

The Investigation and Countermeasures about Hebei Teenagers Physical Training Attitude

【作者】 翟晓明

【导师】 刘毅玮;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 学校体育作为素质教育的重要组成部分,在实施素质教育的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。根据体育教育新课标的基本理念,体育与健康课程应当树立“健康第一”的指导思想,使课程有利于激发学生的运动兴趣,养成学生坚持体育锻炼的习惯,提高学生体育意识和能力,为终身体育奠定基础。为此,学校体育不仅要把学生身体锻炼好,而且要培养学生对体育的兴趣、爱好、习惯等体育意识,使学生走出学校后,仍能根据已掌握知识、继续从事体育活动,坚持不懈参加体育锻炼,使自己终身受益。对青少年学生进行体育意识的培养是实现学校体育与终身体育衔接的重要前提,体育意识的培养对终身体育有着关键的影响。高中生是15、6——17、8岁的处于青年初期的学生,正是身体发育的重要时期,体育锻炼不仅可以增强他们的体质,而且能够促进其身心健康。但是,学习时间是一个不变的常数,进入中学的学生,学习节奏加快了,活动和休息时间也相对减少了。相反,考试的频率却在增加,由于学习压力大、学业负担重,造成学生体育锻炼时间减少,体质迅速下降,不仅诱发各种潜在身体疾患,而且影响身体素质的发展。所以,需要通过体育活动,释放心中的压力,无拘无束地展现自我,消除不良情绪的影响。另一方面,了解高中生体育锻炼的态度,引导学生树立积极的锻炼观,对于提高学生身体素质,培养身心健康的学生具有重要作用。本文在阅读和分析国内外相关文献资料的基础上,采用毛荣建编制的“锻炼态度量表”,对河北省石家庄574名高中学生体育课锻炼态度进行调查,发现:1.高中生体育锻炼的态度总体状况不够积极;2.师大附中和精英中学高中生体育锻炼的态度总分差异不显著;3.高中生体育锻炼不同年级学生的锻炼态度总分差异不显著,但是在目标态度、行为控制感和主观标准方面差异非常显著或显著;4.高中生体育锻炼的态度性别差异显著;5.高中生体育锻炼的态度班级差异显著;之后研究者以篮球课为途径,以改进教法为内容,进行为期8周改变学生锻炼态度的行动研究,结果发现:通过教学方式改进,高一学生体育锻炼态度变化显著,说明能够改变学生体育锻炼态度。针对高中生体育锻炼态度的现状,研究认为:首先,学校要通过多种途径,有目的、有计划地开展体育宣传活动,普及体育健康知识,增强健康意识,提高学生对体育活动的情感和认知感。让学生真正意识到参加体育活动为他们带来的成功感、成就感,使学生更加热爱体育运动。其次,学校应增加体育场地、设施、器材的建设与投入,充实学生的体育活动,丰富学生的体育热情,使学生能根据自己的兴趣来参加他们喜爱的体育活动。第三,将体育课与体育活动有效的结合起来,科学的运筹和管理。还要结合中学生的心理特征和锻炼态度特点,重视女生和重点班学生的体育锻炼,提高他们的锻炼意识,体现“育人为本”的教育思想,满足不同学生各方面的锻炼需求,为终身体育奠定良好的基础。第四,改革教学内容和教学方式,内容要紧密联系学生的生活实际,方法要体现体育活动的特点,充分发挥体育活动的自主性、娱乐性、参与性、体验性,使学生充分感受体育的魅力,形成体育锻炼的意识。第五,不断提高体育老师的素质,使学生“亲其师信其道”。同时,教师通过不断对教学行为的反思,提高教学效果,实现使学生在获得锻炼知识和技能的同时,体验锻炼过程,感受锻炼价值,形成终身锻炼的态度的教育目的。

【Abstract】 As an important part of Quality Education, school physical education plays a decisive role in the process of carrying out Quality Education. According to the basic ideology of the new course standard for school physical education, physical and healthy education should take“health first”as the guiding principle. School physical education should be beneficial to stimulate the students to take part in the exercises, cultivate the habit of insisting on physical training, improve their consciousness and ability of doing physical training and make a foudation for lifelong sports. With this in mind, school physical education should give students a healthy body and train their interests and habits in sense of sports. After graduation, students will insist on doing sports according to the knowledge they learned at school. They can benefit from it for life long. It is the training of the sense of sports that connects school sports with lifelong physical culture. The training of the sense of sports palys an important role in lifelong physical culture.Senior high school students are the young ones between fifteen and eighteen years old. It is an important period for their physical growth. Doing sports can not only make them strong physically but also make them healthy mentally. However, after entering into senior middle school, students have less and less spare time but more and more exams. Under great pressure, they don’t have enough time to do sports. As a result, their health development is seriously influenced. So they really need enough time to do exercises in order to relax both physically and mentally. On another aspect, it is also very important to know students’attitude towards physical training, to guide them to set up sense of sports. That lays a foundation to foster healthy students.In this thesis, MaoRongjian’s“training attitude scaling”is adopted based on the reading and analyzing of domestic and foreign relative literatures. By the survey of 574 senior high school students’training attitude in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, the author found that: 1. Generally speaking, senior high school students’training attitude isn’t active enough.2. In The Middle School Attached to Hebei Normal University and JingYing Middle School, there is no obvious difference between the students’training attitude.3. There isn’t any obvious difference in training attitude among the students in different grades, but their aims, sense of behavior control and subjective standards are different.4. There is significant difference in training attitude between male students and female students.5. There is significant difference in training attitude between students from different classesThen the author took the basketball class as an example and changed the teaching method. 8 weeks later, the author found that the students in grade one have a great change in their training attitude. That means the training attitude can be changed.In view of existing situation, the survey shows that:1. School should carry out sports activities, popularize sports and health knowledge and improve students’sense of sports by more ways. By doing this, students will feel the sense of accomplishment brought by sports so that they will love it.2. School should increase the investment in gym and equipment. That can enrich the soports activities and encourage the students to do more exercises according their own will.3. P.E. lessons and sports activities should be conbined and managed effectively. Students’psychological characteristics and training attitude should also be taken into concern.4. Renewing teaching content and teaching method is also helpful for students to feel the magic of sports and form the sense of sports. Teaching content should be practical, at the same time, teaching method should be various in order to show the diversity of sports. 5. The quality of P.E. teachers should also be improved so that they can be trust by students. Meanwhile, teachers should often rethink their teaching behavior to improve teaching effect and reach the goal of life long sports education.

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