

Experimental Studies on Enhancement Ecology of Eelgrass (Zostera Marina L.)

【作者】 郭栋

【导师】 张秀梅; 张沛东;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以海洋高等沉水植物大叶藻为研究对象,采用实验生态学、形态学、生物学以及生物数学等方法,主要调查了山东沿岸海域的海草种类,开展了山东半岛典型海域大叶藻的形态学、繁殖生物学、生活史等的基础研究,调查了山东半岛典型海域大叶藻草场生物资源和生态环境,开展了山东半岛典型海域受损大叶藻草场修复技术的研究。得出的主要结论有:一、2008年7月,对山东近岸海域海草的种类进行了初步调查,描述了分布于山东近岸海域海草的形态学特征,并分析了山东近岸海域海草资源的现状及退化原因。调查共发现海草种类四种,分别为大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)、丛生大叶藻(Zostera caespitosa Miki)、红须根虾形藻(Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino)及黑须根虾形藻(Phyllospadix japonicus Makino)。二、2008年6月,对山东荣成俚岛南起马他角,北至俚岛湾东端“外遮岛”之间2m以浅近岸海域大叶藻的分布、生物量、形态特征、花及栖息环境进行了调查。结果显示,该海域大叶藻呈片状分布,每片面积在1.5~2.0 m2之间,平均分布密度1650株/m2;大叶藻平均生物量为3.754 g/株;平均根重0.4324 g/株,根长范围2-14 cm,平均根长4.8295 cm,根的平均直径为0.1 mm;平均茎重0.4609 g/株,平均茎长4.407 cm/株,茎的平均直径为2.159mm;平均节数为9.27节/株,平均节长5.144mm;平均叶重2.294 g/株,叶长范围17-70 cm,平均叶宽5.28mm,平均叶长45.23 cm,平均叶鞘长6.824 cm;单性花,雌雄同株,两个雌花之间有两个雄花,每个花序轴上有雄花13~19个,雌花7-11个;底质环境为砾砂。三、2009年2月至2010年1月,对山东荣成天鹅湖大叶藻的根长、茎节长、叶长、叶宽等形态特征进行了逐月调查,并于2009年3月至8月,对天鹅湖大叶藻生殖枝形成与种子生长过程进行了取样调查。结果显示,该海域大叶藻根长范围在0.4cm-17.4cm之间,单株鲜重、干重范围分别在0.01g-2.47 g、0.01 g-0.55之间;茎节的长度范围在0.07 cm-7.1 cm之间,茎的直径长度范围在0.07cm~1.19 cm之间,单株茎的鲜重干重范围分别在0.01 g-4.57 g、0.01 g-0.88 g之间;叶的长度、宽度范围分别在0.28 cm-98.3 cm、0.1 cm-0.96 cm之间;叶鞘的长度范围在0.2 cm-28.5 cm之间;单片叶的鲜重、干重范围分别在0.09 g-0.9g、0.01 g-2.68 g之间。各生态学指标最高值发生在7月,最低值发生在1-3月。大叶藻生殖枝长度范围在29.5 cm~111.4 cm之间;生殖枝叶长、叶宽范围分别在6.5 cm-49.2 cm、0.18 cm-0.62 cm之间;生殖枝花序长度范围在3.5 cm-19.6 cm之间;每粒种子的鲜重、干重范围分别在0.0042 g-0.0096g、0.002 g-0.009 g之间;种子的长度、宽度范围分别在1.9 mm-3.5mm、0.7mm-1.0mm之间。天鹅湖海区大叶藻的叶与叶鞘生长呈幂函数关系,为异速生长型。四、2009年2月-2010年1月,以山东荣成天鹅湖为实验海区,调查分析了天鹅湖河流注入情况及大叶藻草场的底质性质,开展了天鹅湖大叶藻草场生态环境的四季度调查及生物资源的逐月调查。研究结果表明,共有5条河流注入天鹅湖,入湖河流均存在不同程度的污染;海草场底质为砂质粉砂及粉砂质砂;天鹅湖表层海水DO含量符合国家一类海水标准,BOD、COD、pH符合国家二类海水标准,氨氮和活性磷酸盐符合国家四类海水标准;在4个季度的调查中,共发现浮游生物55种,其中浮游植物33种,浮游动物22种,浮游生物种类和丰度最大出现在11月份,且浮游生物的种类和丰度从春季到冬季呈上升趋势;发现地笼网生物31种,其中鱼类22种,甲壳类5种,贝类2,头足类1种,棘皮动物1种,且在不同季节存在明显的群落演替规律。五、2008年10月至11月,利用沉子法、枚钉法、直插法、夹苗法和整理箱法,在山东荣成俚岛近岸海域进行了大叶藻移植试验,监测了移植后1个月内大叶藻的生长、存活的变化,比较了天然大叶藻和移植大叶藻之间的差异,并分析了移植海区主要环境因子与大叶藻生长与存活之间的关系。结果显示,5种移植方法大叶藻的平均存活率为沉子法(100%)>枚钉法(86.7%)>直插法(66.7%)>夹苗法(20%)>整理箱法(0%);移植大叶藻的平均绝对生长率为沉子法(0.358 cm·d-1)>直插法(0.242 cm·d-1)>对照组(0.211 cm·d-1)>枚钉法(0.083 cm·d-1)>夹苗法(0.067 cm·d-1);与天然大叶藻相比,移植后大叶藻根的渗透压显著升高,而茎和叶的渗透压则显著降低(P<0.01);移植后大叶藻的生长与存活和移植海区水流、光照、底质等主要环境因子显著相关。六、2009年04月至2009年12月,逐月在荣成天鹅湖采集健康大叶藻植株,利用枚钉法进行了植株移植,同时逐月监测了移植后大叶藻的成活率和各形态学指标,并分析了影响大叶藻移植成活的因素。监测结果表明,移植大叶藻生长良好,平均成活率达88%。综合各方面因素得出:天鹅湖海域大叶藻移植的最佳时间排序为7月>8月>9月>10月>11月。

【Abstract】 The author mainly investigate the seagrass species in inshore areas of Shandong province and resource and ecological environment of seagrass bed, and study the morphology, reproducing biology, and life history of eelgrass(Zostera marina L.) and restoration of injured Z. marina Biome in a representative sea area. The most results are summarized as follows:Preliminary survey for seagrass species was performed in inshore areas of Shandong province in July 2008. In the meantime, morphological characteristics of seagrasses distributing in inshore areas of Shandong