

The Research on Mechanism of Ideological and Political Education During the Course of the Socialism New Rural Construction

【作者】 王艳飞

【导师】 王燕晓;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 马克思主义理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六届五中全会提出要逐步把农村建设成为“生产发展,生活富裕,乡风文明,村容整洁,管理民主”的社会主义新农村,这是党提出的在新的历史条件下促进农村和谐发展的新要求、新任务。但是与社会主义新农村建设这一崭新的伟大实践不相适应的是,当前的农村思想政治教育还存在着很多问题,认真分析和研究当前农村思想政治工作存在的问题及其产生的原因,是我们改变当前农村思想政治工作比较被动局面的需要,更是发挥思想政治教育为社会主义新农村建设保驾护航重要作用的需要。本文正文分三部分,第一部分,探讨农村思想政治教育与社会主义新农村建设的关系,一方面农村思想政治教育对新农村建设起着很重要的作用,另一方面,社会主义新农村建设为农村思想政治教育创造了良好的条件,进而探讨新农村建设对农村思想政治教育提出的新任务、新要求。第二部分,研究新农村思想政治教育存在的问题及其成因。笔者通过对山西省代县枣林镇农村实地调查,深入了解当前农村思想政治教育的现状,并分析其存在问题的原因,从总体上来说,缺少一套健全、稳定、科学的思想政治教育机制是一个重要原因,因此,笔者从思想政治教育的机制角度出发探究农村思想政治教育存在问题的原因。第三部分,在第二部分的基础上试图解决问题。笔者沿着“思想政治教育机制是思想政治教育各要素的构成方式、作用方式以及由此产生的思想政治教育活动的整体的运行方式和人们对思想政治教育活动运行方式的有效调节”的理路,积极探索在新农村建设进程中建立健全农村思想政治教育的五大机制,即领导机制、队伍建设及培训机制、参与机制、激励保障机制、评估机制,从而切实有效开展农村思想政治教育,加快社会主义新农村建设的进程。本文坚持以马克思主义方法论为指导,结合思想政治教育学科的理论,主要采用文献资料法、调查研究法等方法进行研究,实现理论与实践相统一。

【Abstract】 The Party Plenum bring the countryside into a "productive,prosperous life, civilization, clean and tidy villages and democratic management" of the socialist new countryside,this is Party in the new historical promote the harmonious development of rural areas under the new requirements and new tasks. But with the new socialist countryside construction of this new great practice is incompatible with the current ideological and political education in rural areas,there are still many problems, careful analysis and study the current ideological and political work in rural areas the problems and their causes is We change the current ideological and political work in rural areas need more passive state,it is political and ideological work for the building of new socialist countryside important role in escorting needs.This text into three parts,the first part of the Ideological and Political Education of a new socialist rural construction and the relationship between the ideological and political education in rural areas while the new rural construction plays an important role on the other hand,a new socialist countryside construction ideological and political education in rural areas has created favorable conditions,and then discuss the new rural construction on the ideological and political education in rural areas made new tasks and new requirements.The second part of a new ideological and political education of rural problems and their cause. By the author of Shanxi Province,on behalf of the county town of rural Zaolin field survey,in-depth understanding of the current status of ideological and political education in rural areas and to analyze the cause of the problems,generally speaking,the lack of a sound,stable,and the scientific mechanisms of ideological and political education is an important reason,therefore,the author of ideological and political education from the perspective of exploring the mechanisms of ideological and political education in rural areas there is the problem.The third part,on the basis of the second part of the attempt to solve the problem. I follow the "ideological and political education,ideological and political education system in the rural elements of the constitution,mode of action and the resulting ideological and political education of the whole operation mode and the people running the ideological and political education activities effectively adjust the way" logic,and actively explore the process of building new countryside to establish and improve ideological and political education in rural areas six mechanisms,namely leadership mechanism , mechanism, participation mechanism, incentive mechanism, the input mechanism,evaluation mechanisms to effectively carry out the ideological and political education,to promote a new socialist rural construction.This article adhere to the guidance of Marxist methodology , combined with ideological and political education theory, mainly in literature, research studies and other methods to achieve unity of theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】D422.62
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】268