

Soil Moisture and Temperature﹑Photosynthesis and Yield of Rainfed Maize in the System of Completely Mulched Alternating Narrow and Wide Ridges with Furrow Planting

【作者】 方彦杰

【导师】 黄高宝; 李玲玲;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文设计实施了黄土高原陇中旱农区7种不同玉米种植措施:露地平作(T1)、半膜平作(T2)、全膜平作(T3)、全膜双垄沟播(T4)、全膜双垄沟播+休闲期免耕(T5)、全膜双垄沟播+休闲期秸秆覆盖(T6)、全膜双垄沟播+休闲期留全部秸秆立茬(T7)的大田对比试验。通过对玉米生育期内农田土壤水分动态、垄沟不同位置间土壤水分动态、土壤温度状况和光合生理生态及产量测定,研究全膜双垄沟播玉米高效用水的机制和增产机理。主要研究结论如下:1.全膜双垄沟播(T4)种植可明显改善农田60cm土层以上土壤水分状况,对玉米的出苗及玉米苗期的生长非常有利。农田休闲期进行地表覆盖可以增加播前0~60cm土层的体积含水量,且垄沟种植较平作种植土壤体积含水量高,全膜双垄沟播(T4)播前0-60cm平均体积含水量较其它处理高2.44%~14.19%;在玉米播种至拔节期,0~60cm土层贮水量全膜双垄沟播(T4)较平作处理和休闲期免耕处理均高;不同生育时期全膜双垄沟播处理大垄、垄沟、小垄土壤体积含水量在0~60cm差异明显,且土壤体积含水量均表现为垄沟>大垄>小垄;而在60cm以下,呈不规则变化。2.全膜双垄沟(T4)处理能够促进玉米早熟,突破玉米种植的的温度制约。玉米生育期最短157d,较平作处理(T2、T3)提前2-8 d,休闲期免耕处理(T5、T6、T7)提前10-15d,而露地平作(T1)未成熟;全膜双垄沟播(T4)种植降低了土壤温度的变异,增加了15cm-25cm土层地温。3.全生育期日平均光合速率全膜双垄沟播(T4)最高,较休闲期免耕及平作种植光合能力强,有利于光合物质的形成。说明在干旱半干旱地区全膜双垄沟播(T4)玉米种植能够有效解决光合缺水的问题。全膜双垄沟播(T4)、全膜平作(T3)、全膜双垄沟播+休闲期免耕覆盖(T6)的光合午休现象较其它处理(T1、T2、T5、T7)弱;在玉米抽雄期前全膜双垄沟播(T4)较平作和休闲期免耕处理SPAD值高,能够增加玉米功能叶片叶绿素含量,为玉米前期的生长发育及后期的丰产奠定了基础。4.在玉米生长发育各阶段,测定形态指标及干物质量全膜双垄沟(T4)处理均表现出最高,并且在生育阶段越是干旱,全膜双垄沟(T4)处理较平作种植和休闲期免耕种植增加越明显,说明全膜双垄沟播种植能够在干旱半干旱区有效降低或解除干旱对玉米生长的影响。乳熟期玉米叶片数全膜双垄沟播(T4)较平作处理(T1、T2)多1叶、较休闲期免耕处理(T5、T6、T7)多1.4-2.2叶片,成熟期干物质量全膜双垄沟(T4)较其它处理(T1到T7)分别高出49.26%、11.51%、6.52%、23.97%、11.35%和15.90%。5.全膜双垄沟播(T4)玉米种植能够大幅度提高玉米产量及水分利用效率(WUE)。产量表现为T4>T3>T2>T6>T7>T5>T1(未成熟),全膜双垄沟播(T4)产量为10341.7 kg/hm2,较其它各处理分别提高9.86%、26.76%、31.59%、45.77%和57.59%;WUE表现为T4>T3>T6>T2>T7>T5,全膜双垄沟播(T4) WUE为34.33 kg/(mm·hm2),较其它分别提高9.19%、13.90%、17.41%、32.39%、39.38%。说明在黄土高原陇中干旱半干旱地区实施全膜双垄沟播玉米种植能显著提高产量,特别是在较早年份表现出明显的增产作用。

