

Study on the Environmental Policy of Priority Zone Planning in Anhui Province

【作者】 戴晓峰

【导师】 孙世群;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国“十一五”规划纲要首次明确提出,将国土空间划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类主体功能区,形成合理的空间开发结构。党的十七大报告进一步明确提出,到2020年,基本形成主体功能区布局。主体功能区指基于不同区域的资源环境承载能力、现有开发密度和发展潜力等,将特定区域确定为特定主体功能定位类型的一种空间单元。划分主体功能区主要应考虑自然生态状况、水土资源承载能力、区位特征、环境容量、现有开发密度、经济结构特征、人口集聚状况、参与国际分工的程度等多种因素。由于安徽省不同区域的环境承载能力、环境特征、生态功能存在着显著差异,不同地区的经济社会发展水平也不尽一致。我省主体功能区分布主要为:优化开发区位于沿淮河中下游的安徽段两侧分布,该区域伴随着城市工业化、城镇化的高速发展,不同程度出现了环境污染持续加重;重点开发区位于巢湖经济圈和皖江经济开发区。该区域是安徽省经济发展的重点,城镇密集,工业发达,污染较为严重;限制开发区位于淮北平原基本农田保护区、大别山水源涵养与生物多样性保护区、皖南山区水土保持与生物多样性保护区、华阳湖群洪水调蓄与生物多样性保护区、巢湖流域上游面源污染控制重要生态功能保护区,这些区域生态环境极敏感,对于维护和保持区域生态服务功能都有重要作用;禁止开发区位于黄山-九华山风景名胜区及自然与文化遗产保护区、天马和鹞落坪国家级自然保护区,这些区域植被覆盖率高,生态环境条件优越,生态系统保存良好。在推进主体功能区形成过程中,针对不同区域政策的有效性,应实行区域差别化的环境政策。对于重点开发区实行严格的污染物排放和环保标准,加强区域规划环评,建立和完善环境准入、环境淘汰和排污许可证制度,大幅度减少污染排放;对于优化开发区实行严格的建设项目环评制度,制定具有针对性的污染物排放标准,发挥环境保护政策的约束和激励功能,促进该区域经济增长方式的转变,做到增产减污;限制开发区实施更加严格的环境标准,利用环境政策的约束功能限制不合理的开发方式,同时进一步完善经济补偿政策等配套政策,确保生态功能的恢复和保育;对于禁止开发区严格禁止环境污染的基础上,开展生物多样性评价,建立并完善生态补偿政策及有关财政支持制度,提高区域生态环境质量。

【Abstract】 The outline of the 11th Five-year Plan of China first and clearly stated that national land space should be divided into four priority zones:optimal development zone, key development zone, restricted development zone and prohibited development zone, to form a reasonable space exploitation structure. The report of the 17th People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China further clarified that China would basically form the layout of priority zones by 2020.The priority zone is a space unit to determine one specific area as one specific main functional type based on the carrying capacity of environment, existing development density and development potential etc in different areas. Priority zone division should mainly considered the ecological conditions of nature, carrying capacity of soil and water resources, geographical features, environmental capacity, existing development density, economic structure characteristics, the status of population aggregation, level of participation in international division of labor and other factors. Since there are significant differences of environmental capacity, environmental characteristics, ecological functions in different regions of Anhui Province, the economic and social development are not the same in the different regions.Distributions of the priority zones of Anhui Province mainly are as follows: optimal development zone, located along at both sides of the HuaiHe River in AnHui section, cities in this zone are increasingly being polluted along with the high speed development of industrialization and urbanization; key development zone, located in Chaohu Economic Circle and Wanjiang Economic Development Zone, this region is the important zone of economic development in AnHui Province, with concentrated cities and towns, developed industries, and the pollution is relatively more serious; restricted development zone, seated in basic farmland protection area of Huaibei plain, water resources conservation and biodiversity protection area of the Dabie Mountain area, water and soil conservation and biodiversity protection area in southern Anhui mountainous area, flood store and regulation and biodiversity protection area of the Huayang lake group, important ecology function protection area of the Lake Chaohu basin upstream surface source contamination control, ecological environments of these region are extremely sensitive, are very important to maintain regional ecology service function; prohibited development zone, located in the scenic, natural and cultural heritage protection zone of Huangshan mountain and Jiuhua mountain, Tianma and Yaoluoping national nature protection area, the vegetation coverage of these regions is high, the ecological environment is superior, the ecosystem is well preserved.In the progress of promoting the formation of priority zones, according to the effectiveness of different regional policy, the regional differentiated environmental policies should be implemented. For the key development zone, implementing the strict pollutants discharging and environmental protection standards, strengthening environment impact assessment of regional planning, establishing and improving the permission system of environment access, environment elimination and pollutants discharging, greatly reducing pollutants discharging; for optimal development zone, implementing strict environment impact assessment system for construction projects, drawing up specific standards for pollutant discharging, making full use of the constraint and incentive functions of environmental protection policy, promoting the transformation of economic growth mode, achieving production increasing and pollution reducing; for restricted development zone, implementing more strict environment standards, restricting the irrational development mode by using the constraint function of environment policies, meanwhile, further improving such supporting policies as economic compensation policy and so on, assuring the recovery and conservation of ecological function; as for prohibited development zone, on the basis of strictly prohibiting environment pollutions, carrying out biodiversity assessment, establishing and perfecting the ecological compensation policy and relevant financial support system, enhancing the regional ecological environment quality.

  • 【分类号】X321
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