

Research on Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring of Expressway in Anhui Province

【作者】 杨忠发

【导师】 王荣富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水土流失一直伴随着人类的生产建设活动,时至今日水土流失是我国的头号环境问题。随着人类建设活动范围的扩大和程度的增强,水土流失核心问题已经由传统的农业向开发建设领域转移,因此怎样遏制开发建设活动产生的水土流失,就成了水土保持工作的重要内容之一。开发建设项目水土保持监测是水土保持工作的重要组成部分,是对水土流失的成因、数量、强度、影响范围、危害及其防治效果进行动态监测和评估,是水土流失预防监督和治理工作的基础。开发建设项目水土流失监测点布局是监测的基础工作,其合理性直接影响水土流失监测结果的科学性和客观性。目前尚无统一的监测点布置规范,监测点布置缺乏理论依据,布置混乱。对于穿越不同地形地貌的高速公路工程而言,水土流失监测点布局更是给监测设计工作带来了不确定性。本文首次以安徽省境内高速公路为研究对象,得出了以下创新和结论:1.将安徽省划分为淮北平原、江淮丘陵、皖西大别山、沿江平原和皖南山区等五大地貌区,将高速公路分为主体工程区(路基工程区)、临时弃渣场、取土场区、施工营地区、施工道路区等功能单元,最后整个项目区被分为若干个水土流失影响因子相近的各监测分区。本文首次提出以各监测分区土壤侵蚀预测量的权重分配水土流失监测点数;以分层抽样的方法确定主体工程区监测点位。2.以蚌埠至五河高速公路进行实例分析,将项目区划分为江淮丘陵区、淮北平原区(一级分层)和主体工程区、专项设施改(迁)建区、取土场、临时弃渣场、施工营地、施工道路(二级分层)。以类比工程法预测各监测分区的水土流失量,依据监测分区的预测量的权重分配水土流失监测点数量,结果显示江淮丘陵区的主体工程区、专项设施改(迁)建区、取土场、临时弃渣场、施工营地、施工道路水土流失监测点个数分别为2、0、1、2、1、1;淮北平原区相应的个数分别为8、1、1、5、2、1。经过实地调查、计算和调整,确定江淮丘陵区和淮北平原的主体工程区样本单元的长度分别为2m和3m,采用简单随机抽样的方法确定主体工程区水土流失监测点位。

【Abstract】 Soil erosion has been with the production and construction activities of the human. Soil erosion has become the top environmental problems in China. With the expansion of the construction of human activity, the main issue of soil erosion has transferred from traditional areas of agriculture to the areas of development and construction.So it becomes an important part of soil and water conservation to curb soil erosion from development and construction activities. Soil and water conservation monitoring in exploitation and construction’s project is a monitor for causes, amount, intensity, affected areas, damage of water and soil loss caused by production and construction activities. Soil and water conservation monitoring in development and construction projects is the basis of acceptance for water and soil conservation project; it is an important part for water and soil conservation work; it is the foundation of supervision and management for soil and water loss.The monitor layout of water and soil loss is basic work in exploitation and construction’s project. Its rationality decides directly scientific and objective in soil and water conservation monitoring. At present, there is no unified norm for monitor layout of water and soil loss and it lacks of theoretical basis. For expressway construction project through different terrain, the monitor layout of water and soil loss causes uncertainty in the work of design.This study firstly used the way of stratified sampling in expressway in Anhui province. It divide Anhui province into Huaibei Plain、Jianghuai hilly、West Anhui Dabieishan、plain along the Yangtze River region、South Anhui Mountainous and it also divide expressway into Subject area、Temporary abandon slag、large dump、Construction camps、temporary path. Soil erosion prediction for different function units decides distribution of monitoring stations. erosion modulus for Subject area soil decides the length of roadbed samples. Finally monitoring sites are layout in Subject area by random sampling methods.Take the Bengwu expressway for example , construction area is divided into Jianghuai hilly、Huaibei Plain and Subject area、Special Facilities reconstruct、large dump、temporary house、temporary path. Soil erosion prediction for different function units decide distribution of monitoring stations。The results showed that the number of monitoring sites is 2、0、1、2、1、1 in Subject area、Special Facilities reconstruct、large dump、temporary house and Construction camps、temporary path in Jianghuai hilly and it is 8、1、1、5、2、1 in Huaibei Plain. Through the course of on-the-spot investigation, the calculation and adjustment, the length of roadbed samples is 2 in Jianghuai hilly and 3 in Huaibei Plain.
