

Tangshan Professional Colleges Popular Artistic Gymnastics of Feasibility Analysis

【作者】 郭悦杰

【导师】 徐华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大学是人口密集的地区,学生的文化素质不俗,有体育锻炼的意识,又是新兴文化的带动者和传播者,宣传力度大,因而非常容易推广和普及体育项目。大众艺术体操具有场地要求简单,投资少,简单易学,便于开展,姿态优美,安全系数高,参与人数灵活,锻炼价值高,艺术性强,观赏性强,深受广大女性欢迎的特点。近年来唐山市经济迅速发展,在经济发展的推动下,唐山市的职业院校也得到了大力的发展,这也正为大众艺术体操在唐山的高职院校扎根打下了基础,提供了物质条件。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法、数理统计法等方法,从唐山市职业院校师资状况,主管领导意愿,场地器材,学生选修大众艺术体操选修课的意愿,专家意见,唐山市职业院校选修课开展情况,我国部分高校艺术体操开展情况,艺术体操的价值、作用、特点、艺术性、美学作用,教学目标等多个方面,对在唐山市职业院校开设大众艺术体操课程的可行性进行了分析论证,并通过对唐山市职业院校的部分体育教师和部分高校的体育专家进行了从教学目标,教学内容与要求,教学学时数分配,考核内容、标准,方法等方面的调查和访谈,通过严谨的分析论证,完成了大众艺术体操课的可行性分析。结果如下:1、在参与调查的专家和领导中有100%的人支持唐山市职业院校开设大众艺术体操课程。2、在参与调查的唐山市职业院校的学生中有71%愿意参加大众艺术体操课程的学习。3、唐山市职业院校的发展情况,专业特点,学生就业情况,及职业需要的角度,有开设大众艺术体操课程的必要性和可行性。4、通过问卷调查及访谈,对唐山市职业院校开设大众艺术体操选修课的几个方面做了深入的分析和数据整理,在唐山市职业院校开设大众艺术体操课程符合唐山市职业院校的实际情况和教学现状。根据调查及问卷分析,得出以下结论:唐山市职业院校目的硬件设施和师资力量较为完备,基本具备开设大众艺术体操选修课的内部和外部条件,根据体育选修课的开展情况和在校女大学生的需求,目前在唐山市职业院校开设大众艺术体操选修课是具备可行性的。

【Abstract】 College, a densely populated area of college students with unusual cultural quality, is an ideal place to spread physical education project because the students, with strong awareness of physical exercise, play an important role as powerful leaders and spreaders of new cultural movement. Popular artistic gymnastics, is popular with female college students due to some advantages as follows: it is graceful, flexible, safe with high value of exercise and appreciation; it is easy to learn and to develop since it needs a simple field and a small investment. With the rapid development of economy in Tangshan, professional schools are booming, which has supplied physical environment and laid solid foundation for rooting of this artistic gymnastics in this area.The paper, through various approaches such as documents, interviews, questionaire surveys, experiments and statistics, learns about the present teaching conditions, field appliances, executives’wishes, experts’suggestions, students’opinions on such an optional course inside some professional schools in Tangshan and other regions. Besides, through interviews of individual specialists, the paper has obtained their points of view on teaching goal, teaching content and requirement, teaching hours allocation, and assessment range, standard and method. It aims to analyze and prove the feasibility of establishing the course of popular artistic gymnastics in Tangshan professional schools in terms of its value, characters, artistry and aesthetic functions. The specific conclusions are listed as follows:1. 100% of the experts and executives involved in the surveys approve the establishment of popular artistic gymnastics.2. 71% of the students investigated in professional schools tend to take the course of popular artistic gymnastics.3. There is necessity and feasibility of setting up such a course according to Tangshan professional schools’development tendency, specialty features, students’employment and career demands, etc.4. Several aspects of the optional course of popular artistic gymnastics were deeply demonstrated and the related statistics were analyzed, so that the plan of setting up the course in Tangshan professional schools is feasible, as it conforms to the practical situation and teaching conditions in Tangshan area.According to the above investigations and questionaire surveys, the conclusion is as follows: the current facilities and teaching faculty in Tangshan city have got ready for the internal and external requirement of establishing popular artistic gymnastics as an optional subject. Furthermore, optional subjects’developing trend of physical education and college girl students’demand have further proved the feasibility of such a blue-printed plan.
