

Research on Evaluation of Enterprise Information Portal

【作者】 程光平

【导师】 邹能锋;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着计算机技术以及网络技术的飞速发展,企业的信息化程度不断提高,目前很多企业内部已经建立了众多基于Intranet的应用系统,这大大降低了企业的经营成本,有效促进了企业管理水平和经济效益水平的提升。但独立运行的应用系统在企业内部长期使用过程中也带来了企业内部的“信息孤岛”问题,为了满足企业对知识信息、对增长和扩散速度的更高要求,有效解决“信息孤岛”问题,一种更为先进、高效和集成的平台应运而生——企业信息门户。企业信息门户英文简称EIP(Enterprise Information Portal),它主要是指通过互联网这一媒介将网络信息资源以及企业内部的各种应用管理信息系统、企业内部与企业运营数据资源统一集成到企业的网站之下,此时的企业网站已不单纯是履行网站职能,更多行使的是一种载体的功能。企业网站的使用者包括企业外部的客户、企业供应商、合作伙伴以及内部员工等人员都能够仅通过对这一单一的入口(门户网站)的访问,就能获得满足个人个性化需求的信息与服务。当前拥有信息门户的企业数量正在迅速增加,各大软件公司推出的信息门户产品也层次不穷,如何合理、科学的评价企业信息门户对于企业来说都具有重要意义:对信息门户的评价研究有助于企业在EIP建设中挑选出适合自身企业经营管理、运转特点,在功能上和系统的稳定性上较为全面的信息门户产品或者说选择在技术实力方面更加优秀的软件公司来从事本企业的EIP开发建设;对信息门户进行评价,有利于企业发现本企业EIP和其他企业EIP的成功与不足之处,帮助企业加强信息门户的建设,改善其质量,从而进一步促进自身信息门户的发展,使企业能更好的面对日益激烈的竞争环境;对EIP的评价研究为企业的投资者提供了一个了解企业实力和潜力的有效途径,给投资者提供一种是否投资的参考依据;对EIP的评价研究,还有助于企业潜在客户能够通过客观评价规则和评价方法,迅速高效地了解和寻找到最需要和最好的企业信息门户来获得满意的商品和服务,减少搜寻成本。本文从企业信息门户的基本定义出发,介绍了企业信息门户的发展历程,出现的原因,以及功能特点。通过对国内外相关文献的研究,构建了企业信息门户评价的指标体系,在综合分析目前常用的多属性综合评价方法的优缺点的前提下,提出了粗糙集与AHP法集成的综合评价法,该方法在挖掘数据本身所蕴含信息的基础上也充分重视了专家用户的主观感受和经验,再结合具体指标数据加权运算,可得出评价对象的量化得分,使整个的评价过程更为的直观合理。论文共包括五章,具体结构安排如下:第一章:绪论。介绍了本文的研究背景,研究目的和意义以及国内外的研究现状;第二章:企业信息门户理论综述。阐述了企业信息门户相关知识包括企业信息门户的概念和发展过程,建设企业信息门户的动因、企业信息门户功能和特点等;第三章:企业信息门户评价指标体系的研究。根据企业信息门户的特点结合国内外相关文献,建立了企业信息门户的评价指标体系;第四章:企业信息门户评价方法研究。本章对现行常用的评价方法进行了介绍并且指出不足之处。提出了更为合理的粗糙集和层次分析法集成的综合评价法,并利用此方法进行了具体的实例分析,说明该评价方法的可行性;第五章:总结和建议。归纳总结本文的研究内容,并指出本文研究的不足之处,并且提出下一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 With computer technology and the rapid development of Internet technology, enterprise informationization is continuously improved. With a large number of management computer system applied in many companies, it not only greatly reduce the operating costs of enterprises, but also improve the management level as well as the economic one. But a single stand-alone system in the process of long-term use within the enterprise has also brought internal "information silo" problem. In order to meet the great demand of the increasing business knowledge and information and solve the "information silo "problem, a more advanced, efficient and integrated platform came into being - Enterprise Information Portal.EIP—Enterprise Information Portal, it mainly refers to the network combine the Internet information resources and a variety of applied management information systems within the enterprise, internal and business-related data resources together under the company website. At this time is not simply a normal website, its main function is a Information carrier. The website users include customers, business suppliers, cooperation partners and staff. They are all able to access the single portal site and acquired the information of the individual demand.Nowadays, more and more enterprises are using information portal and increasing number of Information Portal appeared among many companies. Therefore, how to evaluate the EHP reasonably, scientifically, in those companies already have them, currently using them, going to develop them are very meaningful.Evaluation of the information portal can help companies select the EIP products good for its business management, operational characteristics, functional and stability of the system in the EIP construction or better technical strength of IT companies to engage in the business of the EIP development and construction;Evaluation of the information portal, help businesses find the advantages and disadvantages of EIP that already built in own enterprises and others. It also help enterprises to improve the construction and quality of information portal so as to further development of their own information portal, moreover, to enable enterprises to face the increasingly competitive environment better;The evaluation of the EIP provides an effective way for the enterprise’s investors to understand the business strengths and potential of the market in order to facilitate investors to make investment in time or adjust the investment decision. The evaluation of the EIP, also helps potential customers quickly find out best and the most appropriate EIP to get the best products and service while reducing the costs at the same time.This thesis is based on the definition of enterprise information portal which introduces the development process, reason to come into being, and features of enterprise information portals. Through studying related literature about the evaluation of enterprise information portal at home and abroad, established index system of enterprise information portal. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of current comprehensive evaluation methods, approaching a integrated evaluation method of Rough Set and AHP. The integrated weights not only exposed the object index weight but also fully consider the personal feelings and feedback. Therefore, it helps the evaluation become more reasonable. This thesis includes five chapters, the specific structure as follows:ChapterⅠ: Introduction. It introduced the background, research purpose and current status.ChapterⅡ: Related Information and knowledge of Enterprise Information Portal and its concept and development process, motivation of establishment, features and characteristics. According to Enterprise Information Portal and the characteristics of related literature, established the enterprise information portal of evaluation index system.ChapterⅣ: Research method of Enterprise Information Portal. This chapter introduces the current evaluation methods and presented the advantages and disadvantages. Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of current comprehensive evaluation methods, while approaching a integrated evaluation method of Rough Set and AHP, and using the established evaluation model to analysis an example and illustrate the operability of the evaluation methods and benefits.ChapterⅤ: Summary and recommendations. This chapter summarizes the contents of this paper and pointed out shortcomings of this study and proposes future research directions.
