

Research on the Estabilishment and Ealuation of Monitoring System during Metro Hields Construction of Disaster

【作者】 张利亚

【导师】 陈伟珂;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪以来,随着科学技术的不断进步,中国城市轨道交通以高速、正点、低能耗、少污染、安全、舒适等功能吸引大中城市客运交通的80%以上。各大城市进入了地铁的飞速建设时期,伴随着施工技术的多样性、交叉性、复杂性和施工环境的特殊性,施工事故也不断的上升,使得人们不得不重视建设规划以及安全施工方法和技术,积极开展地铁施工灾害预防与控制。为了更好的达到安全施工的目的,本文运用文献综述法、现场调查法、问卷调查法等方法,在分析先前地铁盾构施工灾害监测体系的基础上,利用可拓理论建立盾构施工灾害监测体系,分析监测指标,进行量化分析,最终实现准确监测,减少事故发生的目的。具体内容如下:1.对地铁盾构中的监测指标及监测项目进行了分析。在理论综述的基础上,本文对各阶段的盾构施工监测风险因素进行了分析,确定了地铁盾构施工监测的运行流程,并通过监测流程确定需要监测的指标项及主要监测指标之间的关联规则,为以后的指标可拓分析打下基础。2.运用实地调研方法,对地铁盾构施工灾害的监测指标进行了实证研究。运用专家访谈法对地铁盾构施工中的监测问题进行了预测性分析。通过对地铁盾构施工的实地调研、历史资料及相关文献等对监测指标进行了分析,并通过可拓关联规则的挖掘技术对盾构施工监测中的监测指标进行分析、归类,把地铁盾构施工中的监测指标分为9个一阶项,37个二阶项,然后进行可拓物元分析,进行指标量化,进而更加明确地进行风险监测。3.通过对某地铁施工段盾构施工的案例分析,按照可拓理论指标关联规则的挖掘方法进行监测指标的分析。建立可拓监测模型,找出了某地铁盾构施工段的主要监测指标。确定监测项目,并对其进行可拓分析,量化监测指标,进而对某地铁盾构施工段进行准确监测。4.通过上述地铁盾构施工监测体系的建立,本文将运用G1法对其进行综合评价研究,利用G1法在指标评价方面的优势,对监测指标进行G1法评价,找出体系中存在的不足,影响地铁盾构施工较大的风险因素,并及时修正,为制定风险防范措施奠定基础;而后筛选出对盾构施工带来的较重要的监测风险因素,为地铁施工单位以及业主方提供依据和决策支持。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, with the continuous progress of science and technology, China’s urban rail traffic attracts large and medium cities more than 80% of passenger with high-speed, on-time, low energy consumption, less pollution, safety, comfort and other features. Major cities metro has into the rapid construction period. With the diversity, cross-cutting nature, complexity and particularity of the construction environment of the construction technology, construction accidents are also on the increase, it lets people attach importance to construction planning and safe construction methods and technology, actively carry out the metro construction disaster prevention and control.In order to achieve the purpose of construction safety better, this literature used review method, on-site survey method, questionnaire survey method and others, based on analyzing the previously metro construction disaster monitoring system, use of extension theory establish the shield construction disaster monitoring system, analysis monitoring indicators, quantitative analysis, the ultimate realization of accurate monitoring, reducing accidents. The contents are as followed:1. It analyzed of monitoring indicators and project monitoring of metro Shield. Based on the theoretical overview, this paper analyzed the monitor risk factors in the various stages of shield construction to determine the process of metro shield construction monitor and through the monitoring process identified the monitor indicators and the association rules during key monitoring indicators, in order to lay the foundation for later Extension Analysis of indicators.2. Using field research methods, it empirical researches on metro construction disaster monitoring indicators Using of expert interviews on the problem of metro construction monitoring with a predictive analysis. By field research, historical data and relevant documentation analysis metro construction, such as an analysis of monitoring indicators, and through mining technology of extension association rules analysis metro construction monitoring risk indicators and classification, and the metor shield construction of indicators for monitoring structure is divided into nine first-order items,37 second-order item, and then extension matter-element analysis, carry out an index to quantify, so let risk indicators more clearly monitored.3. Through a case studies of a metro construction segment shield construction, it used extension theory’s mining method to analysis monitoring indicators. It established extension monitoring model to find key monitoring indicators from metro construction. Determine the monitoring project, and extension analysis of it, quantitative monitoring indicators, and thus it has anaccurate monitoring about the construction of a metro shield.4. Through the establishment of metro construction monitoring system, this paper will use the G1 method to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of its research, use G1 method’s advantages, evaluate monitoring indicators, identify the system’s deficiencies, greater risk factors that affects metro construction and timely modification, laying the foundation of risk prevention measures; and then filter out the monitoring risk factors that brought about the construction of the shield more important risks, provide the basis and decision-making for metro construction units and the owners.