【Abstract】 This paper designed and implemented seven kinds of different planting treatment of corn in the filed of dry farming of loess plateau:Flat-planting without mulching (T1), Half-mulching and flat-planting (T2), Complete mulching and flat-planting (T3), Completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4), Completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting+no-tillage during fallow (T5), Completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting+no-till with straw mulching during fallow (T6), Completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting+no-till with stubb le standing during fallow (T7) of the field comparison experiments. On determination of soil moisture during the maize growing dynamic, soil moisture between different locations of furrow, soil temperature, physiological state and photosynthetic and yield,researched on efficient mechanisms for water use and production mechanism of corn of completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting. The main conclusions are as follows:1. Since completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) can significantly improved soil moisture above 60cm layer of farmland, it is very beneficial for corn emergence and seedling growth. Land cover during fallow can increase the 0~60cm soil water content before sowing, and compared with flat planting, soil moisture content of furrow planting is high, the average moisture content of T4 is high than other treatments of 2.44%~14.19% of 0~60cm before planting; in planting to jointing stage of corn,0~60cm layer soil moisture storage of T4 is high than the flat-planting treatment and no-tillage during fallow treatment; the soil moisture content is significantly different in 0~60cm at different growth stages of completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting between large ridge, furrow and small ridge, and soil moisture content showed the furrow> Big Ridge> small ridge;but it changed unregularly below 60cm.2.The completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) treatment can promote premature and breakthrough temperature restriction of corn. The shortest growth season of corn is 157d, it is ahead of 2~8 d than flat-planting treatment(T2, T3), it is advanced 10~15d than no-tillage during fallow treatment (T5, T6, T7); The completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) reduced the variation of soil temperature, increased soil temperature at 15cm~25cm.3. The average photosynthetic rate is the highest of the whole growth period of the completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4), it has photosynthetic capability than flat-planting treatment and no-tillage during fallow treatment, it is conducive to the formation of photosynthetic material. The explaination is that T4 of corn can effectively solve the problem of photosynthetic water in arid and semi-arid areas.The midday depression of completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4), complete mulching and flat-planting (T3), complete mulching and flat-planting (T6) is weak than other treatments (T1, T2, T5, T7); The SPAD value before corn heading period of T4 is high than flat-planting treatment and no-tillage during fallow treatment, can increase the chlorophyll content of maize varieties, it laid the foundation for corn early growth and later high yield.4. In all stages of maize growth, morphological index and dry mass determination of completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) showed the highest, and the more arid in the reproductive stage, the completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) increased more obviously compared with flat-planting treatment and no-tillage during fallow treatment, indicating that completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting can reduce or lift the drought on growth of maize in arid and semi-arid areas. All of Maize Leaves of milky season of T4 is over a leaf than flat-planting treatment (T1, T2), over 1.4~2.2 leaves than wide ridges with furrow planting+no-tillage during fallow treatment (T5, T6, T7), the amount of dry matter of T4 is respectively high than the other treatments(T1 to T7) as 49.26%,11.51%,6.52%,23.97%,11.35%,15.90%.5. The completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) of corn planting can greatly increase corn yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Grain yield was T4> T3> T2> T6> T7> T5> T1 (immature), the production of T4 was 10341.7 kg/hm2, it is respectively high than the other treatments as 9.86%,26.76%,31.59%,45.77% and 57.59%; WUE showed T4> T3> T6> T2> T7> T5, the WUE of the completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting (T4) was 34.33 kg/(mm·hm2), it increased respectively by 9.19%,13.90%,17.41%,32.39%,39.38% than the other. It indicated that the implementation of completely mulched alternating narrow and wide ridges with furrow planting can significantly increase production in the loess plateau in arid and semi-arid areas, it showed more significant role in increasing production especially in drought years.

  • 【分类号】S513
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