

Study on Intelligent Adaptive Control for Operating of Vacuum Switch

【作者】 陈明帆

【导师】 邹积岩; 段雄英;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电机与电器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着真空开关技术的不断发展及“低碳化”等环境保护概念的提出,真空开关在电力系统等工程领域得到了广泛的应用。如何改善真空开关性能、提高其智能化水平、实现相控技术及扩大真空开关在电力系统的应用范围成为了电气工程的研究热点。近些年出现的永磁操动机构出力特性能与真空管负载特性进行良好匹配,且具有可靠性高及可控性高的特点,为真空开关智能化提供了必要的硬件基础。永磁机构真空开关操动智能控制对真空开关性能及智能化水平的提高和电力系统选相投切技术的实现等具有重要意义,是智能化电器和智能电网的前沿课题。本文主要着眼于当前课题中电力系统对相控开关的需求,对永磁机构真空开关操动智能自适应控制进行了研究,以保证开关操动时间的稳定性及实现操动过程的可控性,从而推进电力系统相控开关技术的实现及提高电力开关的智能化水平。论文针对永磁机构真空开关的操动智能控制目标,首先,分析了永磁机构的工作原理及其动态模型,并分析永磁机构与真空开关的匹配性,确定了操动的控制方式。其次,根据对永磁机构真空开关动态模型的分析,对其操动智能控制进行了研究,提出在补偿部分主要环境影响因素(电容电压、环境温度)的基础上,进行行程反馈自适应实时控制,以同时实现开关操动时间的稳定性和开关操动过程的可控性,控制上选择了模糊PID算法。最后,针对所研究的反馈自适应控制方案及课题项目中对控制系统的要求,设计实现永磁机构真空开关智能控制系统,并进行了系统调试及实验验证,说明了控制系统的可行性及有效性。文中以DSP处理器为核心设计实现了永磁机构真空开关智能控制系统,系统驱动开关操动部分采用桥式IGBT电力电子驱动电路,具有控制方式较灵活及控制精度较高等特点。针对课题项目中永磁机构相控真空开关的控制要求,利用该智能控制系统对开关进行了同步关合动作时间自适应控制实验。实验证明,在环境变化时该智能控制系统使得原来29.3ms-38.3ms的合闸时间变化范围改善为33.5ms-34ms(控制给定目标为33.75ms),合闸时间误差稳定在±0.25ms以内。

【Abstract】 With the development of the vacuum switch technology and the proposal of environment protection, such as "low-carbon technology", vacuum circuit breakers have been widely used in power system and other engineering. How to improve the performance and intelligence of vacuum circuit breakers and to achieve synchronous switching, making vacuum circuit breakers more widely used in power system, have been the research focus in Electrical engineering. The force output characteristic of Permanent magnetic actuator (PMA) which appears recently can be good match to the load characteristic of vacuum interrupter. And PMA has high reliability and controllability. It is the necessary hardware foundation for the intelligence of vacuum circuit breakers.The intelligent control of vacuum circuit breakers with PMA is important to improve the performance and intelligence of vacuum circuit breakers and to achieve phase-control switching in power system, and it is an advanced topic in the intelligent apparatus and smart grid. This paper studies the intelligent adaptive control of vacuum circuit breakers with PMA, mainly focusing on the requirement of phase-control switching in power system, to achieve stable operating time and high controllability for vacuum circuit breakers. It can promote the realization of phase-control switching in power system and improve the intelligence of circuit breakers.For achieving the intelligent control of vacuum circuit breakers with PMA, firstly, analyze the operating principle and dynamic model of PMA, studies the matching between PMA and vacuum interrupter, determine the method to control vacuum circuit breakers with PMA. Secondly, according to the analysis of dynamic model of vacuum circuit breakers with PMA, studies the intelligent control of its operating. And have proposed adaptive real-time feedback control for the travel of switches, based on the compensation of major environmental factors (capacitor voltage and ambient temperature). This method not only can achieve stable operating time for vacuum circuit breakers, but also make the travel of switches can be controlled. And fuzzy self-adaptive PID control is used in this method. Lastly, according to the requirement of the intelligent control and the projects, designs the intelligent control system for vacuum circuit breakers with PMA. Then debugs the system and makes some experiments to prove its feasibility and effectiveness.This paper uses DSP to design the intelligent control system, and uses IGBT power electronic H-type drive circuit to drive switches. Its control mode can be more flexible and control accuracy can be higher. According to the requirement of the projects about synchronous vacuum switching with PMA, uses the intelligent control system to do the experiments on adaptive control for operating time of switches. According to the results of experiments, the intelligent control system can make the original making time 29.3ms-38.3ms improve to 33.5ms-34ms under different environmental conditions (the target time is 33.75ms). The system can keep the making time error within±0.25ms under different environmental conditions.
