

Poem Based on Brain Science Teaching Practice of Elementary School

【作者】 王薇

【导师】 杨明华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 脑科学研究的新成果,为小学古诗课堂教学改革提供了生理、心理学的依据,为学校实施素质教育提供了新的思路和广阔前景。本文从脑科学的角度对小学古诗教学进行思考,力求借助多种感官、肢体,使学生的左右半脑互为协助、互为补偿地参与到学习活动当中,从而积淀语感、拓展思维发展的空间、增强记忆,使课堂教学更为有效。文中针对目前小学古诗教学中存在的问题,结合小学生的心理特点和新课标的要求,分析了小学古诗教材及教学现状,明确了当前小学古诗教学的意义和重要地位,总结了国内外脑科学的发展历史。按照现代脑科学、建构主义理论,开展基于脑科学的小学古诗课堂教学的研究。文本的研究方法主要有:问卷调查法、理论研究法、实验法、观察法。本文重点研究了:掌握技巧、以吟诵促脑中语感的积淀;创设情境、以想象促大脑思维的发展;联系生活、以感悟促脑中情感的升华;运用媒体、以视听觉促脑中形象的生成;歌舞结合、以音乐促大脑记忆的增强的课堂教学策略。通过对五个操作方法的具体实施,分析小学古诗教学的功能,反思基于脑科学的小学古诗课堂教学应注意的问题,最后提出需要继续探究的问题:在“基于脑、适于脑、促进脑”的脑科学理论指导下,如何运用脑科学研究的成果,进一步深化和推进小学古诗教学的发展;教师在基于脑科学的小学古诗课堂教学中的作用。本文的创新之处在于将脑科学的理论运用到小学古诗课堂教学,以脑科学研究的成果来指导小学古诗课堂教学实践研究。

【Abstract】 The new brain research results, teaching poetry to elementary school reform the physical and psychological basis for the implementation of quality education schools provide new ideas and broad prospects. From the perspective of brain science teaching poetry to elementary school thinking, seek the help of a variety of senses, limbs, so that students help each other left and right hemispheres, each other Buchang involved in learning activity which, thus accumulated sense of language,the development of the space to expand thinking to enhance memory, so that classroom teaching more effective.This paper is aimed at the elementary problems of teaching poetry, combined with the psychological characteristics of students and the new curriculum requirements,analysis of the primary school textbooks and teaching status of ancient poetry, and defined the primary schools teaching poetry the meaning and importance, has summarized the Brain Science history. According to the modern brain science, constructivist theory, to carry out the primary brain science-based classroom teaching of poetry. Text of the research methods are:questionnaire survey, theory, experiment, observation.This paper focuses on:the skill to master in order to recite and promote the accumulation of the brain sense of language; creation of context, to imagine and promote the brain development of thinking; contact life, to promote the perception of emotional distillation of the brain; the use of media to promote the brain visual and auditory image generation; dance combined with music to promote the brain and memory enhancement of classroom teaching strategies. Through five operating methods of the specific implementation, the function of primary schools teaching poetry, reflection poem based on brain science in primary schools should pay attention to the issue of classroom teaching,and finally to the need to continue to explore the question:"Based on the brain, suitable for the brain, the promotion of brain "The brain under the guidance of scientific theory, how to use the results of brain research to further deepen and promote the development of primary schools teaching poetry; teachers in primary schools based on brain science and the role of classroom teaching poetry.Innovation of this paper is to apply the theory of brain science to primary school teaching poetry to the results of brain research to guide the practice of teaching elementary school poetry.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】534