

Optimal Disturbance Rejection Methods for Systems with Time-delays in High-speed Networks

【作者】 盖绍婷

【导师】 唐功友;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了在高速网络下时滞系统的最优扰动抑制问题,主要内容概括如下:1.在高速通讯网络环境下建立含有控制时滞与测量时滞的系统的数学模型,并将其离散化。2.利用模型转换将离散化的含有控制时滞与测量时滞线性系统转化为形式上无时滞的线性系统。然后通过求解离散Riccati方程和Stein方程设计含有状态反馈、扰动状态前馈和控制记忆项的最优控制律,前馈项和控制记忆项分别补偿了扰动和控制时滞对系统性能的影响。通过构造扰动状态观测器,解决前馈补偿器的物理不可实现问题.3.研究高速通讯网络环境下受持续扰动的含有控制时滞与测量时滞的非线性离散系统的基于高增益观测器的扰动抑制。通过模型转换,构造了基于高增益观测器的扰动控制律,证明了高增益观测器可以消除扰动系统建模时的不确定性。通过对非线性离散系统在期望平衡点的线性化,对系统设计反馈控制器。由闭环系统原点邻域内的Lyapunov函数估计其吸引域,证明了系统的稳定性。4.研究高速通讯网络下受持续扰动的含有控制时滞和测量时滞的离散线性系统,通过构造内模系统产生出较好的控制信号克服扰动信号,设计了能够镇定闭环系统的镇定控制器,以确保闭环系统的稳定性。使用内模原理,设计了内模动态补偿控制器,从而使系统达到无静差的、完全的扰动抑制。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the problem of optimal disturbance rejection for systems with time-delays in high-speed networks is considered. The main contents are given as follows:1. The mathematical models for systems with delayed control and measurement in high-speed networks are established and then the discrete-time models are founded.2. Based on a model transformation, the discrete-time system with control and measurement delays is transformed to a formal nondelay system. Then the optimal control law with a state feedback, a disturbance feedforward and a control memory term is derived from a discrete Riccati equation and a Stein equation. The feedforward control term and control memory term compensate for the effects of disturbances and the control delay, respectively. A disturbance state observer is constructed to make the feedforward compensator physically realize. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimal control law.3. Consider the optimal disturbance rejection for nonlinear discrete-time systems with delayed control and measurement in high-speed communication networks via a high-gain observer. Based on a model transformation, the optimal control law via the high-gain observer is constructed and the high-gain observer, which can remove the uncertainty come from disturbance model transformation, is proved. By linearizing the system around the desired equilibrium point, a state feedback controller is designed for the linearization system under disturbances. The Lyapunov function for the closed-loop system in the neighborhood of the origin is used to estimate the region of attraction. The stability of this system is proved.4. Consider the optimal disturbance rejection for linear discrete-time systems with delayed control and measurement in high-speed communication networks, by constructing the internal model principle, make the better control signal to overcome disturbance signal, design the stabilizing controller can stabilize the closed-loop system to ensure the stability of the closed-loop system. Use the internal model principle, by designing the internal model controller with a dynamic model compensator, make the unsteady-state error, complete disturbance rejection of the system.
