

The Study of the Impact on the Balance of Core Strength Exercise for the Moderate Retarded Children

【作者】 李伟艳

【导师】 程其练;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪60年代以来,特殊教育在理论构建上取得了很大突破,从而改变了其从属于普通教育的地位。但这之前,特殊教育的主要对象还是针对视力、听力障碍的儿童。而智力障碍儿童的教育是在1979年起试办的,经过了近三十年发展,成为了我国特殊教育发展最快的领域。然而,智力障碍儿童的教育并不全面,无论是智力障碍儿童教育体系内,还是体育教育体系内,都未全面将智力障碍儿童的体育教育纳入,而通过智力障碍儿童参与体育运动以达到增强体质、提高运动能力进而提高社会适应能力等的研究更是鲜见。本研究通过对江西省南昌市西湖区育智学校学生进行为期一年半的跟踪实验观察,对其中20名9-13岁低年级中度智力障碍儿童,进行了为期12周的核心力量锻炼,并测试和分析了锻炼前后的静态(闭眼单脚站立、测力板测试)和动态(前庭稳定性测试、走直线测试)平衡能力指标。然后,针对核心力量锻炼对智力障碍儿童的影响,对学校老师和智力障碍学生家长进行了调查,并做了简易评价。主要研究结论如下:1)中度低年级智力障碍群体的个体之间的平衡能力差异很大。2)核心力量锻炼能够有效的改善中度智力障碍儿童的静态和动态平衡能力,即闭眼单脚站立和走直线在试验前后均呈现显著性差异。3)智力障碍儿童左右脚的平衡能力存在显著性差异。整体评价指标显示,左脚静态平衡能力远远优于右脚。4)核心力量锻炼明显改善了试验对象右脚的轨迹长度、平均摆动速率、95%的椭圆面积等静态平衡能力评价指标。5)核心力量锻炼对低年级智力障碍儿童的前庭稳定性有较强的敏感性。

【Abstract】 Since the 60s of the 20th century, the special education has made great breakthroughs on the building of the theory, so it changed the subordinate status of general education. But before the main objects of special education were children with vision and hearing impairment, and the education of children with intellectual disabilities started in 1979, after the development of three decades nearly, which has become the fastest areas in the special education. However, the education of children with intellectual disabilities is not comprehensive, whether within the education system, or physical education system, the physical education of children with intellectual disabilities is not included comprehensively, and the study on increasing physical, improving exercise capacity and the ability of social adaptation through sports participation is rare.In this study,the author has a tracking observation for the students in Yu Zhi school of Xihu District Nanchang, Jiangxi Province for one and a half years,20 moderate retarded students in lower grades of them with 9-13 year-old had core strength training for a period of 12 weeks, and indicators of static (single-foot stance with eyes closed, force platform tests) and dynamic balance (vestibular stability test, the straight line test) are tested and analyzed before and after exercise. Then, on the impact of core strength training for mentally handicapped children, school teachers and parents of the objects were investigated, and made a simple evaluation.The major findings were summarized as follows:1) The difference of the balance among moderate mental retardation groups shows very different.2) Core strength training can improve the moderate retarded children’s static and dynamic balance ability effectively, that is single-foot stance with eyes closed and the straight line test before and after the experiment both showed a significant difference.3) The force platform test of the objects’static balance has shown that there were significant differences between their feet, and the left foot is better than the right.4) Core strength training significantly improved the trajectory length, the average swing speed and 95% of the elliptical area of the objects’right foot.3) The core strength exercises have a stronger sensitivity on vestibular stability of retarded children in lower grades.
