

【作者】 麦立庚

【导师】 陈伟杰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会的进步、信息科技的飞速发展,各行各业对从业人员的职业素养和业务水平不断提出新的要求。因此,终身学习已成为人们学习生活中不可缺失的一部分。在职职工学习形式除个人主动获取知识的学习以外主要以所在单位组织的培训为主。如何让职业培训过程科学化成为相关研究者的主要研究课题。由于在职工作人员的学习时间不固定、存在专业差异以及学习目的性强等诸多特点,采用传统的教学方法和方式已经无法满足他们对提高职业素养和业务水平的需求。为充分满足这一特殊群体的需求,建立一套适合他们的职业培训系统,让他们能够自主安排学习时间并选择学习内容的新型学习模式已成为亟待解决的问题。本文以既往职工培训方式和成人学习特点为研究基础,以新疆地区广电行业在职工为研究对象,将网络技术引入职业培训系统中,提出一套基于Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment,即模块化面向对象的动态学习环境)的职工职业培训方式与方法。这一系统的创新之处是:以Moodle为平台的模块化的学习内容为基础,提出“职业培训三结合”的教学模式,即理论教学与工作实践相结合、案例教学与实际操作相结合以及新技术教学与岗位需求相结合。它的特点是:让学员有针对性得开展学习;重视学员的兴趣与工作需求;教学内容贴近实际工作需求。这些特点将有助于提升职工综合素质。此外,通过网络环境的应用,参加学习的职工在协作意识上也可以得到培养和锻炼。以Moodle为平台的“职业培训三结合”的教学模式实际应用于新疆广电行业职工培训。依据新疆地区及广播电视行业特点,本人对职业技能进行了划分,制定了培训课程,建立了以Moodle为平台的职业培训系统。该培训系统很好的体现出了设计理念,在具体运行过程中能较好的完成了各种设计功能,在一定程度上缓解了从业人员的职业素养和业务水平与广播电视行业日益增长的需求之间的矛盾。

【Abstract】 Due to social progress and the rapid development of information technology, all the industries ask for continuously upgrading occupational stuff and competence of people who have a job. Life study and occupational training become an integral part of people’s life and a focus of researchers. For people who have a job, they have features as no fixed study time, various occupations, and clear target of study etc. Traditional teaching method and style will fail to satisfy them in improving their occupational stuff and competence. It’s especially important to establish an appropriate occupational training system to allow those people who have a job to arrange study time and select what to learn freely, meeting fully this special group’s demand and popularizing life study and occupational training. Based on an analysis into the style of occupational training and the characteristics of adult learning, network technology is made use of in the occupational training for workers of Xinjiang; a set of network-based occupational training style and method is delivered. This training system sets occupational teaching as the target, modularizes the contents to be studied, and delivers the "three-combination mode" of occupational training:combination between theoretic teaching and working practice; combination between case teaching and actual operations; new technology teaching and Position Requirements. Students are free to study pertinently. The whole teaching process attaches importance to the interest and working requirements of students, teaches the contents with close relation to practice, and thus helps the improvement of students’ comprehensive stuff. Besides, the application of and learning by network environment trains and builds students’collaboration awareness.With the broadcasting& TV industry of Xinjiang as the research object, the author takes a detailed analysis into the existing occupational training system of the broadcasting& TV industry of Xinjiang, dividing the occupational skills and compiling training courses. Using the open source network learning platform Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) as the backbone the teaching and training platform is built and designed and developed with courses suitable for the characteristics of Xinjiang and the broadcasting& TV industry. After one period’s test and use, the initial thought for the design of the training system is basically met, and mitigated is the conflict that the occupational stuff and competence of employees of broadcasting& TV industry cannot meet the demand imposed on them by the increasingly growing broadcasting& TV industry.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【下载频次】295