

Thesis Title Study on Extended Producer Responsibility System under the Circular Economy

【作者】 林晖

【导师】 刘惠荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会经历了经济高速发展的同时,也伴随着资源耗竭、环境严重污染的事实。为了解决废弃物的大量产生,提高资源的利用率,从而实现整个社会经济的循环发展,生产者责任延伸制度得以产生。生产者责任延伸制度(Extended Producer Responsibility,以下简称EPR制度)是一项新型环境政策,其将生产者的责任向产品生命周期的上游和下游延伸,特别是注重产品消费后废弃物的回收、再利用和处置的责任,从而实现产品整个生命周期内的环境保护。自1988年瑞典学者托马斯教授提出生产者责任延伸概念以来,EPR制度已经经历了20多年的发展,在理论上和实践中已经日趋完善,典型的代表有:瑞典、德国、美国、日本以及欧盟地区。相对于发达国家EPR制度的理论和实践,我国的EPR制度还处于发展初期,无论是在EPR理论上,还是在EPR实践上,都与发达国家存在着较大的差距。面对我国人均资源少、废弃物的大量产生以及环境遭到破坏的事实,建立和健全EPR制度是刻不容缓、势在必行的任务。循环经济发展模式已经成为未来我国经济发展的模式,而EPR制度是循环经济的重要组成部分,其对实现可持续发展有着重要的意义。EPR制度现今已经受到我国学界的高度关注,学界对此进行了深入、系统的研究,而且随着《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》的出台和实施,该制度在我国立法上开始呈现体系化发展的趋势。本文通过对EPR制度理念发展过程的梳理,该制度理论基础的阐述以及发达国家EPR制度实施现状的考察,力图为我国EPR制度的建立和健全提出有益的参考。本文共分为四个部分。第一部分梳理了EPR思想的发展过程,提出了两种代表性的观点,即“欧盟观点”和“美国观点”,世界上大多数国家赞成前者,同时还具体分析了EPR制度三个方面的具体要素。第二部分,笔者着重阐述了EPR制度的理论基础,详细阐明了产品生命周期、企业社会责任、环境权、可持续发展、循环经济五大理论与EPR制度的关系。第三部分,笔者主要介绍了瑞典、德国、美国、日本和欧盟等几个比较发达的国家和地区的EPR立法,并分析了他们各自的特点,在此基础上还对实施对象、实施方式、实施途径和相关配套制度等问题进行了分析。第四部分笔者主要分析了我国EPR立法的现状,提出了我国在EPR立法上的缺失,并结合我国实施EPR制度的必要性和可行性,从立法层面提出了符合我国国情的EPR制度。

【Abstract】 Human society has experienced rapid economic growth while also accompanied by depletion of natural resources, serious environmental pollution facts. In order to solve a large number of waste, improve resource utilization, in order to achieve the circular economy, extended producer responsibility system has been created. Extended Producer Responsibility System (Extended Producer Responsibility hereinafter referred to as EPR system) is a new type of environmental policy, which will be the responsibility of the producer to the product life cycle, an extension of the upstream and downstream, in particular, focus on product recycling post-consumer waste, reuse and disposal responsibilities to achieve the product throughout the life cycle environmental protection. Since 1988, the Swedish scholar, Professor Thomas has proposed the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR system has gone through 20 years of development, in theory and in practice has been increasingly improved, the typical representatives are:Sweden, Germany, the United States, Japan and the European Union area.Relative to the EPR system in developed countries,which the theory and practice of EPR system is very perfect, China’s EPR system is still in its early stages of development, both in the EPR theory and the EPR practice, with the developed countries there is a big gap. Facing the fact which China’s per capita resources are limited, and a large number of generated waste and environmental destruction, establish and perfect the EPR system is an imperative task. Circular economy development model has become the future of our country’s economic development model, while the EPR system is an important component of circular economy, the achievement of sustainable development has an important significance. EPR systems having now been the great concern of China’s scholars, scholars having conducted in-depth, systematic research, and along with "The People’s Republic of China Circular Economy Promotion Law", the promulgation and implementation of the system in our legislation is beginning to show System Development trend. In this paper, I want to introduce the development of the concept of EPR system, the system described the theoretical basis as well as the EPR system is implemented the status of inspection in developed countries, trying to make some useful references for our EPR system.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is introducing the process of development of the EPR,and putting forward two kinds of representation of the view that the "EU perspective" and "American perspective," most countries of the world in favor of the former, but also a detailed analysis of the EPR system in three specific elements. The second part, I am expounding the EPR system, focusing on the theoretical basis, setting out five major theories in detail about the product life cycle, corporate social responsibility, environmental rights, sustainable development, circular economy and the relationship between them and the EPR system. The third part, I am focusing on the EPR legislation in Sweden, Germany, the United States, Japan and the European Union and several other more advanced countries and regions, and analyzing their respective features, on this basis, the implementation of objects, implementation modalities, implementation of the approach and related issues such as supporting the system are analyzed. The fourth part I am mainly analyzing the EPR legislation in our present situation of our country, putting out the absence of EPR legislation, combined with the necessity and feasibility about China’s implementation of the EPR system, so putting forward the EPR system from the level of legislation in line with China’s national conditions.

  • 【分类号】D912.29;D912.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】327
  • 攻读期成果