consumers.Finally we construct the spatial information exchange simulation system, which simulates an example of the information exchange process, validates the protocol.
