

Research on Exploring the Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of After Class Learning for Junior School Students

【作者】 袁征

【导师】 李德显;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的日益进步和经济全球化的迅速发展,为了满足社会发展日益增长的需求,人们必须不断的更新自己的知识结构,丰富自身的技能以求在竞争激烈的时代环境中更好的生存和发展。知识的重要性在人们工作和生活中的重要性日益凸现,在这样的社会背景之下,我们必须掌握更多学习的方法,让学习的过程更加的有效率。然而在现实中,学生的学习方式却存在种种的问题,缺乏主动性和策略性。本篇论文寻求和探索了更加适合学生的学习方式以使学习的效率能够达到最优化。同时有效的学习也是培养创新型人才和学生全面发展的需求,并且可以为学生的终身学习打下良好的基础。本文从国内外专家对学习方式的概念和学习类型的研究出发,探索了有效学习的概念界定,并从中总结出有效学习的基本特征。有效学习须具备建设性,积累性,目标性,情景性以及自主性等主要特征。为了了解初中生课下的学习方式和学习策略以及家长们对孩子教养态度和教育方式等方面情况,本篇研究采用分层抽样的方法对辽宁省阜新市三所中学的300多名初中生及其家长进行了问卷调查。研究表明影响中学生课下有效学习方式的主要因素主要包括:学生自身因素,家庭因素,学校因素,以及社会因素。本文详细的研究了这几种因素的具体内容以及每种因素是如何影响学生课下学习的有效性。根据研究的结果,本文对家长,教师,学生自身和社会方面都提出了可行的建议来提高学习的有效性。家长的角色定位和教育方式对学生的全面发展有着重要的意义;教师也应综合把握学生的特点,有效的利用各种教学方式,培养和激发学生学习的动力,传授学生有效的学习方式;学生自身应当了解自己的优势,讲究学习策略重点,找到适合自己的最佳学习方式;社会需要正确的引导舆论方向,让人们意识到有效学习的重要性。

【Abstract】 With the evolution of the society and the rapid development of economic globalization, people have to constantly update their knowledge structure and enrich their skills in order to meet the growing needs of the social development and survive in the competitive social environment. The importance of knowledge about every aspect in people’s life is getting increasingly important in the context of such a society. We have to know the ways to learn and make the learning process more efficiently. However, in reality, the students always have some problem with their learning such as lack of initiative and strategy. This paper aims to explore a more suitable way of learning so the efficiency of learning can be optimized. Effective learning could make students more creative which is beneficial for the overall development of the students; it can be a good foundation for the students’lifelong learning as well.This research begins from comparing the concepts of learning style proposed by the experts from our country and abroad. It explores the concept of defining effective learning and summarizes the basic characteristics of effective learning. Effective learning should be constructive, cumulative, purposive, situational and self-initiative.In order to understand the learning strategies and learning styles, know more about the students’attitudes and the parents’educational methods, this study used sampling methods the get primary data by the survey from three high schools in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province. More than 300 students and their parents conducted the survey by questionnaire. Research shows the major factors that influence effective learning includes:the students themselves, family, school education and social environment. This paper studies in details about each of these specific factors and discussed about how each factor affects the effectiveness of learning.Based on the results from the research, this paper provides some recommendations for people from all these aspects to improve learning effectiveness. Parents plays an educational role and they affect the students with great significance; teachers should grasp the characteristics of each student in order to effectively use various teaching methods to teach and motivate students to learn initiatively and effectively; students should understand their own strengths, emphasizing on learning strategies which can best suits their learning style; society needs to guide public opinion in the right direction, make people aware of the importance of effective learning.

  • 【分类号】G632
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】545