

The Study of Height Change in Antarctic Ice Sheet by Using ICESAT Laser Altimeter Data

【作者】 宋志英

【导师】 文汉江;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 极地冰盖消融现象是影响全球气候的主要动态因素之一,它导致全球海平面上升。卫星测高尤其是激光卫星测高是获取极地冰盖高程及其变化的有效手段。ICESAT(Ice、Cloud、and Land Elevation Satellite)卫星是美国NASA( National Aeronautics and Space Administration)地球观测系统(Earth observing system)的一部分,于2003年1月13日由加利福利亚的Vandenberg空军基地发射。ICESAT的主要科学目的是测量冰盖地形及其时变。本文分析了ICESAT激光测高数据在监测南极冰盖高程变化方面的应用,主要工作和成果如下:1.系统分析了ICESAT激光测高仪基本原理与应用,详细描述了激光测距和激光脚点定位算法。2.介绍了ICESAT波形处理算法,并对利用波形参数提取地表分类及地面特征参数的方法进行了分析。3.分析了ICESAT测高数据的海潮改正、大气延迟改正以等。4.利用ICESAT测高数据建立了南极冰盖DEM,通过对不同时期数据的对比,分析了南极冰盖高程变化。5.将ICESAT激光测高数据与南极地区几个GPS站数据进行了比较,分析了其精度和可靠性。

【Abstract】 The melting of polar ice sheet is one of the main dynamic factors which affect the global climate change, and contribute to global sea-level rise. Satellite altimetry, specially satellite laser altimetry, has provided useful information about the height and height change of polar ice sheet. ICESAT (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite) satellite, as part of NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) EOS (Earth Observing System), was launched on January 13, 2003 from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base. The main scientific purpose of ICESAT is to measure ice sheet topography and its time varying.The methods for obtaining height of polar ice sheet height and height change using ICESAT laser altimetry data is presented in this paper. The main works are followed as:1. Basic principles and applications of the ICESAT laser altimeter are introduced, and the algorithm of laser ranging and footpoint location determination is given.2. Algorithms of the waveform processing is introduced, the land cover classification and parameters determination of surface characters using ICESAT waveform are also analyzed.3. Corrections for tides, atmospheric delay correction to ICESAT altimetry data are analyzed.4. The height of Antarctic ice sheet from ICESAT altimeter data is compared with the GPS data, the accuracy of ICESAT data is estimated.5. DEM of the Antarctic ice sheet is derived by using ICESAT laser altimeter data, and elevation changes are analyzed by comparing DEM in different periods.
