

To Seek the Destination of Spirit

【作者】 石睿

【导师】 傅星寰;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪是一个充满争议、颠覆的时代,同时也是变革、前进的时代,相应的这一时代的文学呈现出错综复杂、思想交替频繁的面貌。国内外对二十世纪西方文学的研究或从文学史某一角度考察,或从文本语言角度研究,但相对较少涉猎道德方向的研究。因此,本论文试图从道德主题角度切入,结合二十世纪的哲学背景和文化语境,对二十世纪的西方文学创作进行全方位的考察。价值建构是人类精神之维的重要组成部分,西方社会自古希腊起,价值建构体系的建构和完善程度就成为社会文明进步的重要标准。进入二十世纪以来,西方工业文明快速发展,物质极大丰富,但人类却陷入被自己创造的时代文明裹挟破坏的悖论中。战争、殖民、污染使人类社会陷入生存的恐慌,信仰、道德、伦理的沦丧使人类失去了生活的信心,原有道德价值体系被不断破坏,于是带着对人类道德走向的深沉思考,二十世纪西方文学在道德主题的创作上开展了一系列的探索,呈现出不同的道德范式。本文研究中所涉及的“道德主题”,是指不同时期、不同意识形态里领域的“核心价值观”在文学中的表现。“道德范式”,是指在二十世纪西方文化语境中,依据各种意识形态的“核心价值观”所建构的不同的价值立场。二十世纪西方道德范式深受不同时段或不同思潮核心价值观的左右,于是,不同时期的、不同意识形态领域的“核心价值观”便成为影响这个世纪西方文学道德主题表现为不同范式的根源。这些深刻地反映在二十世纪西方文学创作中,作家们或从意识形态、或从人性自我超越、或从哲学等不同角度进行道德主题的创作,总体都是期望为人类找到精神的终极归宿。所以在此基础之上的“二十世纪西方文学道德主题”的探讨,就成为体现二十世纪西方社会意识形态中的“核心价值观”是如何影响价值建构体系变化的,并且这些“道德”如何在一定规律下不断嬗变,继而影响西方文学如何流变的研究。因此,二十世纪西方文学的道德主题研究可以帮助我们从人类的精神之维了解到整个世纪人类对于自然、社会、自我的认知变化,也可以更多地了解二十世纪价值建构的嬗变过程对人类历史发展进程的影响,更应该吸取价值建构的丧失给人类社会整体发展带来的灾难性的教训,从而为新世纪建立相对完善,克服弊端的价值建构体系提供借鉴。同时,在这个探索过程中,人类文明在曲折中“试错”前进,在探寻中“纠错”发展。不管这个探索的进程多么漫长、充满多少坎坷,它总是在向人的更高层次的生存进发,并无限接近本质从而以探寻终极归宿的姿态来完善社会的道德体系。所以,本论文的研究就是在这样的道德主题下展开,以期在探讨过程中获得一些有价值的思考。

【Abstract】 The 20th century is an era of subversion and controversy, which is also an epoch with revolution and development. The literature display an intricate status with ideas varied frequently. The study of western literature is just from the view of history or language, but few from morality. Herein, this paper try to make a holistic study on the creation of western literature by viewing from the angle of morality and referring to the philosophical affiliations and cultural context in 20th century.The value construction is an integral part of human spirit. Since the times of Ancient Greece, the construction and perfection of value system have become the major criterion for the progress of social civilization in western literature. From the beginning of the 20th century, the rapid improvement of productivity and the further development of material civilization have also beseted human society which has lapsed into major scare due to the war, colonialism and pollution while the ruin of belief, morality and ethics have made human lose confidence. Hence, with the contemplation for human morality and the exploration to creation on morality subject, there has brought forth many different morality codes in the western literature of the 20th centuryThe morality subject in this paper is refered to the reflection of cores value in literature in different period and ideological sphere. The morality pattern is the value point constructed on the basis of cores value in the western literature of 20th century which is influenced by different trends of thought in each stage. The cores value is also consequently the origin of the morality modes. These have been well reflected in the literary works of 20th century, either from ideology, self- transcendence or different angles of philosophy, they all aimed at seeking the destination of human spirit. So the study of morality subject in western literature of 20th century has become to research how the value construction was influenced by the cores values, its subsequent change and feedback to the western literature. Hence, the study of morality subject in the western literature of 20th century can help to understand the human cognition to nature, society and the selfhood. It can also conduct to realize the influence of value construction transmutation to human development and learn a lesson to construct the perfect value system. In this process, the human civilization developed amidst twists and turns by the method of trial and error. No matter how long it would take, thedevelopment would always move forward in a higher level to seek the destination of spiritand perfect the moral system, although there would be also a lot of hardships. Herein, thispaper is started with the morality subject mentioned above, to seek some valuable ideas.

  • 【分类号】I109.5
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