

Research into WebGIS Key Technologies Based on Quality Statistics of Urban Living Environment

【作者】 刘艾静

【导师】 章珂; 陈戈;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 日益严重的大气污染、土壤污染、水污染及其对公共健康的影响,迫切需要加强对环境质量的管理,而科学合理的管理应当建立在对环境污染变化情况正确而充分的了解基础之上。影响城镇人居环境的因素涉及到居住环境、生态环境及基础设施等大量的地理信息,因而对于城镇人居环境质量的分析传统单纯的数值分析方法就不再适用。在上述背景下,我们在城镇人居环境质量统计方面引入WebGIS(Web based Geographic Information System)的概念。WebGIS是利用互联网技术扩展和完善地理信息系统的一项新技术,其核心是在地理信息系统中嵌入HTTP和TCP/IP标准的应用体系,实现互联网环境下的空间信息管理等功能。利用WebGIS技术,构建城镇人居环境质量统计系统,可提供在线查询、在线分析等功能,并以直观形象的方式显示分析结果,能够使用户更加感性地对分析结果进行认识,从而向统计工作人员提供一个快速进行定量调查统计分析的工具,提高环境质量统计的效率,有利于制定相应的措施。同时,为了提高环保部门工作人员的工作效率及提高居民参与环保活动的积极性,本文基于多点触控平台实现了问卷调查及信息查询功能。本文重点对以下几个方面进行了详细研究:1.对系统开发所涉及到的关键技术进行详细分析与研究。2.利用WebGIS强大的空间分析功能,将问卷调查范围显示的结果与地图结合起来;在单纯的数值统计分析方法的基础上,加入二维空间数据分析,并将统计分析的结果以图形、图表等方式直观形象地显示出来。3.对多点触控技术进行研究,并基于多点触控平台实现问卷调查功能和信息查询功能。通过以上几个方面的研究,进行了面向城镇人居环境质量统计的WebGIS相关系统的设计与实现,开发了基于WebGIS的城镇人居环境质量统计系统,把WebGIS技术应用于环境统计领域进行了初步探索与尝试,为有关部门提供一个快速了解城镇人居环境质量的方法,以方便制定环境管理方法。

【Abstract】 Faced with increasingly serious air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and its impact on public health, it’s urgent to strengthen the management of environmental quality, and scientific and rational management should be established on the basis of the correct and full understanding about the environmental changes. The factors affecting the urban living environment are related to a large number of geographic information, such as the living environment, ecological environment and infrastructure, and thus the traditional simple numerical analysis method no longer applies about the analysis of the quality of urban living environment.In the above context, we introduce the concept of WebGIS (Web based Geographic Information System) about the quality statistics of urban living environmental. WebGIS is a new technology which expands and improves the geographic information system using Internet technology, and its core is that HTTP and TCP/IP standards-based application system is embedded in the Geographic Information System to achieve spatial information management under the Internet environment. The quality statistics system about urban living environment which is built using WebGIS technology can provide online information, on-line analysis and other functions, and display the analysis results through visual images, enabling users to more perceptual awareness of the analysis results.Thus it provides statistical staff with a quick quantitative survey instrument, improves the efficiency of quality statistics of the environment, and is conducive to formulate corresponding measures. Meanwhile, in order to improve the efficiency of the staff in environmental protection department and improve the enthusiasm of the residents participating in environmental activities, this article implements questionnaire and information query based the multi-touch platform. This article focuses on the following aspects which are studied in detail:1. Analyze and research the key technologies involved in the system development in detail.2. Using the powerful spatial analysis capabilities of WebGIS, this article makes the results of the questionnaire survey and map together, and adds two-dimensional spatial data analysis based on the simple numerical method of statistical analysis, and displays the statistical analysis results with graphs, charts and so on.3. Research multi-touch technology, and implement questionnaire and information query based the multi-touch platform.Through the above researches, we carried out design and implementation of WebGIS related systems for the quality statistics of urban living environment, developed the quality statistics systems of urban living environment based on WebGIS, carried out initial exploration and attempt about using WebGIS technology in the field of environment statistics. Thus it provides a quick mean for the relevant departments to overview the quality of urban living environment, to facilitate the development of environmental management practices.
