

The Research on Evaluation of Undergraduates’ Inquiry Learning Satisfaction

【作者】 邹峰

【导师】 张国梁;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济的到来,社会的迅猛发展对创造性人才及劳动者素质提出了新的要求,越来越多的工作需要从业者具备创新能力、实践能力、团队合作能力等全面完备的综合素质。为了适应这种社会需求,许多研究型大学开始进行教学改革,探索研究性学习方式,以培养具有较强的研究能力和创新实践能力的人才。近年来,高等教育蓬勃发展,教育规模的不断扩大并没有带来教育质量的大幅提升,没有及时了解学生需求是制约教育质量提高的最主要因素。伴随着研究性学习越来越成为研究型大学培养创新人才的主要方式,作为研究性学习的主体,学生的意愿和需求成为影响研究性学习的实施效果的重要方面。学生对学校实施的研究性学习有他们自己的感知,对研究性学习的满意度高低直接影响着他们有没有热情参与到研究性学习当中,因此评价研究性学习满意度十分必要。本文旨在探索并构建大学生研究性学习满意度评价体系,对高校实施研究性学习情况进行评估,分析比较不同的研究性学习方式,找出存在的不足,并提出相关建议。本文的研究工作从以下几方面开展:首先,通过文献分析,参考已有研究成果,找出研究性学习满意度的评价指标,经过专家访谈、反复征询与修改,形成初步的研究性学习满意度评价指标体系,使用层次分析法为各级评价指标设置权重,从而形成完整的大学生研究性学习满意度评价体系,并开发相应的4维度量表。其次,以在校本科生为调查对象,发放问卷400份,回收322份有效问卷。通过计算研究性学习三种基本类型的满意度总得分,评价比较研究性学习三种基本类型的满意度表现,分析原因,找出不足,提出改进建议。最后,本文得出如下结论:①学生对项目活动式研究性学习的满意度最高;②课题研究式研究性学习急需具备较高的学术水平及丰富的研究性教学经验的老师进行指导;③知识论专题选题要新颖,教学方式要多元化:④学校要加强软硬件资源建设,’扩大本科生研究机会。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of Knowledge Economy and the rapid development of society, the quality of creative talents and workers has been put forward new demands,more and more jobs need practitioners with innovative ability, practical ability, and teamwork ability and so on. To meet the needs of this trend, many research universities started teaching reform,explored inquiry learning to foster students with strong research and innovative capacity.In recent years, as higher education have keeping vigorous development, the expansion of education scale did not bring substantial improvement. Not to understanding the needs of students in time was the most important factor to restrict improvement of education quality. With the Inquiry Learning has increasingly become the main form of training creative talents, as the main part of Inquiry Learning, the desire and needs of students become important aspects influencing effectiveness of Inquiry Learning implementation. Students have their own perception to implementation of Inquiry Learning by university, and their satisfaction directly decide the level of enthusiasm they have put into Inquiry Learning. So evaluating students’ satisfaction is necessary.This article aims to build the undergraduate Inquiry Learning satisfaction evaluation system, make assessment to Inquiry Learning in college, analyze and compare different kinds of Inquiry Learning to identify shortcomings and provide recommendations.The research work carried out in the following areas:First, through literature review and referring to the existing research results, combined with expert interviews and repeated consultation and modification, this paper forms a preliminary Inquiry Learning satisfaction evaluation index system, and then uses AHP to set weight for every index, thus forming the complete Undergraduate Inquiry Learning satisfaction evaluation system, and developing the corresponding 4-dimensional scale inventory.Secondly, investigate undergraduate students.400 questionnaires were returned 322 valid questionnaires. Calculate the satisfaction total scores of three kinds of Inquiry Learning, evaluate and compare their satisfaction performance, analyze the causes and to identify deficiencies,make recommendations for improvement.Finally, we draw the following conclusions:①Project-based Learning presents the highest satisfaction;②Problem-based Learning urgently needs teachers with high academic standards and abundant Inquiry Teaching experience;③Knowledge Seminar should choose original topics, and diversify teaching methods;④Universities are proposed to strengthen software and hardware resources, and expand undergraduate research opportunities.
