

The Research of Student Disciplinary Hearing System in the Universities

【作者】 陈周

【导师】 黄学贤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高校依法享有学生处分权,其法律性质应属于行政权力,应当按照行政程序对学生进行处分,遵循正当程序。司法实践中,因处分程序缺失或存在瑕疵,高校被学生诉至法院并败诉的不在少数。所幸,正当程序的核心听证制度被部分高校较早引入高校学生处分程序中并付诸实践。本文对高校十年听证制度状况进行了横向比较和纵向沿革考察,并对实践现状进行实证分析。高校学生处分听证制度虽取得初步成效,但还存在听证范围依然狭窄、听证前置仍待努力、案卷排他制度未能确立、听证组织独立性不强、听证程序的救济机制缺失等主要问题。其影响因素有两个方面,一是有利因素方面,为行政处罚法听证制度可比照实行,高校依法治校制度和师生法治理念具备较好基础,国内外高校听证制度经验可资借鉴;二是不利因素方面,为教育法制建设不能与高等教育体制改革相适应,“依法治校”的理念未能在高校真正树立和贯彻,我国“重实体、轻程序”传统法制观念的影响。高校学生处分听证制度的普遍建立及健全,有赖于完善我国有关高等教育的实体法,大力加强我国高等教育程序法建设;强化高校管理者对正当程序及其制度的认识,利用正当程序规范学生处分权力,通过听证制度实现看得见的公平,设计行政程序培养学生民主参与品质;建立健全高校处分听证制度:听证程序应予前置、听证适用范围应予合理确定、加强听证主体独立性与中立性、应明确建立案卷排他制度、应确立责任追究和监督救济机制。

【Abstract】 The university has the right of punishment whose legal nature is belong to administrative power according to the law, so we ought to deal with disciplinary sanction in legal administration procedure . However, many universities have been prosecuted by students and lost the lawsuits because of the deficiency or demerit of punishment procedure in judicature affairs. Fortunately, as the heart of the legitimate procedure, the hearing system has been led into the university hypervisor and the procedure of punishment towards the students by universities for a long time .This article analyzes solid evidence in the practice of hearing system by comparing the affairs among different circumstances and the affairs between now and the past during recent ten years. Although the universities have made preliminary progress in hearing system of punishment towards students, the following problems still remain: people’s right of participating in the hearing is still limited; hearing of witnesses can’t be preposed; system of files exclusivity hasn’t been established; the independence of hearing organization is not powerful; the remedy system of hearing system is absent ; the transparency of hearing information is not enough and so on. There are many adverse factors: The education legal system building is not adapt to the reform of higher education system; The concept of“administer the university by law“has not been set up and carried out; What’s more, the traditional concept of“stress the entity while understimate the procedure”also has an effect upon it.It is constituting our country’s higher education substantive law that instituting and consummating universitiy’s hearing system of punishment at large should rely on. We should improve on our higher education procedural law forcefully, and set up legitimate procedure principle, and make clear that university punishment should accept judiciary cognizance. We should strengthen the university governors’cognition of legitimate procedure and system so that we can put right the right of publishement towards students though legitimate procedure. As a result, we can make the visible equity come true by hearing system. In addition, we should also design administration procedure to cultivate students’character of democratic participation.We should do as follows to institute and consummate universitiy’s hearing system of punishment: hearing system should be brought forward;The extension the hearing can be used should be confirmed logically; we should also make the hearing principal part more unaided and adiaphorous; we should set up the system of files exclusivity accountability system supervise and remedy system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期