

Studied on Propagation and Salt Resistance of Dichroa Febrifuga L.

【作者】 柳根水

【导师】 赵九洲;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 常山(Dichroa febrifuga Lour.)为绣球科(Hydrangeaceae)常山属(Dichroa Lour.)落叶灌木,是一种具有较高观赏特性和药用价值的野生植物资源。为了保护和合理开发利用野生植物资源,满足人们对观赏苗木的需求,本文首次以常山为材料进行引种驯化,探索其种子播种繁殖、扦插繁殖、组培繁殖技术以及在NaCl胁迫下的生理反应机制,研究结果如下:1.通过采用2008年1月、2009年1月、2010年1月采集并以6种形式储藏的种子在田园土、纯河沙、1/2河沙+1/2泥炭、1/3河沙+1/3泥炭+1/3蛭石的四种播种基质中进行发芽研究。结果发现,2008年1月采集的种子发芽率为零,2009年1月采集的种子发芽率次之,而以2010年1月采集并以果球形式储藏于4℃冰箱内的种子发芽率最高,为81.25%。说明常山种子不耐贮藏,贮藏2年的陈种子,全部失去活力,当年生种子的发芽率较高。研究发现常山种子在室内常温下不耐贮藏,贮藏时间越久,发芽率越低;在冰箱内贮藏(4~5℃)的种子发芽率(Germination percentage,缩写GP)、发芽势(Germination potential, GPT)、发芽指数(Germination index, GI)和活力指数(Vigour index, VI)均高于室内常温贮藏的种子;以浆果果球贮藏的种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均高于裸种子。发芽基质研究发现,以河沙为基质GP、GPT、GI和VI均高于河沙+泥炭混合基质,也高于河沙+泥炭+蛭石混合基质,表明河沙可作为常山种子育苗的适宜基质。常山为需光性种子,种子发芽需要光照;试验表明短期冷藏的种子在光照条件下发芽率最高。2.通过不同季节、不同基质、插穗不同年龄以及激素不同浓度对常山进行扦插繁殖研究,调查统计成活率、新长叶片数、生根数量及其平均根长、根系活力和根系效果指数等。结果表明:秋季是常山的硬枝扦插繁殖的适宜季节,且以在河沙:泥炭=1:1基质中插穗经过1000mg/L的NAA浸蘸30s的成活率最高,为84%;春季扦插繁殖研究表明,常山嫩枝扦插,河沙:泥炭=1:1的基质中扦插成活率为100%,在河沙:泥炭:蛭石=1:1:1的基质中经过500mg/LNAA浸蘸60s的扦插成活率为100%,在纯河沙基质中经过1000mg/LNAA浸蘸30s的扦插成活率为100%;研究表明常山的扦插生根方式为皮部生根为主、愈伤组织生根为辅的综合生根类型,根系效果指数与平均生根数、平均根长相关,且以秋季硬枝和春季嫩枝扦插效果较好。3.通过选取常山当年生半木质化嫩枝的腋芽幼嫩茎段为外植体材料,进行了组织培养研究。在外植体消毒方面,研究发现用75%酒精表面消毒25s后,再用无菌水冲洗三次,然后用0.1%升汞浸泡10min的消毒方式较好,外植体被污染率较低。以MS+6-BA2mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+琼脂粉5g/L+蔗糖20g/L为常山茎段芽诱导的培养基,以MS+IBA 0.1 mg/L+GA3 1 mg/L+琼脂粉5g/L+蔗糖20g/L为促进常山茎段根的分化的培养基,pH值在5.8~6.0之间,常山茎段的芽诱导和根分化效果较明显。4.以不同浓度NaCl(0、200、400、800和1200mg/L)对常山进行胁迫处理,旨在研究常山在耐盐方面的生理机制,为常山的栽培提供参考依据。结果发现,低浓度的NaCl对常山的生长发育具有促进作用,以800mg/L的NaCl对常山生长发育效果最好。随着NaCl浓度的升高,常山叶片细胞膜透性的伤害率也逐渐加大,而丙二醛(MDA)含量先上升后下降,以NaCl在400mg/L时含量最高。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性随着NaCl浓度的升高呈先升高后降低的趋势,以NaCl在800mg/L时活性最高。