province were described. Also, status and degeneration causes of seagrass resources in inshore areas of Shandong province were analyzed. Four species of seagrasses including Zostera marina L. Zostera caespitosa Miki, Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino and Phyllospadix japonicus were found during the present investigation.The distribution, biomass, morphology, seed and habitat of eelgrass(Zostera marina L.) within the water depth of 2 m were surveyed in the inshore areas of Lidao Town of Rongcheng City (between Mata Jiao and "Waizhe Dao"of Lidao Bay) in June 2008. Eelgrasses in the survey areas show a patch-shape distribution and the area of each patch is between 1.5 and 2.0 m2. The average spacing density and biomass of eelgrass are 1650 ind/m2 and 3.754 g/ind, respectively. The root length range is 2-14 cm and the average root weight, root length, and root diameter are 0.4324 g/ind, 4.8295 cm and 0.1 mm, respectively. The average rhizome weight, rhizome length and rhizome diameter are 0.4609 g/ind,4.407 cm/ind and 2.159 mm, respectively. The average number of nodes and node length are 9.27 nodes/ind and 5.144 mm, respectively. The leaf length range is 17-70 cm and the average leaf weight, leaf width, leaf length and sheath length are 2.294 g/ind,5.28 cm,45.23 cm and 6.824 cm, respectively.The flower of eelgrass is monosexual and hermaphrodite. There are two female flowers between two male flowers. The numbers of male flowers and female flowers on each rachis are 13-19 and 7-11, respectively. The sediment under the eelgrass consists of gravel sand.The morphological characteristics (root length, node length, leaf length and leaf width) of eelgrass (Z. marina L.) were monthly surveyed in the Swan Lake of Rongcheng City, Shandong province from February 2009 to January 2010. The formation of reproductive shoots and growth of seeds are also sampled duiring March and August in 2009. The results show that the root length range of eelgrasses in the survey areas is 0.4 cm~17.4 cm, the fresh weight and dry weight are 0.01 g~2,47 g,0.01 g~0.55g, respectively. The node length range is 0.07 cm~7.1 cm, the node diameter range is 0.07 cm~1.19 cm, and the fresh weight and the dry weigt range of rhizome are 0.01 g~4.57 g and 0.01 g~0.88 g, respectively. The leaf length and width range are 0.28 cm~98.3 cm and 0.1 cm~0.96 cm, respectively. The sheath length range is 0.2 cm~28.5 cm. The fresh weight and dry weigh range of leaf are 0.09 g~0.9 g and 0.01 g~2.68 g, respectively. The maximum of morphological characteristics are observed in July and the minimum are observed from January to March. The reproductive shoot range of eelgrasses is 29.5 cm~111.4 cm. The leaf length and width range of reproductive shoot are 6.5 cm~49.2 cm and 0.18 cm~0.62 cm, respectively. The rachis length range of reproductive shoot is 3.5 cm~19.6 cm. The fresh weight and dry weigt range of seeds are 0.0042 g~0.0096 g and 0.002 g~0.009 g, respectively. The length and width range of seed are 1.9 mm~3.5 mm and 0.7 mm~1.0 mm, respectively. The growth