

Research and Demonstration of Year-round Industrializing Production Coprinus Comatus Techniques

【作者】 谢福泉

【导师】 谢宝贵; 肖淑霞;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农村区域发展, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鸡腿菇(Coprinus comatus)又名毛头鬼伞,是一种世界性分布的食用菌,其菇体幼时细嫩,鲜美可口,具有很高的营养价值、药用价值和经济价值。近年来,国内外相继开发栽培鸡腿菇,消费市场越来越广阔。利用南方丰富的稻草资源栽培鸡腿菇,这样可延长种植水稻的产业链,实现农业经济的良性循环。本研究以鸡腿菇工厂化栽培为研究内容,对其关键技术要素进行试验,并通过对试验数据进行系统的分析,探索在现有的栽培环境条件下的鸡腿菇工厂化栽培。本研究得出以下结论:1优良品种的筛选从15个鸡腿菇菌株中筛选出8个鸡腿菇菌株进行品比试验,发现栽培特性存在明显差异,其中B59菌株菌丝生长速度快、整齐、健壮,出菇齐,子实体洁白、鳞片极少、单生菇多,个体中偏大朵,生物转化率达到66.4%;第一潮菇产量较高,占整个产量的70%,且抗病、抗逆性强,菇品质好,适宜采用发酵料袋栽压块法进行设施化、工厂化商品生产。同时A63、F60也表现了较好的性状,生物转化率分别为60.0%和59.3%;可以作为工厂化栽培的备选菌株。2培养基配方的优化采用棉籽壳、稻草、麦麸、玉米粉四种成分为培养基进行优化,通过对配方中添加稻草比例试验和进一步添加氮源配方的筛选试验表明:在棉籽壳中加入一定比例(12%~20%)的稻草,不仅增加了培养料的透气性,还保证了培养料中的水分含量,能够为鸡腿菇的生长提供所需的空气及水分。在试验处理范围内,采用配方:棉籽壳66%、稻草19%、麦麸10%、玉米粉2%、石灰3%和配方:棉籽壳73%、稻草12%、麦麸2%、玉米粉10%、石灰3%进行鸡腿菇栽培,其菌丝洁白、浓密、粗壮、长速快,生物学效率达到61.1%~65.9%。因此,采用部分稻草代替棉籽壳栽培鸡腿菇,可充分利用当地丰富的稻草资源资源,降低生产成本,增加经济效益。3工厂化栽培鸡腿菇关键技术要素项目组重点对菌包菌龄、培养基的处理、覆土技术、空气相对湿度与温度等环境因子控制技术和病虫害综合防治技术等五个方面进行了系统研究。研究认为,要使出菇整齐、产量高、品质好,提高设备设施的利用率和减少病虫害的侵染,须在以下几个方面加强管理:3.1菌包菌龄:经比较试验菌包菌龄以45-50天为宜。3.2培养基的处理:经生料、熟料、发酵料栽培方式的试验比较,认为培养基经过适当前发酵且灭菌处理更适于鸡腿菇工厂化生产,其周期较其它方式短20天以上,且出菇整齐。3.3覆土技术:覆土是鸡腿菇栽培中一项十分重要的技术措施。覆土材料、覆土厚度、覆土方式、覆土pH与鸡腿菇的产量和质量之间有着密切的联系。选择结构蔬松、孔隙度大,通气性能良好,有一定的团粒结构的腐殖质土,如田园土、河泥土、塘泥土等进行消毒处理,最大限度地降低覆土材料中病原菌和害虫的基数,覆土时注意覆土的含水量、均匀度及厚度等。3.4环境因子的调控技术:不管季节和气候的变化,鸡腿菇菌丝生长温度控制在22~28℃,子实体形成和发育温度控制在15~20℃;培养基含水量控制在60~70%,空气相对温度控制在75%~80%,同时注意空气、光线、培养基酸碱度等环境因子。总之,对这些环境因子的调控,要以解决主要矛盾为主,既要有因出菇房设备、设施不同和区域气候、季节变化不同的适时调节管理措施,又要注意以单个菇房为单位的室内环境的均衡性,切实造就一种适宜鸡腿菇生长的环境条件,鸡腿菇在产量、质量及周期上可得到最优的组合。3.5病虫害综合防治技术:通过以防为主的思路和灌输“无菌”、“消毒”、“灭菌”等观念搞好厂区内环境的清洁消毒,提高培养料的配制质量,加强对覆土材料的选择和处理,选用抗性强的菌株,抓好科学管理,谨防病从外来,清房后彻底消毒,发现病虫害及时处置。本项目筛选出适合鸡腿菇周年栽培的优良品种和培养料配方,总结出了鸡腿菇高产栽培技术模式,建立了一套鸡腿菇工厂化栽培操作技术规程。并在武平县岩前镇工业集中区食用菌科技园建立了日产2吨鲜鸡腿菇的工厂化栽培基地,通过技术培训、示范推广,促进了周边鸡腿菇周年生产的发展,取得了显著的经济、社会及生态效益。为解决鸡腿菇生产季节性与消费需求周年化的矛盾,规范并推广无公害鸡腿菇规模化、周年化生产提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 Coprinus comatus is a kind of edible medicinal fungus with world-wide distribution, which has delicate fresh fruit body, delicious taste as well as high nutritional value, medicinal value and economic value. In recent years, cultivation of Coprinus comatus have been developed both at home and abroad, The consumer market has become much more extensive as well. The utilization of straw-rich resources in the south for comatus cultivation extends the industrial chain of planting rice and achieves the virtuous circle of agricultural economy. In this study, we mainly focused on industrial cultivation of Coprinus Comatus, test the key technical elements, analyze the experimental data and explore the cultivation of Coprinus comatus under the existing environmental conditions. The conclusions were following:1. Screening of high quality Coprinus comatus strains for industrial cultivationEight out of fifteen strains of Coprinus Comatus were selected by their mycelial growth in the comparing test. The results showed obvious differences on the cultural characteristics. Of all these stains, B59 showed faster mycelial growth rate, clean and robust homogeneous fruiting, white friut body with fewer scales, as well as more single growth mushrooms. the strains of B59 produced medium or large fruit bodies, and exhibited biological efficiency values of 66.4%. The yield of first flush mushroom was high, accounting for 70%of the entire production. And the products were of good resistance of diseases and stresses as well as high quality. So fermented bag cultivation on sterilized straw was appropriated for industrial production. At the same time, A63, F60 also showed good strains. With biological efficiency values of 60.0% and 59.3%, they could be used as optional strains for industrial production.2. Screening and optimization compost formulaThe compost formula was optimized by using cotton seed hulls, rice straw, wheat bran and corn meal four components. The test of increasing straw ratio of formula and adding nitrogen source showed that adding a certain percentage (12%~20%) of the straw into the cotton seed hull, not only increased the permeability of the material culture, but also ensured the moisture content, so that the Coprinus comatus could get necessary air and water to grow. Two formulas were used in the range of the experiments. For the first one, the ingredients were as follows:cotton seed hulls 66%, straw 19%, wheat bran 10%, corn meal 2%, lime 3% and for the second one:cotton seed