

Studies on the Current Status and Counter Measures of Environmental Education in High School Biology Course of Yancheng Area

【作者】 葛志强

【导师】 陆建身;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 盐城地区经济的快速发展,带来了很多的环境问题。环境遭到破坏后,最终会反作用于经济和社会,影响社会经济的发展,危害人类的生存。“保护环境,教育为本”。环境教育可以从根本上解决日益严峻的环境问题,实现人类社会的可持续发展。了解盐城地区高中环境教育现状和存在的不足,对盐城地区高中阶段环境教育更好的实施具有重要的参考意义。在调查中,主要从盐城地区环境教育开展情况、环境知识、环境意识态度、环境预期行为、对环境教育及活动的参与态度和程度等5个方面编制了学生和教师的调查问卷,随机选取了盐城市10所高中的部分学生和生物教师为调查对象,进行问卷调查。用统计软件Exce12003, SPSS10.0进行统计处理,得到如下结论:1、在高中阶段实施的环境教育,生物课程扮演重要角色。学生对在生物课程中实施环境教育非常欢迎,在新人教版高中生物教材中也渗透了大量坏境教育方面的内容。生物教师接受的环境教育培训少,缺乏系统的环境教育知识。在环境教育有关的活动方面,四星校、三星校以及三星以下校之间存在显著差异。2、盐城地区高中生物教师对于环境方面的认识具有很高的水平,具备开展环境教育的基本素养。学生对环境知识有一定了解,但四星校、三星校以及三星以下校的学生之间掌握的环境知识差异显著。3、生物老师的环境意识较好,大部分学生有良好的环境意识。部分学生对约束自己的行为有一定的选择性。4、大部分同学能够做到不随手乱扔垃圾,会保护国家保护动物,大部分同学能积极主动的参与到环境保护的行动中去。5、学生对环境活动态度积极,非常欢迎学校组织有关活动。大部分同学愿意参加学校组织的环境教育方面的活动。根据调查结果研究分析,得出影响高中生物环境教育的因素有教师、学校以及学生。从调查结果分析,盐城地区高中生物环境教育的存在如下不足。1、现行高中环境教育缺乏专职的环境教育教师。2、环境教育缺乏专门的环境教育教材、设备和资料。3、环境教育内容系统性不够。4、缺少环境教育实施的有效途径,缺少实践活动。5、各学校发展不均衡,四星校好于三星校,三星校好于三星以下学校,城市好于农村。6、环境教育管理没有制度化、规范化。7、环境教育的资金投入不足。8、生物教师之间缺乏相互沟通和观摩。根据目前盐城地区高中生物环境教育的实际状况,结合本次问卷调查的研究结果,提出以下改进高中生物环境教育的措施和建议:1、学生获取知识的主要来源是教师传授,应加强师资培训,建立高素质的环境教育生物教师队伍。2、要明确高中阶段生物环境教育的目标。3、努力拓展生物教材,补充与环境教育相关的内容。4、针对目前高中生物环境教育实践活动薄弱的现实,今后要有计划、有组织地进行环境教育实践活动。5、研究性学习可以培养学生创新精神、实践能力,要努力开展生物环境教育的研究性学习。6、通过一系列讲座,开拓学生视野,激发学生对环境问题的关注,形成良好的环保意识。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economic in YANCHENG, remarkable environmental problems have taken place.And the pollution will finally affect the development of economic and society,and endanger the survival of Local residents."for protecting the environment,education is the foundation." Environmental education is the only way which can fundamentally solve the increasingly serious environmental problems, protect and improve the environment for achieving sustainable development strategy of human society.Knowing the condition and shortcomings of YANCHENG high school environmental education has important reference value for the implementation.In the survey, we made up a questionnaire mainly about these five aspects:the implementation of environmental education、environmental knowledge、environmental awareness、the expected behavior、attitude and degree of participation of environmental education. Students and biology teachers from ten randomly selected local high schools answered the questionnaire. Using statistical software Exce12003, SPSS10.0 to analyze the data, we got the following conclusions:1, biology course plays an important role in the high school environmental education and are very popular with Students.A lot of knowledge about environmental education were found in material of biology course. But Biology teachers received little training of environmental education, and were lack of systematic knowledge of environmental education.And there are significant differences between the implementation of related activities in environmental education of four-star,three-star and below three-star schools.2, High school biology teachers have good awareness of the environmental protection and also have a high level of teaching faculty in environmental education.The students know some common sense about the environment education, but there are significant differences in the acquired knowledge of students between four-star, three-star and below three-star schools.3,the biology teacher usually have better environmental awareness, while most students also have good environmental awareness.Some students have certain selectivity on their behavior constraints.4, most students can do no littering, can protect the national protection, and can participate in environmental protection actively.5,Students have positive attitude to environmental activities,and are very glad to participate in environmental activities.Based on the results of analysis, we got the conclusion that the impact factors are biology teachers in environmental education,schools, and students.From the results of survey analysis, we found the existing shortcomings of high school environmental education in biology are as follows:1,lack of teachers major in environmental education.2, lack of specialized materials, equipment and reference.3, lack of systemic environmental education content 4, lack of effective ways to implement environmental education and lack of practice.5, lack of balance: four-star school is better than the three-star,the three-star is better than below three-star.and urban school is better than the rural one.6, lack of institution and standard.7, lack of capital investment for environmental education.8,lack of communication and cooperation between teachers.According to the current high school biology environmental education, combined with this survey’s findings, we put forward the following to improve environmental education in high school biology:1, as teachers are the main source for students to gain knowledge,we should strengthen training, and Nurture good teachers.2,to clear the goal of environmental education.3, try to expand the contents of biology textbook and add contents about environmental education.4,strengthen the environmental education practice.5, take efforts to carry out research study of environmental education.6,hold a series of lectures to open up horizons of students and inspire students to concern environmental issues,and form good environmental awareness.

【关键词】 高中生物环境教育现状对策
【Key words】 high schoolbiologyenvironmental educationstatus policy