

Analysis on Surveillance of Inluenza in Urumqi from 2007 to 2010

【作者】 樊旭成

【导师】 张晨; 郝敬贡;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 公共卫生, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨乌鲁木齐市流感流行规律,便于做好流行性感冒的预防与控制工作。同时为乌鲁木齐市流感病毒的变异预防控制研究奠定基础。方法:通过中国流感中心流感监测系统,对乌鲁木齐市2007-2010年的流感进行病原学监测。结果:通过对乌鲁木齐市2007~2010年流感监测资料进行分析发现:1、在2007/2008监测年度,共采集流感样病例标本127份,其中检出流感病毒B型(Victoria系) 1株,B型(Yamagata) 6株,检出率为5.51%。在2008/2009监测年度,共采集流感样病例标本203份,其中检出流感病毒全部为B型(Victoria)13株,检出率为6.40%。在2009/2010监测年度,乌鲁木齐市暴发新甲型H1N1疫情,共采集流感样标本1218份,其中检出流感病毒阳性株504株,454株为新甲型H1N1,8株A1(H1N1)亚型株,12株为A3(H3N2),30株B (Victoria),检出率为41.38%;病毒分离率以2009/2010监测年度最高。2、三年度0~19岁的流感病毒株阳性率不同,其中2009/2010年度流感病毒阳性株高于2007/2008,2008/2009年度。2009/2010年度各年龄组比较无统计学差异(χ2=8.895,P=0.113)。通过分别对三个年度不同性别之间的流感病毒阳性率间无统计学差异(P值均大于0.05)。3、通过对三个监测年度流感病毒阳性株时间分布分析,2007/2008年度阳性毒株的检出高峰为2007年11月,2008/2009年度阳性毒株的检出高峰为2008年11月和12月,2009/2010年度阳性毒株的检出高峰为2009年10月、11月和12月。结论:通过流感病毒监测系统对乌鲁木齐市2007-2010监测年度分析发现,乌鲁木齐市流感活动高峰时间为每年的冬季和春季,并且各年度流感流行的优势株也会不停的变化。1、2007/2008年度流感流行的优势株是B型(Yamagata系),2008/2009年度流行的优势株为B型(Victoria系),2009/2010年度因新甲型H1N1的爆发全部转换为新甲型H1N1,但是等疫情过后流感亚型趋近于正常,优势株为B(Victoria)亚型。2、三个年度0~19岁的流感病毒株阳性率不同。三个年度不同性别之间的流感病毒阳性率间无统计学差异。3、乌鲁木齐市从2007年开始流感病毒的优势株为B型,且优势一直并持续至2008/2009年度,B型毒株的流行时间与全国其他地区流行期来临的时间基本一致。4、样本的采集质量严重影响病毒分离率,采集合格的样本是病毒分离的基础;5、乌鲁木齐市流感流行规律与我国北方地区的流感流行规律基本吻合,主要体现在流行类型及优势株转换基本相同,流行高峰时段与北方其他省市基本同步。根据流感毒株变化趋势发现每年引起春季流感暴发的流行株会成为当年冬季流感流行的优势株,因此预测2010~2011年度流感流行优势株可能为B (Victoria)亚型。

【Abstract】 Objectives:To explore the epidemic law of Influenza in Urumqi so as to take measure to prevent and control Influenza and meanwhile provide basis for the study of other type of Influenza. Methods:It was from the study of china infulenze monitoring network that we monitaing the nosetiology of infulenze from 2007 to 2010 in Urumqi.During the period of Influenza surveillance, in accordance with the national regulatory requirements of Influenza monitoring network, the methods of chick embryo culture and MDCK cell culture were used to inoculate and capture the nose throat swab specimens with influenza virus collected from Influenza cases in monitored hospital, and the methods of blood condensate and hem agglutination inhibition test were employed to identify the viral antigens’type. Results:1.In 2007/2008, a total of 127 Influenza samples were collected, 7 of them were Influenza virus type B(Yamagata strain), the detection rate was 5.51%.In 2008/2009, a total of 203 Influenza samples were collected,13 of them were Influenza virus type B(Yamagata strain), the detection rate was 6.40%. In 2009/2010, Influenza new A H1N1 outbreak epidemically in Urumqi,1218 influenza samples were collected,504 of them were influenza virus positive, including 454 identified as the influenza new A H1N1, 8 as A (H1N1),12 as A (H3N2),30 as B (Victoria), the detection rate was 41.38%. The Virus separated rate of 2009/2010 was the highest.2. By analyzing the time distribution rule of influenza virus positive strains, we found that the time peak for detection in 2007/2008 was November 2007, in 2008/2009 was November and December 2008 and in 2009/2010 was October November and December 2009. The positive rate of influenza viruses strains in children of 0-19 years ole was different during these three years. The positive rate of influenza virus strains in 2009/2010 was higher than 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. In 2009/2010, there was no significant difference between different age groups. There was also no significant difference between different gender groups in these three years(P>0.05). Conclusions:It was from the study of infulenza monitoring network form 2007 to 2010 of Urumqi we found that infulenza epidemic peak time were winter and spring every year,and everyyear the predominant strain of infulenza epidemic was varied.The predominant strains of Influenza pandemic in 2007/2008 was type B (Yamagata);in 2008/2009 was also type B (Victoria);due to the outbreak of H1N1 influenza, the predominant strains of Influenza pandemic in 2009/2010 conversed to new A H1N1,but after the outbreak, the subtypes changed back to subtype B (Victoria).2. According to the results of influenza surveillance in Urumqi, we recommend the best time for vaccine inoculation is September to November. Since 2007, in Urumqi influenza virus type B was the dominant active strains and continued acting to 2008/2009, its advent time of epidemic was consistent with other parts of our country.2. The positive rate of influenza viruse strains in children of 0-19 years old was different during these three years. There was no significant difference between different gender groups in these three years.3. The epidemic laws of influenza in Urumqi were consistent with northern China, which embodied in the same epidemic pattern and predominant strains as well as the synchronous epidemic peak with other cities of northern China. According to the epidemic trend of influenza, it was found that the strains giving rise to the outbreak of influenza in spring would be the predominant strains in winter, so we predict that the predominant strain of influenza epidemics in the year of 2010/2011 will be the B (Victoria) subtypes.

【关键词】 流感监测预防与控制乌鲁木齐
【Key words】 InfluenzaSurveillancePrevention and contrurumqi