

Reseasrch on Industrial Structure of Ecological Civilization Construction

【作者】 李红薇

【导师】 李春发;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 生态环境和自然资源状况已成为制约我国经济与社会进一步发展的主要瓶颈。摒弃以资源浪费、环境破坏和生态退化为代价来换取经济快速增长的发展模式,构建经济、社会和环境协调可持续发展的生态产业体系,促进生态文明社会建设是落实科学发展观和实现我国经济社会可持续发展的必然途径。本文在分析生态文明理论与产业结构理论的基础上,对生态文明建设的产业结构进行比较全面系统的分析。本文是国家社会科学基金项目“促进生态文明建设的产业结构研究—以中新生态城建设为例”(08BJY004)和天津市教委人文社科重点资助项目(ZD200729)的阶段性研究成果之一。本文在分析了生态文明建设与产业结构之间的关系基础上,提出了生态文明建设的产业结构内涵,基于产业生态学原理和系统分析方法提出了生态文明建设产业结构的设计内容与过程,基于系统生态学建模原理,构建了以生态农业、生态工业、生态服务业和环保产业为要素的循环共生、协调发展的产业结构体系架构。在分析了传统产业布局理论基础上,阐述了生态文明建设产业布局的内涵、原则,对生态产业布局的地域层次进行分析,提出生态文明建设的产业布局模式,即以产业布局关联和集约化发展为主要特征的增长极布局模式、点—轴布局模式和网络布局模式。在分析了生态文明建设的产业结构优化内涵和优化条件基础上,基于PSR理念的“原因—效益—响应”的逻辑思维模式,构建了生态文明建设的产业结构优化系统的“压力—状态—响应”框架模型,进而构建了以系统压力指标、系统状态指标和系统响应指标为内容的系统评价指标体系。在分析了生态文明建设产业结构的特征、系统影响因素以及系统结构特点的基础上,基于系统动力学的因果反馈思想,构建了以产业子系统为核心的“资源—产业—环境”耦合的生态文明建设的产业结构系统动力学模型。本文最后以中新天津生态城为例进行实证分析。介绍了中新生态城的地理环境、建设进展以及中新生态城的总体发展定位;对中新生态城产业布局的影响因素、产业布局地域层次进行分析,提出中新生态城内部网络布局模式和以产业关联为主要原则的体现中新生态城产业发展的示范、带动作用的“点—轴”模式复合的产业布局模式;对中新生态城产业结构进行系统动力学的量化仿真分析,确定生育因子、环境质量指数、产业投资比例、各产业科技影响因子、水技术进步因子、资源循环利用率等为调控变量,进行6个方案的模拟调控。结果显示方案5为最佳方案。最后提出构建中新天津生态城的产业创新机制和管理方法体系,以建立中新生态城产业结构体系。

【Abstract】 Environment and natural resource problems are becoming the main bottlenecks of economic and social development in China. It is the certain approach to implement the scientific concept of development and realize of sustainable development of economy and society by discarding the development model of rapid economy growth with the cost of resource over-consumption, environmental damage and ecological degradation, establishing a sustainable eco-industrial system coordinated with economic, social and environmental, and promoting the construction of eco-society. Based on the theory of ecological civilization and the theory of industrial structure, we comprehensively analyze industrial structure system of ecological civilization construction. This thesis is one of the significant researches of the National Social Science Fund Project (No.08BJY004) and Key Research Project of Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities of Tianjin (No. ZD200729).Based on the analysis of the relationship between ecological civilization construction and the industrial structure, the connotation of industrial structure of ecological civilization construction is advanced. We propose the designing contents and processes of industrial structure of ecological civilization construction based on industrial ecology theory and system analysis method, and construct the symbiotic and harmonious industrial system with the elements of ecological agriculture, ecological industry, ecological services and environmental protection industries based on principles of systems ecology.Based on traditional industrial distribution theory, we put forward the connotation and principles of ecological industrial distribution, and analyze the regional layers of it in this thesis. What’s more, this thesis analyzes the industrial distribution models of ecological civilization construction, including the growth poles model, points-axis model and network model, whose main characteristics are the associations and intensive development of the industrial distribution.Optimization connotation and optimization conditions of ecological industrial structure are analyzed. Based on the logical thinking way of "cause-efficiency-response" in PSR model, a "pressure-state-response" framework model for the industrial structure optimization system of ecological civilization construction is present. The systematic evaluation index system composed of system pressure indicators, system status indicators and system response indicators are constructed.After analyzing the characteristics, system factors and the systematic structural characteristics of ecological industrial structure, we build the system dynamics model by system dynamics causal feedback ideological. This model is a coupled "resources-industry-environment" industrial structure system of ecological civilization whose core is industry sub-system.Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city is taken for an example at the end of this thesis. Geographical environment, construction progress and orientation of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city are introduced. The factors influencing ecological industrial distribution and the regional layers of industrial distribution of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city are analyzed. This thesis puts forward a complex industrial distribution model consisting of the network distribution pattern and point-axis pattern, which plays a good example in driving the development in the economy of other area. Ecological industrial structure of Sino-Singapore Eco-City is simulated based on system dynamics. We investigate 6 scenarios involving the reproductive factors, environmental quality factors, the proportion of industrial investment, the industrial technology impact factor, technological progress factor of water resources, and recycling rates. The results show scenario 5 is optinal one. At last, industrial innovation mechanism and integrated mamagement system are established for the eco-industrial structure system in Sino-Singapore eco-city.

  • 【分类号】F121.3;F205
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1006
  • 攻读期成果