

The Study of Effect on the Ica by Stimulationg with Acupuncture on the Zusanli Point

【作者】 谭宁

【导师】 程为平;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的使用经颅多普勒超声仪(TCD)连续检测针刺足三里穴时,受试者(健康青年)在不同时间点内颈内动脉(ICA)末端血流动力学的变化情况,探讨在不同时间点内针刺足三里穴对颈内动脉末端血流动力学的影响,为临床上应用此穴位治疗脑血管疾病提供理论依据。方法受试者为青年健康志愿者10名,其中男性5名,女性5名,年龄22-26岁、平均年龄(22±3岁),既往没有心脑血管疾病及严重的血液系统疾病,无晕针史,检测前身体无任何不适。在安静的环境下(室温25±1℃,湿度60±5%),受试者取仰卧位,头偏向右侧,充分暴露左侧颞部。施术者用针灸针(针长40mm,直径0.30mm)针刺受试者双侧足三里穴,分别在进针时、行针时(针刺后15分钟)、出针时(针刺后30分钟)同时对双侧足三里穴行平补平泻手法,小幅度均匀地捻转,频率为2转/秒,行针15秒钟,以受试者有得气感(酸、麻、胀、痛感)为度,用TCD分别检测进针前15分钟、进针时、行针时、出针时和出针后10分钟五个时间点的左侧颈内动脉末端血流动力学的变化,并分别记录收缩期最大血流速度(Vs)、舒张期最大血流速度(Vd)、平均血流速度(Vm)、搏动指数(PI)及阻抗指数(RI),将数据录入SPSS系统,建立数据库,进行统计学分析结果1、针刺双侧足三里穴在进针时、行针时、出针时和出针后10分钟的Vd、Vm分别与针刺前相比较均显著增加(p值均分别<0.05)。2、针刺双侧足三里穴在进针时、行针时、出针时的Vs与针刺前相比较有显著增加(p值<0.05),但出针后10分钟Vs与针刺前相比,变化不明显,经统计学处理,无统计学意义(p>0.05)。3、PI、RI在针刺得气时、行针时、出针时、出针后10分钟四个不同时间点的值与针刺前相比较均无统计学意义(p>0.05)。PI在行针时、出针时和出针后三个不同时间点的值分别与针刺前相比较皆有下降的趋势,但无统计学意义。结论1、在针刺足三里的不同过程中能显著增加颈内动脉末端(ICA)的血流速度,提示针刺该穴位可增加颈内动脉末端(ICA)的血流量。2、针刺足三里穴对颈内动脉末端(ICA)平均血流速度(Vm)、舒张期血流速度(Vd)有非常显著的后遗效应,提示针刺该穴对ICA有延迟治疗作用。3、针刺足三里穴对颈内动脉末端血管的搏动指数有降低的影响,提示该穴对颈内动脉的收缩和舒张功能有一定的调整作用

【Abstract】 Objective:Examine the changes of the the end of internal carotid artery (ICA) blood speeds、the pulsation index and the resistance index (RI) number when acupuncture the Zusabli point at diffrient time points by theTCD.And then discuss the effect of the Zusanli point with acupuncture to the ICA.Methods:Subjects were 10 normal young healthy volunteers (5 men,5 women, aged 22 years old to 26 years old, average age (22±3). No previous cardiovascular disease and risk factors, no history of halo pin to detect the body without any discomfort before. In a quiet environment,supine the subjects, then start the treatment with acupuncture on the Zusanli point. Then, We evaluated the peak velocity of systolic (Vs)、the peak velocity of diastolic (Vd)、the velocity of mean(Vm)、the pulsation index (PI) and the resistance index (RI) of the end of internal carotid artery (ICA) before、during and after the acupuncture of Zusanli point by appling TCD.Results:The peak velocity of systolic (Vs)、the peak velocity of diastolic (Vd) and the velocity of mean(Vm) of the end of internal carotid artery (ICA) obviously changed durning the acupuncture of the Zusanli point.however, the pulsation index (PI) and the resistance index (RI) did not change obviously. In general, there was no significance in StatisticsConclusion:1. The acupuncture of Zusanli point could raise the kinds of velocity of Terminal internal carotid artery (ICA),can increase blood flow of the terminal internal carotid artery.2. Acupuncture Zusanli right internal carotid artery pulsatility index decreased vascular effects, suggesting that the point of the internal carotid artery systolic and diastolic function in the adjustment function3.Acupuncture could raise the marked after-effect of mean of the Internal Cerebral Artery when the Zusanli point was treated.
