

A Study of the Effect of Driving Experience and Personality on Driver’s Risk Perception

【作者】 张茜

【导师】 常若松;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从交通事故的分析来看,交通事故的发生主要是由于驾驶员的危险感受水平低,不能意识到交通中的危险,而这种现象在新手驾驶员中尤为明显。针对于此,本研究以新手驾驶员和熟练驾驶员为研究对象,探讨了驾驶经验与人格特征对其危险感受的影响,包括对明显危险的感受水平和对潜在危险的感受水平的影响。本研究主要通过驾驶员对危险图片的认知和评价情况来反映其危险感受水平的高低。我们首先用电脑呈现两组交通场景图片,一组是含有明显交通危险的图片,一组是含有潜在交通危险的图片。通过眼动追踪技术记录驾驶员在观看两组图片时的眼动数据,并结合行为评定的方式了解驾驶员对两组图片的评价情况。实验均采用2(驾驶经验:熟练和新手)×2(人格特征:场独立型和场依存型)的两因素被试间实验设计。其中,实验1考察的是驾驶经验与人格特征对驾驶员明显危险的感受水平的影响,实验2考察的是驾驶经验与人格特征对驾驶员潜在危险的感受水平的影响。结果发现:(1)当观看明显危险图片时,场独立型驾驶员较场依存型驾驶员的总注视时间长、瞳孔直径大、注视次数多。(2)当观看潜在危险图片时,熟练驾驶员较新手驾驶员的总注视时间长,瞳孔直径大,注视次数和凝视次数多;场独立型驾驶员较场依存型驾驶员的总注视时间长,瞳孔直径大,注视次数和凝视次数多;场独立型新手驾驶员较场依存型新手驾驶员的总注视时间长,瞳孔直径大,注视次数多。通过对研究结果的分析,得出以下结论:(1)驾驶经验对驾驶员明显危险的感受水平无显著影响。(2)驾驶经验影响驾驶员对潜在危险的感受水平,熟练驾驶员对潜在危险的感受水平高于新手驾驶员。(3)人格特征影响驾驶员对明显危险的感受水平,场独立型驾驶员对明显危险的感受水平高于场依存型驾驶员。(4)人格特征影响驾驶员对潜在危险的感受水平,场独立型驾驶员对潜在危险的感受水平高于场依存型驾驶员。(5)场独立型新手驾驶员对潜在危险的感受水平要高于场依存型新手驾驶员。

【Abstract】 Based on analyzing of traffic accident, we know that, most traffic accidents were analyzed that some drivers are lack of risk perception, they can’t find traffic risk, especially in novice drivers. Therefore, we selected some novice and experienced drivers as subjects, in order to study the effect of driving experience and personality on driver’s risk perception, included obvious risk perception and potential risk perception.By the cognition and assessment of the risky pictures, it could reflect driver’s risk perception. We showed two groups of traffic pictures by the computer, one were obvious risky pictures, the other were risky pictures. By using the technology of eye movements, we tracked record drivers eye movements data when they were looking at the pictures, furthermore, we also had driver’s assessments on the pictures. The experiment consists of two experiments which are all 2(driving experience :experienced and novice )×2(personality: field independent and field dependent) between-subjects designs. Experiment 1 was to find the effect of driving experience and personality on driver’s obvious risk perception. Experiment 2 was to find the effect of driving experience and personality on driver’s potential risk perception.The results are as follows:(1) when looking at the obvious risky pictures, field independent drivers had longer Total Fixation Duration、Pupil Diameter and Number of Fixations than field dependent drivers.(2) when looking at the potential risky pictures, experienced drivers had longer Total Fixation Duration、Pupil Diameter、Number of Fixations and Number of Gaze Points than novice drivers ; field independent drivers had longer Total Fixation Duration、Pupil Diameter、Number of Fixations and Number of Gaze Points than Field dependent drivers ; field independent novice drivers had longer Total Fixation Duration、Pupil Diameter、Number of Fixations than Field dependent drivers.From the analysis of the results , the conclusion were :(1) driving experience didn’t influence on driver’s obvious risk perception.(2)driving experience influenced on driver’s potential risk perception, experienced driver had higher potential risk perception than novice drivers.(3) personality influenced on driver’s obvious risk perception, field independent drivers had higher obvious perception than field dependent drivers.(4) personality influenced on driver’s potential risk perception, field independent drivers had higher potential risk perception than field dependent drivers.(5)field independent novice drivers had higher potential risk perception than field dependent novice drivers.

【关键词】 驾驶员驾驶经验人格特征危险感受
【Key words】 DriverDriving ExperiencePersonalityRisk Perception
  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】357