

Studies on the Effects of Physical and Chemical Factors in Water Environment on the Reproductive Performance and Larval Development in Cherax Quadricarinatus

【作者】 李进

【导师】 温海深; 尹永波;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业领域, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 1、温度的影响温度低于18℃时,红螯螯虾不产卵,当温度升高到18℃以上时,红螯螯虾开始成熟繁殖,随温度的升高,抱卵率呈直线上升,其生长适宜温度为24-30℃。在30℃以下范围,保持高水温是提高抱卵率的关键因素。提高水温能促使红螯螯虾很快抱卵,要集中进行繁育,必须使亲虾在尽量短的时间内抱卵。在水温为18℃时,红螯螯虾卵可以发育,但孵化期极长,当超过30℃以后,胚胎发育畸形率增加,孵化率呈下降趋势。温度对出膜时间影响极大,在22℃时,幼虾完全离开母体需84天,而在32℃时完全脱离母体只需28天。在水温为18-33℃时,温度对幼虾成活率影响较小,但对生长速度影响较大,24℃以下时生长较慢,27℃左右生长处最佳状态,30℃以上生长速度急剧下降。2、溶解氧的影响从红螯螯虾产卵、胚胎发育到幼苗培育阶段,溶氧必须达到5mg/l以上,才能达到满意的产卵率、孵化率与培育率。这是因为溶氧是促进红螯螯虾性腺转化的因子之一,溶氧必须达到一定水平,性腺才能发育成熟,亲体才抱卵;孵化时低溶氧造成胚胎发育的异常,部分胚胎不能正常孵出;而低溶氧也对幼苗发育产生障碍,造成培育率低。另外低溶氧条件下,胚胎发育缓慢,因此孵化时间比正常情况要长。3、PH的影响红螯螯虾抱卵率、孵化率与幼虾培育率受pH影响较大,偏酸性水体与较高的碱性水体都不宜进行红螯螯虾的繁育。孵化用水pH值在7.0-8.5范围的地方才可以进行红螯螯虾繁育,碱度较高的水体不宜进行红螯螯虾的养殖。4、氯化钠盐度的影响盐度对红螯螯虾的抱卵率没有显著的影响,孵化率和孵化时间在2‰盐度以下,未表现出差异;而在2‰以上时,孵化率有所下降,孵化时间延长。说明红螯螯虾虽属淡水虾类,但对盐度有一定耐受。

【Abstract】 1.The influence of temperatureWhen the temperature is below 18℃,Cherax quadricarinatus do not lay eggs, when the temperature rose to above 18℃,Cherax quadricarinatus begin to mature and breed, with the temperature, the holding eggs rate linear increase.Suitable temperature for the growth of 24~30℃,its growth limit of 34℃,the eggs cap may be 34℃.Below 30℃, maintain a high water temperature is a key factor in improving the rate of eggs.Improve the water temperature will prompt holding eggs very quickly, we should focus on breeding, brood stock must be made within the shortest possible time for holding eggs. When the water temperature is 18℃,Cherax quadricarinatus eggs can developed, but the extremely long incubation period, when over 30℃,the embryo malformation rate increased, the hatching rate showed a downward trend. Out the effect of temperature on embryo development time, at 22℃,the juveniles leave the mother’s need after 84 days, while in 32℃,the juveniles leave the mother’s need after 28 days.In the water temperature of 18~33℃,the temperature on the survival rate of juveniles is less, but a greater impact on the growth rate,24℃below the growth of a slower,27℃or so growth at the best condition, 30℃and above the growth rate of a sharp decline.2. The impact of dissolved oxygenCherax quadricarinatus from egg-laying, the embryo developed to the seedling stage, the dissolved oxygen must meet the 5mg/l or above in order to achieve a satisfactory rate of egg-laying, hatching and nurturing rate.This is because the dissolved oxygen is to promote the Cherax quadricarinatus gonadal conversion factor, one must reach a certain level of dissolved oxygen, gonadal maturation can hold eggs;hatching when the low dissolved oxygen caused by the abnormal embryonic development, some embryos can not be a normal hatch out; and low dissolved oxygen also create obstacles to seedling growth, resulting in nurturing rate is low. Another low dissolved oxygen conditions, the embryonic development of slow, incubation time longer than normal.3. PH effectsThe holding eggs rate, hatching rate and nurturing rate is affected greatly by pH in juveniles Cherax quadricarinatus. The breeding is not suitable for Cherax quadricarinatus in acidic water and high alkaline water. Where water pH value is 7.0-8.5,incubation and breeding can be processed, high alkalinity of water is not suitable for farming Cherax quadricarinatus.4. Sodium chloride salinityNo significant impact was observed on effect of salinity on the holding eggs rate.The hatching rate and hatching time in the 2‰salinity below, showed no difference;while in 2 %osalinity above, the hatching rate has declined and extend the incubation time.Cherax quadricarinatus is one of fresh water shrimp, but have some tolerance to salinity.

【关键词】 红螯螫虾水温溶解氧pH值盐度
【Key words】 Cherax quadricarinatuswater temperaturedissolved oxygenpH valuesalinity