

Research of Self-localization System Based on Omni-directional Vision on Soccer Robot

【作者】 门琳娜

【导师】 邓本再;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 机器人足球是目前机器人控制、机器视觉、人工智能等领域研究的一个热点。本论文以自主移动机器人为研究平台,以RoboCup中型组机器人足球赛为应用背景,选择并实现了一套由全向反射镜和图像处理软件组成的全向视觉系统,并在此基础上重点进行基于全向视觉的机器人自定位方法的研究。该系统能实时采集较为理想的全景图像,并对之进行分割和处理,使机器人能够精确的获取自身工作环境,根据图像提取的特征进行机器人的自定位和目标识别,从而基本满足比赛的实时性和精确性的要求。论文的主要研究内容如下:介绍了几种常用的全向反射镜,并根据比赛对视觉系统的各种要求,选用了一套适用于RoboCup中型组比赛的全景视觉系统。针对全景图像设计了图像处理算法,能够快速实现图像分割和特征提取,完成目标识别,在此基础上,针对根据图像提取的特征进行机器人的自定位。根据对机器人运动机构和和全景视觉系统的工作原理的分析,提出一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)的算法将码盘信息和视觉系统采集的数据进行融合,从而完成机器人的自定位。论文最后对全文进行了总结,说明了研究的主要成果,同时指出自己的不足和有待进一步改进的地方。

【Abstract】 Robot soccer is a researchful hotspot of robot control, machine vision and artificial intelligence presently. The thesis designs and implements a novel Omni-vision system for the application in the middle-size league of RoboCup-The World Cup of Soccer Robots and for the platform of autonomous robot, which composed of a camera and a mirror generated with a surface of revolution, and does research on the robot’s self-localization methods based on the Omni-vision system. The system can capture the rather perfect panoramic image real timely, and process and segmentation image, which made robot can get the working environment of itself exactly, and complete robot’s self-localization and recognization of target from the extraction of features, to satisfy the requirement of real time and accuracy of compete.This paper works over the following contents: introduce several Omni-mirror in common use, and choose a suit of Omni-vision system which is the same with the middle-size league of RoboCup according diversified requirement of compete for vision system. Design a image processing algorithm for the panoramic image, which can segment the image by color, extract the features of image fast and effectively and complete the recognization of target, and then realize the robot’s self-localization based on the character of the imaging. Put forward an extend kalman filter(EKF) arithmetic based on the analysis of robot sport framework and theory of panorama vision system, which amalgamation the data information from mile meter and vision system, and then complete robot’s self-localization.Lastly, the thesis summarizes the whole paper, make out the main researchful fruit, at the same time point out the deficiency and places need to be improved.
