

Research of Application on Component-Based Formal Method on Software Development

【作者】 王永伟

【导师】 杨静;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 基于构件的软件开发是提高软件生产率、提高软件质量、解决软件危机的重要方法,是软件复用领域的研究热点;解决软件危机的另一方面是如何建立严格的数学方法,如何进行形式化软件开发。如何将基于构件的软件开发和形式化方法相结合是软件开发发展的重要方向。鉴于基于构件的软件开发缺少严密的数学推理,没有形式化的规格说明,大部分开发过程采用自然语言进行描述,本文给出了基于构件的形式化软件开发模型,重点研究该模型中需求分析的形式化、设计阶段软件体系结构、形式化构件模型及形式化构件交互。针对传统软件开发中需求分析不准确和二义性等问题,使用Z语言对需求分析形式化表示进行了扩充,并通过实例对形式化表示进行了说明,其具有消除需求分析的二义性和不一致性的能力。需求分析关注如何刻画问题空间,软件体系结构关注如何刻画解空间,如何根据需求分析获得软件体系结构没有定论,文中给出了一种基于功能和三层开发框架获取概要设计软件体系结构的方法。针对现阶段构件接口定义中构件行为和交互协议信息缺乏,利用形式化语言session type定义了构件、连接子以及构件交互语义,完成了详细设计阶段软件体系结构的精化,增强了构件接口信息的描述能力。最后,将基于构件的形式化软件开发模型应用于某公司OA中的办公用品管理系统开发,结果表明该模型具有一定的可行性和适用性,且具有一定的实际应用价值。

【Abstract】 Component-based software development is an important method to improve software productivity and quality, and solve software crisis. It is a research focus of the area of software reuse, and its key technology is the software architecture and component model. It is the other way to solve software crisis how to establish a strict mathematical methods to conduct formal software development. It is an important direction of software development that how to combine component-based software development and formal methods.Component-based software development lacks rigorous mathematical reasoning, and has no formal specification. Most of the development process is described using natural language. So this paper presents a component-based formal software development model. It focuses on formal requirements analysis, software architecture of design phase and formal component model and interaction. Requirements analysis is inaccurate and ambiguous in the traditional software development. The paper expands formal requirements analysis using the Z language, and describes it through examples. It has capacity to eliminate ambiguity and inconsistency of requirements analysis. Requirements analysis is concerned about how to describe the problem space, while software architecture concerned about how to describe the solution space, so it is a problem that how to get software architecture from requirements analysis. The paper presents a method to implement it based on function and three-tier development framework. Because of lack of component behavior and interaction protocol in its interface definition for this stage, the paper defines components, connectors and a semantic of component interactive. The definition enhances description capacity of information of component interface. Finally, the component-based formal software development model is applied to development of office supplies management system of a OA system of some company. The results show that the model has a certain feasibility, applicability, and practical value.

【关键词】 构件模型连接子形式化Z语言session type
【Key words】 Component modelConnectorFormalZ languageSession type