

The Research on the Transfer Problem of Rights and Interests of the Toll Road

【作者】 梁敏

【导师】 刘建英;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,收费公路权益转让在深化我国公路项目投融资体制改革的过程中取得了巨大的成就,它不仅有效缓解了政府投资公路建设资金严重不足的压力,还极大地提高了广大社会资本投资公路产业的积极性,收费公路权益转让在快速筹集公路项目建设资金和引进先进管理经验等方面都有着其他筹资模式无可比拟的优势。但是,由于收费公路权益转让在我国发展的时间还不长,配套的法律法规和特许经营制度还不健全,收费公路权益转让在实践当中出现了许多问题,最突出的是转让模式使用不当、转让价格不合理、转让的监管效率较低。因此,有必要对收费公路权益转让问题做进一步的研究,并提出针对性的措施,以期指导收费公路权益转让的实践。本文以契约理论、产权理论、管制理论为研究的理论基础,明晰了收费公路权益转让的主要内容,通过对收费公路权益转让的基本模式、价值评估方法及政府管制进行分析,探源收费公路权益转让过程中所存问题的成因,提出完善收费公路权益转让行为的对策。本文认为,为解决目前收费公路权益转让存在的上述问题,必须采取以下主要措施:一是规范收费公路权益转让模式;二是明晰基准浮动比率作为确定收费公路权益转让价格浮动范围,并通过引入基准浮动比率确定收费公路权益的转让价格;三是建立起基于政府监督、转让双方互相监督和社会监督的收费公路权益转让三层次监管体系;四是培育收费公路权益二级转让市场。最后,本文采用案例分析的形式对引入基准浮动比率的收费公路权益价值评估模型进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, the transfer of the rights and interests of toll roads has seen significant development on the background of the investment and financing system reform;it not only alleviated government’s pressure of serious shortage in highway building investment funds,but also dramatically improved the social capital’s activity in highway building investment.The transfer of the rights and interests of toll roads takes incomparable advantage in raising highway construction funds and introducing advanced administration experience and so on.But because of the not so long time development,distempered related law and regulation, the transfer of the rights and interests of toll roads encountered many problems in practice,the outstanding are improper use of transfer model,unreasonable transfer price,and inefficient supervision of transfer. Therefore,it is necessary to do further research on the transfer, and propose specific measures to improve and perfect the practice of it.Taking property rights theory, contract theory, regulation theory as a logical starting point,this paper clarifies main content of the transfer of rights and interests of toll road,through analyzing the basic transfer mode,value assessment methodologies and government regulation, probe into genesis of the transfer process of rights and interests of toll road, put forward countermeasures that can perfect the transfer. This thesis deems,to solve the existing problems,we must take the following measure:firstly, regulate transfer mode of the transfer, secondly, definite benchmark floating rates as price-float range of transfer of the rights and interests of toll roads,and determine the transfer price of the toll roads by benchmark floating interest rate,thirdly, establish three level supervision system for the transfer which is based on government supervision,mutual supervision and social supervision, fourthly, breed secondary transfer market of the toll road. Finally, by case studies method, the transfer valuation mode which is based on introduction of benchmark floating interest rate presented above was validated.
