

The Investigation and Practice Research on the Relationship Between Head Teachers and Students in Junior High School

【作者】 卢宁莉

【导师】 任苏民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 初中阶段是学生成长的关键时期。在这个多元经济、多元文化并存的社会里,初中班主任承担着保障学生身心健康发展、对他们进行科学的指导和引导的重任。随着课程改革的深入,均衡发展已被列为义务教育的重点。完成和实现这一目标的任务又落到了初中班主任们的肩上。班主任与学生的关系是在师生双方的交往中形成、维持和发展起来的,是学校教育过程中至关重要的一种关系。因此,在初中阶段建立班主任与学生之间良好的关系,不仅是师生双方心理发展的需求,是学校各项教育活动取得成功的保证,是推进义务教育均衡发展的要求,更是实施素质教育的必备条件。本研究通过问卷调查、师生访谈以及案例分析等方法,归纳出目前初中班主任与学生之间存在的实际问题,从班主任、学生、学校、家庭和社会等方面分析影响班主任与学生关系的因素,并结合调查结果和具体案例探索改善师生关系的有效途径和方法。希望笔者的研究能为广大初中班主任进一步做好教育教学工作带来一定的启示。论文分为四个部分。第一部分为绪论,包括本文的研究背景、意义、课题的界定以及研究设计。第二部分为文献综述,包括国内外对班主任与学生关系的相关研究以及现有研究的不足之处,以期为改善初中班主任与学生的关系、为素质教育的深化发展提供一定的理论参考。第三部分为初中班主任与学生关系的调查分析。通过对苏州市立达中学、景范中学、草桥中学、振华中学三个年级的部分班主任和学生的问卷与访谈调查,得出具体数据并对调查结果进行分析、对班主任与学生关系中存在问题作了归纳,并从班主任、学生、学校、家庭和社会等方面对目前师生现实关系的成因进行分析。第四部分为改善初中班主任与学生关系的实践与对策。结合大量案例进行探索,围绕班主任的师德修养、教育观念、教育智慧以及师生沟通等方面,总结出一些实用而有效的实践经验,为班主任们提供参考;同时还在此基础上就班主任、学生、学校、家庭和社会等角度进行思考,提出了一些对策与建议,以使本研究更有实际价值。

【Abstract】 The critical period of students’growth is the time they spend in junior high schools. In the society in which pluralistic economy coexists with multiculture, head teachers of junior high schools are undertaking the responsibility of guiding their students scientificly to maintain physical and mental health of them. With the deepening of curriculum reform, balanced development has been listed as the key point of compulsory education. Head teachers are asked to try their best to achieve this goal. The relationship between head teachers and students, which is the most important relationship among all the relationships in school education, is formed in the communication between them. Therefore, it’s very important to build a good relationship between head teachers and students in junior high schools. That’s the need of mental development of both teachers and students. It also helps middle schools to organize all kinds of activities successfully. What’s more, it can promote the balanced development of compulsory education and carry out quality education. The study sums up the main problems existing in the relationship between head teachers and students by using individual cases, interviews and questionnaires. It also analyzes the factors which affect the relationship from head teachers, students, schools, families and the society and explores the effective ways to improve the relationship through the results of the questionnaires and individual cases. The author hopes this study may help all head teachers to complete their work better.The paper is divided into four parts.Part 1: Introduction. It includes the background of the study, significance, the definition and study design.Part 2: Literature interview. It introduces the previous studies in this field home and abroad and the shortcoming of current studies. The author hopes to provide some theoretical reference for improving the relationship between head teachers and students and deepening quality education.Part 3: The relationship between teachers and students of the status quo of study and analysis. Through the questionnaire survey and interview among the head teachers and students from the following four junior high schools, Lida, Jingfan, Caoqiao and Zhenhua, the author sums up the main problems existing in the teacher-student relationship and analyses the specific data and the factors from five aspects.Part 4: Practice and suggestions. By analyzing lots of individual cases, the author sums up some effective solutions on several aspects, such as head teachers’professional ethics, educational concept, educational wisdom and teacher-students’communication. The author also gives some countermeasures and suggestions to make the study more practical and valuable.

【关键词】 初中班主任学生关系调查实践
【Key words】 junior high schoolhead teacherstudentsrelationshipinvestigationpractice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期