

Development of Shanghai ’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ Project in Public Service Supply Mechanism Reform

【作者】 江小舟

【导师】 王大犇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化时代到来后,公众社会生活和思维方式均发生了深刻的变化,更多的关注起生活质量提高、生活方式差异等非物质类问题。这其中,公共服务供给机制改革是不断完善城市功能的基础工作,其结果和过程与公众日常生活休戚相关,故而受到了很大的关注。2002年,上海市劳动部门为解决当时大龄失业困难人员的就业问题,联合了包括工商、卫生、公安等十多个职能部门推出了的万人就业项目,引发了强烈的社会反响。几年后,有几支队伍成立后对促进社会发展、提高公共服务供给能力起到的不可小觑的作用。然而从业人员的工作满意度问题、身份不适宜问题、队伍可持续发展问题一直困扰着当局。鉴于万人就业项目是城市公共服务供给者和普通从业人员双重身份的所在载体,涉及面广,人数众多,它的改革过程已不能简单地视作某几个部门的工作革新,而必须放在受新公共管理学潮影响中,放在改革城市公共服务供给机制、转变政府职能定位和如何提高公共服务质量这个大命题下,作为一个整体来综合研究。由于万人就业项目提供的公共服务供给过程和方式包含着特定公共服务的特点、资源和制度约束、市场和政治性因素的互动,因此,为避免研究陷于对某一思想理论框架的过份追逐,或产生“非彼即此”的简单化认识,本文特地选取了万人就业项目中就业援助员这一子项目作详细分析。在此基础上,探讨了可抉择性公共服务供给机制在万人就业项目改革中运用的背景和适宜性。本文的内容主要为四部分:第一章为“绪论”,主要说明了研究背景、目的及其理论意义和实践价值,界定了相关概念,介绍了相关研究成果和采用的研究方法和框架。第二章为“万人就业项目的现状分析”,介绍了万人就业项目的由来、背景、各子项目职能和运作过程,阐述了万人就业项目对于社会发展和人民生活带来的影响,也指出了在发展过程遇到的障碍,并分析了原因。第三章为“就业援助协管项目的发展情况”,具体介绍了项目的基本情况、管理方式以及管理难点。第四章为“对万人就业项目发展方向的探讨”,根据国内外实践经验,提出了可抉择公共服务模式在万人就业项目中的运用,并对就业援助协管项目可能发展的几种方向作出探讨

【Abstract】 In recent information world, the public social life and thinking way have changed a lot. More attention has been paid to the improvement of living quality, difference of life style and such intangible subjects. In the process of city development, reform of public service supply mechanism means continuous improvement of city functions, which results are closely related to public daily life and catches so many eyes.Starting from the year of 2002, Shanghai Labor Department, together with over 10 functional departments including industry and commerce bureau, health bureau, police, promotes an’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project in order to solve the problem of elder unemployment, which caused a great sensation in public. Several years later, the foundation of some teams has been doing a great job on promoting social development and improving public service supplier. However, satisfaction of employees, suitability of identification, and sustainable development of team worry the Government. The project, the platform of double identification, supplier of city public service and employees, covers great areas and population. The reform cannot only be considered as working reform of several departments, but also be regarded as an integrated research in the influence of new public management, the subject of city service supplier mechanism reform, change of government function positioning and improvement of public service quality. Due to the project includes interactivity of the feature, resource mechanism restriction, market and public elements of public service and to avoid the research restricted to some thinking theory frame or becoming to’yes or no’understanding, the article selects the sub-project job-aid assistant project of’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project t for detail analysis. Based on the analysis, the article discusses the possibility and feasibility of selective public service supplier in the reform of’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project.The article consists of 4 segments:First chapter, Introduction, mainly introduced research background, purpose, theoretical and pragmatic value. It also made related definitions, manifested various research results and explained methodology and structure of the study. The second chapter is called Current situation of’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project. It reviewed origin, background information, sub project function and process of this project. It not only analyzed impact on social development and citizen life, but also identified obstacles of the projects and found reasons behind. The third chapter is called:development of job-aid assistant project. It deliberately discussed the basic situation, management methods and difficulties and potential development direction of the project. The fourth chapter is called discussion on’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project development directions. It suggested optional public service model to be applied in the’Employment for Ten Thousand People’ project according to domestic and international experiences.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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