

Researches on Unmanned Airship Mapping Project & Exact Matching in Aerial Triangulation

【作者】 戴昱余

【导师】 林宗坚;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无人飞艇低空遥感系统,是近几年发展起来的一种先进、高效、高精度的航摄遥感系统,具有与传统航空摄影测量所不具备的优点。然而,由于该技术出现时间较短,成果的应用案例较少,在推广应用方面还存在许多亟待解决的问题,还需要从生产实践中提炼和解决相关技术难题。无人飞艇在执行低空遥感任务时,由于受其载重小、飞行姿态控制困难等条件的制约,导致获取的航空影像像幅小、每张姿态复杂。这些技术条件的限制给低空遥感数据处理带来了极大的挑战。目前,国内外各种传统摄影测量软件还无法进行全自动空三,完成这样的数据处理。本文结合作者参与乳山无人飞艇低空测绘的大型工程试验经验,探讨了无人飞艇用于低空遥感测图的生产技术路线和野外布控方法。针对由复杂的地形条件和飞行姿态引起的影像自动匹配困难,难于相对定向的问题,从遥感信息论的角度分析了问题存在的原因,并提出了相应解决问题的对策。以试验室研制的MAP-AT软件为基础,完成了困难区域的航片空三定位工作。同时,通过对山区、林地、水域等不同的困难地形的试验提出了改进MAPT-AT实现精确影像匹配的方法和思路。

【Abstract】 Unmanned airship remote sensing system is an advanced, efficient and high precision system which is newly developed. It has many advantages that other systems lack of. But, since it’s new, it’s not widely known.The rapid development of unmanned aircraft photogrammetry, has brought new challenges, that is, how to process the images of difficult terrains which are rarely fond in traditional photogrammetry. As unmanned aircraft have features like low height, small images and complicated aerial stances, current auto aerial triangulation software still has problems making exact matches.This article mainly introduces unmanned airship remote sensing system through Rushan mapping project, and takes MAP-AT as an example, shows and explains the methods and ideas to aim AAT software to process difficult terrains as mountain, forest and water area, and the theories of these methods.

  • 【分类号】V265.2
  • 【被引频次】2
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