【Abstract】 Dichroa febrifuga Lour,a kind of deciduous shrub in wildness belong to the family of Hydrangeaceae and Dichroa genus which is so valuable resources that should be protect in all kind method. In order to protect and put it in use in garden and meet the material requirement of landscape application, the seed germination, cutting propagation, tissue culture and NaCl stress were researched,and the suggestions were given for protection, utilization and domestication of these wild ornamental and herb trees.The results shown as follow:1. The seeds were collected in Jan.2008, Jan.2009 and Jan.2010, respectively,that were planted in four media (garden soil,sand,1/2 sand+1/2peat,1/3 sand+1/3 peat+1/3 vermiculite) for germination test. The results shown that the highest germination percentage was the one which has been collected in Jun.2010 which were stored in a refrigerator with 4℃. Then is the one that collected in Jun. 2009. Germinating percentage was zero from which the seeds collected in Jun.2008. The results indicated that seed of Dichroa febrifuga are not resistant to store for which there were none germination had stored for 2 years, and the longer time of storege the lower germination percentage in the condition of indoor temperature. All of the index of germination percentage(abbr.GP),germination potential(GP), germination index(GI) and vigour index(VI)which were stored in refrigerator were higher than that were stored in the condition of indoor temperature. And All of the index of GP, GPT, GI and VI which were stored in the storage practice of bacca were higher than that were stored in bare seed. The research of media in germination indicted that the GP、GPT、GI and VI in the medium of sand were higher than that in both of the medium of Sand+Pea and Sand+Peat+Vermiculite medium,and the result indicted that the seed of Dichroa febrifuga Lour was light-requiring seed, the highest germination percentage was obtain by stored in refrigerator for a short time and in the condition of illumination.2. Cutting propagation research including cutting season, cutting media, soft and hard branch cutting as well as well as hormone concentrations were studied and the survival rate, leaf number, rooting number, root vitality, root effect index were tested.. The results shown that hard branch was soaked by 500(mg/L) NAA for 30s, and planted in medium of 50% river sand mixed with 50% peat in autumn had the highest survival rate for which was eighty four percent. The results of cutting research in spring shown that survival rate of soft branches cutting was a hundred percent that were planted in the medium of 50% river sand mixed with 50% peat and sand mixed with peat and vermiculite with the proportion of 1:1:1, for which the cuttings were soaked by NNA(500mg/L) with 60 seconds.The survival rate was a hundred percent that the cuttings were soaked in NAA(1000mg/L) with 30 seconds in the medium of pure river sand.The research demonstrated that it was comprehensive root type that mainly of root primordium initialed from cortex, and auxiliary root primordium was initialed from callus and the root effect index related to leaf number and rooting number. Both the hard cuttings in autumn and soft cuttings in spring had good results, respectively.3. Semi-lignified shoots were selected from Dichroa febrifuga Lour which used as explant in tissues culture experiment. The results indicted the effectively sterilization were that the explant disinfected with 75% alcohol for 25 second then washing it three times with sterile water,and then soaked in 0.1% mercuric chloride for 10minutes,and there was none contaminated in medium of tissue culture.The medium of MS medium+6-BA 2mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+agar 5g/L+sucrose 20g/L as Dichroa febrifuga Lour was used as stem bud induction, and MS medium+ IBA 0.1 mg/L+GA3 1 mg/L+agar 5g/L+sucrose 20g/L was used as the induction medium to promote the differentiation of root stem. Dichroa febrifuga Lour’s stem and root buds differentiation induction effect was obvious when pH value of 5.8~6.0.4. Salt stress mechanism was studied by NaCl(0、200、400、800 and 1200mg/L) of Dichroa febrifuga Lour, and the results shown that low concentrations of NaCl can promote the growth and development of Dichroa febrifuga Lour among which 800(mg/ L) was suitable concentration to promote the growth and development. As the NaCl concentration rising, cell membrane damaged rate increased gradually, and malondialdehyde (MDA) contend increased in lower NaCl stress treatment and then decreased significantly in higher concentration of NaCl treat. MDA concentration reached the highest when NaCl contend was 400(mg/L).The most activity of Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) was that the NaCl contend was 800mg/L.

  • 【分类号】S685.99;S567.19
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