

【作者】 周琳

【导师】 薛冰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 行政管理学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国经济社会的发展,公共生活的重要性越来越突出,公共社会的建设和人的生存与发展的质量越来越密切相关。公共社会是相对于私人领域而言的公共空间,政府、非政府组织、公民等是公共社会的主体,公共社会的规则是公益性、非营利性的。研究公共社会人的发展,透视公共社会对人的发展的要求,反思现实中人的发展存在的问题是顺应社会发展的必然要求,是提高人的生活质量和生存层次的必然要求。从人学的视角分析,公共社会在孕育、诞生以及发展的过程中为人的发展提供了前提条件。人的消费的非排他性,公民与政府良好的互动关系,既重视个人利益又同时兼顾公共利益,人与人之间的协调性加强,一个共有、共享、共用、共建的新型社会的人的发展模式正在形成。公共社会同时又包含着人的发展的丰富内涵:人的平等、自由、无强制的交往行为,公民的参与精神等。公共社会预示着丰富的人学价值:促进主体意识的觉醒和发展,提升公民的民主权利意识,促进公民的自我组织、自我治理能力。促进我国公共社会的发育,在现实性上保障人的发展,是当前社会发展的重要任务。从机制上说,首先是转变政府职能,还权于社会以促进人的发展;其次是培育完善市场机制以促进人的发展,最后是培育、提升公共文化以促进人的全面发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy, the significance of public life is highlighted. The quality of public life needs consistent cultivation and improvement. Public life, relative to private realm, is a public space and government, non-government, citizens and etc. are the main body with the rules of non-profitable, to explore the personal development and the demands for personal development in public society, knowing that the matters of personal development should adjust to the development of this society. From the anthropology perspective, the public society, in the process of birth, development, has provided the individual the prerequisites for personal development. The exclusiveness of people’s consumption, the favorable interaction between government and citizens which has valued both personal interest as well as public interest, and the increasingly compatibility among people are forming the new society of people, by the people and for the people. The public society has the rich connotation of individual development: quality, free, non-force communication, and people’s involvement. The public society has foreshadowed the rich theory of anthropology which is promotion of the awareness of subjectivity, promotion of democratic spirit, boost of the self-management. The main tasks of current society are to promte and ensure the reality of personal development. The fist steps is the change of the government mechanism and give back the right to the society, and the second is the perfection of the market mechanism. The last step is to cultivate and improve the public culture to promote a whole-person development.

【关键词】 公共社会人学促进人的发展
【Key words】 Public societyAnthropologypromotepeople development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期