

A Research on the Fund System of Damage Compensation for Environmental Tort in Our Country

【作者】 马婵娟

【导师】 贾爱玲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 环境侵权日益复杂化,其影响所涉及的人数之多、范围之广、时间之长是其他侵权行为难以比拟的,传统的以个人责任为基础的救济方式已不能满足现代环境侵权需求,应运而生的便是责任的社会化、赔偿的社会化。环境侵权损害公共补偿基金制度即是一种新兴的的社会化救济方式,其核心是则通过政府征收税费、潜在的污染企业提供资金、财政拨款及社会等多种方式筹集形成公共补偿基金,受害人在普通民事救济求偿不能而又无法适用环境责任保险或财务担保的情况下,才能依环境侵权损害公共补偿基金制度向相关部门申请基金补偿。环境侵权损害公共补偿基金制度是对现有救济制度缺陷、空白地带的补充和完善。本文综合运用了比较法、价值分析法、经济分析法和文献归纳法等,先分析现行环境侵权救济制度的局限性,引申出环境侵权损害公共补偿基金制度,解释了其具体内涵,阐述了其理论基础,并分析了在我国建立这一制度的必要性。在论文的后半部分,针对我国实际情况,在借鉴国外相关经验的基础上,具体构建了这一制度。环境侵权损害公共补偿基金制度始于上世纪60年代,时至今日,该制度在域外已经有相当的发展,但在我国目前尚未建立,本文针对这一制度进行深入的研究,意在构建我国环境损害的公共补偿基金制度,以期为我国建立和完善有关环境侵权损害赔偿法律制度研究提供有益参考。

【Abstract】 The environment right infringement complicates day by day, compared with other violations, its influence involves the population are more, the scope to be broader, the time to be longer. Traditional remedies based on personal responsibility can not meet the modern needs of the environment infringement, therefore, the responsibility socialization and the compensation socialization appeared.The public compensation system of environmental tort damage is a new community-based remedies, its core is forms the public compensation fund through the government collection taxes and fees, the latent pollution enterprise provides the fund, the financial allocation and the society and so on many kinds of way ,when it cannot be recompense by the ordinary civil relief and is unable to be suitable the environment liability insurance or the financial guarantee situation, the victim can depend on the public compensation system of environmental tort damage to apply for the fund compensation to the related department. It is the supplement and the consummation to the flaw and blank of existing relief system.This paper has utilized the comparison test, the value analytic method, the economical analytic method and the literature induction and so on, by analyzing the limitations of the current tort relief system, this article gives rise to the public compensation system of environmental tort damage, to explain its specific content, to described its theoretical basis and analyzed need and feasibility to establish this system in our country. In the latter part of the paper, then has constructed this system specifically.The public compensation system of environmental tort damage began in the 60s, today, the system has been considerable development of extra-territorial, but not yet established in our country, this paper study this system in-depth , intends to constructs the public compensation system of environmental tort damage in China, hope to benefit China’s rule of law.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】343