hulls 73%, straw 12%, wheat bran 2%, corn meal 10% and lime 3%. The mycelium of comatus was white, dense, thick and with fast growth, the biological efficiency reached 61.1%~65.9%. Therefore, partly use of straw to in place of cotton seed hull for comatus cultivation can make full use of local rich straw resources, lower production costs and at the same time raise economic benefits.3. Key technical elements of Coprinus comatus industrial cultivationPacket age of bacteria strain, medium handling, soil technology, control techniques of environmental factors such as air relative humidity and temperature, and comprehensive prevention technique of diseases and pests, etc. five factors test was carried out.The studies suggested the management of the following areas should be enhanced in order to harvest neat, high production and quality fruit and to improve utilization of equipments and reduce infectious diseases and insect pests.3.1 Age of packetsAccording to comparison test, the appropriate packet age was 45~50 days.3.2 Handling of the mediumAccording to the comparative experiment among uncooked material, cooked material and fermented material cultivation mode, substrates dealed with outdoor fermentation and sterilization was considered to be more fitted for the factory cultivation of Coprinus comatus, which cultivation periods are 20 days shorter than other cultivation mode and initiate fruit body are more regular.3.3 CasingCasing is a very important technical measure in the cultivation of Coprinus comatus. Casing materials, casing height, casing style, casing pH have closely relationship with the yield and quality of Coprinus comatus. The humous soil such as field soil, riverbed soil and pond soil which has loosen structure, high porosity and with fine capability of ventilation should be selected and sterilized. These kinds of soil can furthest reduce the base number of the pathogenic bacteria and vermin. Attentions should be payed to the containing of water, equality degree and thickness degree of the soil.3.4 Environmental factors control technologyRegardless of season and climate changes, temperature for comatus mycelium growth should be controlled in between 22~28℃, for the formation and development of fruiting body at 15~20℃; medium moisture between 60~70%; relative air moisture between 75%~80%, attentions also should be payed to air, light, medium pH and other environmental factors. In short, to regulate and control these environmental factors, it is necessary to solve the leading contradiction mainly, riot only the housing equipment and different management measures in. a timely manner to regulate different regional climate, seasonal changes are needed, but a suitable environment for the growth conditions of Coprinus comatus is also needed. So that Coprinus comatus could on the best available combination in the production, quality and cycle.3.5 Comprehensive prevention technique of diseases and pestsTaking prevention as the main idea and inculcating the concept "aseptic," "disinfection", "sterilization" and etc., we could make sure that the environment is cleaning and disinfection.We should also improve the quality of the preparation of compost formula, strengthen the soil material selection and processing, select strong resistance strain, do a good job of scientific management, guard against disease from the outside. Thorough disinfection of cleaned house, and timely disposal of plant diseases and insect pests are also needed.This study screened out high quality strains and compost formula which is suit for the year-round industrial cultivation of Coprinus comatus, summed up the technical model of high-yield cultivation, established a set of technical specification for the year-round industrial production. Mean while, our team established a factory cultivation base which can yield 2 tons of fresh Coprinus comatus per day in the mushroom technology zone of industrial cluster in Yanqian, Wuping. Through technical training, demonstration and extension, the year-round production of Coprinus comatus was promoted and developed, which has achieved remarkable economic, social and ecological benefits. The research provide a scientific basis for resolving the contradictions of Coprinus comatus production for seasonal and the anniversary of demand of consumption, as well as standardizing and promoting pollution-free Coprinus comatus year-round production.

  • 【分类号】S646.19
  • 【被引频次】2
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