

The Effect of Fair Income Distribution on the Efficiency of Technological Innovation in Enterprises

【作者】 刘开

【导师】 刘长庚;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “创新型国家”战略目标的最终实现依赖企业技术创新能力的提升,企业技术创新能力的强弱不仅取决于其创新资源的总体投入,自身效率问题也是决定企业技术创新能力的关键。我国企业技术创新能力整体不强,其很大一部分原因就在于技术创新效率的相对不足,而技术创新效率的不足与长期以来我国企业内不合理的收入分配制度有着很大关系,企业内不合理的收入分配成为制约我国企业技术创新效率的主导因素,企业内分配不公、收入差距过大的现象普遍存在我国企业当中,本文围绕企业内公平分配对企业技术创新效率的影响问题展开研究,具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。企业技术创新活动的整个过程中,在不同层面和环节涉及诸多利益相关者,他们的经济活动行为直接影响着企业技术创新活动的效率与效果。理性经济人假设下,人们从事经济活动的内在动力来源于其对自身利益的追求,当个人努力与其所获得的经济利益不相协调时就会极大地影响其从事经济活动的积极性。企业内公平分配通过对各技术创新参与者创新行为的影响而作用于企业技术创新的资源配置效率与资源的生产使用效率,影响着企业技术创新效率的整体提升。企业内收入分配制度的本质在于产权安排,不合理的产权制度安排将导致企业内不公平的收入分配。单一物质资本产权下的企业内分配表现为不公平的两极化分配,阻碍着企业技术创新效率的提升。单一国家资本产权下的企业内分配表现为不公平的平均主义分配,也阻碍着技术创新效率的提升。单一劳动联合体产权下的企业内分配表现为平均主义分配,也是不公平合理的,同样阻碍着技术创新效率的提升。整合要素联合体所有者与劳动联合体所有者利益的联合产权制度在促进企业技术创新效率提升的同时也实现了企业内公平分配,实现了按劳分配与按生产要素贡献参与分配的有机结合,是现代企业产权制度的演进方向与普遍形式。为此,我国企业要改变现有分配观念,建立起要素联合体产权与劳动联合体产权相结合的联合产权制度,让非物质资本所有者特别是人力资本所有者参与企业可分配净合作剩余的分配,促进企业技术创新收益的共同分享;要坚持公平与效率的有机结合,合理有效安排企业内收入差距,实现公平与效率的统一;要构建起“内部治理为主,外部治理为辅,注重政府治理”的多边治理模式,完善外部竞争性市场环境建设。

【Abstract】 The final realization of national strategic objective of“innovative nation”depends on the enhancement of the enterprise’s capabilities for technological innovation. Then, the technological innovation capabilities of enterprises depend not only on the strength of their investments of innovative resources, but also on their technological innovation efficiency. Technological innovation capabilities of China’s enterprises are not strong as a whole on account of the relative lack of efficiency on technological innovation in enterprises. This phenomenon is due to the irrational income distribution within the enterprises, which as a major constraint to the efficiency of technological innovation in our enterprises. So, this paper focuses on the studies of impacts that the fair income distribution has on the efficiency of technological innovation in enterprises. This has very important theoretical and practical significance. In the processes of technological innovation activities, lots of stakeholders are involved in, at different stages and sectors. Their economic behaviors directly affect the technological innovation efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises. Under the assumption of rational economic man, the people’s inherent power engaged in economic activities comes from their pursuing for interests. When the economic benefits they received are inconsistent with they efforts, their enthusiasm engaged in economic activities will be affected negatively. Fair income distribution in enterprises affects the technological innovation efficiency of resources allocation and production through its impacts to the innovation behaviors of every participants. Property rights arrangement is the nature of income distribution system within the enterprises. The unfair income distribution of the enterprises comes from an unreasonable property rights arrangement. The income distribution system under single physical-capital property represents unfair polarized distribution, that prevents the enhancement of technological innovation efficiency in enterprises. The income distribution system under single state-owned physical-capital property represents egalitarian distribution unfairly, which also prevents the enhancement of technological innovation efficiency in enterprises. The income distribution system under single joint property rights of labors represents egalitarian distribution unfairly too, which prevents the enhancement of technological innovation efficiency in enterprises. On the contrary, the united property right that integrates the interests of factors of commonwealth and labors of commonwealth enhances the enterprises technological innovation efficiency and promotes fair income distribution in the enterprises. The united property rights are the evolution directions and universal forms of the modern enterprise property rights system. For this reason, Chinese enterprises have to change their current ideas of distribution and establish the united property rights system which combined the property rights of commonwealth factors and the property rights of the commonwealth labors, so that the non-physical capital owners, especially human capital owners, will be able to participate in the distribution of the cooperative net surplus of enterprises, in order to promoting the benefits of technological innovation common-shared. The enterprises should insiste the natural combination of equity and efficiency, keep inra-firm income gap within reasonable and effective range, and achieve inherent unification of equity and efficiency. The enterprises should also develope a multilateral governance model of "the internal governance as a key method, the external governance as a supplement, and pay attention on the government regulation", and improve the external competitive market environments at the same time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期