charicteristic of eelgrasses in Swan Lake is allometric growth.The inflow river, sediment, ecological environment (quarterly) and resource (monthly) of seagrass meadow in Swan Lake are investigated from February 2009 to January 2010. The results show that there is 5 inflow river for Swan Lake, which is all polluted; the sediment of the eelgrass meadow consists of sandy silt and silty sand; the DO of the surface seawater in Swan Lake is conformed to the standard of 1st class seawater, BOD, COD and pH are conformed to the standard of 2nd class seawater, and ammonia-nitrogen and active phosphate are conformed to the standard of 4th seawater; 55 species of plankton are found in the four quartly survey, in which 33 species are phytoplankton and 22 species are zooplankton; The most species and the highest abundance of plankton are found in November, and these show a tendy to increasing from spring to winter; 31 species of Dilong net, including 22 species of Fishes,5 species of Crustacean,2 species of Mollusca and 1 specie of Echinoderms, are found, and the population fluctuation changed obviously with season.To find feasible method of transplant and restoration for eelgrass Zostera marina, eelgrass was transplanted using methods of rock planting, stapling, free planting, root gripping and box planting in the inshore areas of Lidao Town of Rongcheng City from October to November in 2008. Growth, survival and osmotic pressure of transplanting eelgrass were investigated after one month of transplanting. Difference between nature and transplanting eelgrass was compared. The relationship between growth and survival of transplanting eelgrass and primary environmental factors was analyzed. Results in the present study showed that survival rate of transplanting eelgrass was followed as rock planting (100%)>stapling (86.7%)>free planting (66.7%)>root gripping (20%)>box planting (0%).The growth of transplanting eelgrass was followed as rock planting (0.358 cm·d-1)>free planting (0.242 cm·d-1)>control (0.211 cm·d-1)>stapling (0.083 cm·d-1)>root gripping (0.067 cm·d-1). Osmotic pressure of roots in transplanting eelgrass was significantly higher than that in nature eelgrass, however, rhizomes and leaves showed opposite changes (P<0.01). There was a remarkable correlation between growth and survival of transplanting eelgrass and primary environmental factors. The findings will provide data for developing feasible and low-costing transplant and restoration technology of injured Z.marina biome.Eelgrass is monthly sampled and then is transplanted using the method of stapling in Swan lake. Survival rate and morphological charactericstics of transplanting eelgrass are monthly surveyed. The environmental factors that influence survival of eelgrass are also analyzed. Results indicate that transplanting eelgrass show a good growth and the average survival rate is 88%. It could be obtained through various factors that:the order of the best time for eelgrass transplanting in Swan Lake is followed as July> August> September> October> November.
