

【作者】 贾宇润

【导师】 张炜达;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年最高人民法院发布了《最高人民法院关于审理商品房买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,此解释第十八条对商品房买卖合同履行中房地产出卖人一方逾期办理房屋权属证书的民事责任作出了规定,为人民法院公正及时处理逾期办证的民事责任问题提供了法律依据。不过对于如何确定商品房买卖合同中当事人的办证义务、办证的义务属于谁,商品房办证的期限为多长时间,法律的规定要么过于笼统,要么规定相互不一致,没有一个统一的尺度,导致在实践中存在较多的分歧,以致同类案件的处理结果出现相差甚大的情形,甚至出现截然相反的情况,引起了当事人的不满。故笔者结合实践中案件审理及其法律规定与相关的理论,对商品房买卖合同中所涉及的逾期办证问题进行探讨,以期在实际处理商品房买卖中房屋的逾期办证相关问题时能尽可能地做到公平,又相对地倾斜于弱势一方,妥善地处理此类纠纷。本文分六个部分。第一部分由判例引入本文主题,通过对判例分析与思考,力图将逾期办证中存在的法律问题予以揭示。第二部分主要研究了对逾期办证的认定,关键在于明确办证的义务主体及其办证期限。首先归纳出法律上对办证义务主体的相关规定,然后结合实践,确定出办证的义务主体。之后再从法律的角度来看如何认定逾期办证,再从实践的角度来看逾期办证,使得对逾期办证问题有一个整体的认识。第三部分主要研究了逾期办证的形成原因,主要从合同双方当事人即出卖人、买受人以及第三人和不可抗力四个方面来分析,对实践中处理逾期办证责任的承担及提出解决逾期办证问题的对策有重要的意义。第四部分主要研究了逾期办证责任承担的情形,结合第三部分分析逾期办证的原因,依据法律相关规定,确定责任的承担。第五部分主要研究了逾期办证与诉讼时效。承担逾期办证责任的形式主要有继续履行办证义务与支付违约金两种,对于如何适用诉讼时效有较大的争议,实践中采用较多的是认为履行办证为物权行为或具有物权属性,不适用诉讼时效。而笔者认为履行办证义务不适用诉讼时效的理由不够充分,应该从履行办证义务为从合同义务角度来认定不适用诉讼时效。对于支付违约金,笔者不赞同当前部分法官采用的将按日或按月累计计算违约金认定为继续性债权过两年的诉讼时效后采用支持起诉日倒退两年的做法。因为对于没有特殊规定的问题均应严格适用两年的普通诉讼时效,一旦超过诉讼时效起诉,一般不予支持,只是对于现实中的这些做法笔者也能给予理解。第六部分主要研究了对解决逾期办证问题的对策。对于解决一个社会问题,法律规定一个统一的标准是解决此问题的最根本做法,故笔者认为应对办证义务、责任予以界定。除了运用法律来解决问题外,还应由行政机关对办证进行监督,提出了一个预办证登记制度与制定诚信办证房地产开发企业表,另外还从法院的强制执行角度提出一些应对措施。

【Abstract】 Supreme People’s Court issued "Supreme People’s Court on the hearing real estate sale disputes the interpretation of the law applicable to a number of issues" in 2003, to explain the 18th article of the real estate sale real estate seller to fulfill the party late registration of house ownership certificates in civil responsibility to the provisions just in time for the courts to deal with overdue inter alia. The issue provided a legal basis for civil liability. But how to determine the real estate sale obligations of the parties to the accreditation, inter alia, the obligation to belong to who, inter alia, the period of commercial housing long, or too general law or regulations inconsistent with each other, not a single scale, resulting in practice there are more differences, so that the treatment outcome of similar cases, very different situation, even diametrically opposite, causing the party’s dissatisfaction. Therefore, in case I tried combining practice and legal requirements and related theories, pairs of real estate sale involved in late accreditation questions are discussed with a view to Shijichuli commercial housing Mai Mai in the housing when the overdue accreditation-related issues as often as possible Zuodao fair, but also relatively weak tilt on one side, and properly deal with such disputes.This article is divided into six parts.In the first part is the introduction of this subject by the case, by case analysis and thinking, trying to exist in late accreditation of legal issues to be revealed.In the second part of the identification of overdue accreditation, the key is to clear inter alia, the obligations of the principal and the accreditation period. First we summarize the main legal obligations related to the accreditation requirements, and then combined with practice, inter alia, the obligation to identify the principal. And then from a legal point of view how to identify overdue accreditation, and then from the practical point of view overdue accreditation, making the issue of the overdue accreditation an overall understanding.The third part of the reason for overdue inter alia, the formation of the main parties from the contract that the seller, the buyer and the third and four aspects of force majeure, to deal with overdue accreditation of practice, accountability and propose solutions to late accreditation strategy issues are important.The fourth part of the overdue accreditation accountability situation, combined with the second part of the reasons for late accreditation, according to the relevant provisions of law to determine accountability.The fifth part of the overdue accreditation and limitation. Assume responsibility for accreditation in the form of overdue principal obligations to continue to fulfill accreditation and to pay liquidated damages of two, the limitation for the application of greater controversy, the practice is that with more acts to fulfill accreditation for the property or have property attributes, limitation does not apply. The author believes that the obligation to fulfill accreditation limitation does not apply insufficient grounds, should the obligation to fulfill accreditation from the point of view found a contractual obligation limitation does not apply. For the payment of liquidated damages, I do not agree with the current part of the judges will be used daily or monthly calculation of the cumulative nature of liquidated damages determined to continue to claim the statute of limitations two years after the date back by two years to support prosecution of the practice. Because there are no special provisions for the issues should be the strict application of two-year general limitation, once the limitation of action to prosecute, the general does not support, but for the reality of these practices can also provide understanding of the author.Part six of the overdue accreditation to solve the problem of countermeasures. To solve a social problem, the law provides a uniform standard to address the most fundamental approach to this problem, so I think that should accreditation obligations, responsibilities defined. In addition to using the law to solve the problem, but also by the executive of the accreditation to supervise, made a pre-registration system for accreditation and accreditation of integrity in real estate development business forms, also from the perspective of the enforcement of the court to make some response.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D923.6;D923.2
  • 【下载频次】182