

The Soil Compaction Special Features in Reclaimed Area and Improving Results by Using Mushroom

【作者】 刘雪冉

【导师】 李新举;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 山东省济宁矿区是我国的主要煤矿区之一,邹城市是济宁矿区的主战场,兖矿集团的主要矿井分布在该市。自上世纪50年代开始采煤至今,已经形成了5653hm2(8.48万亩)的塌陷地,造成矿区生态环境的破坏。自1980a开始该市加强了采煤塌陷地的治理工作,生态环境逐步得到改善。但由于煤炭产量的增加,每年塌陷地大约以200hm2/年的速度增加。在采煤塌陷和复垦的过程中,由于对土壤的严重干扰,致使复垦土壤质量发生了大的变化。其中土壤压实是复垦土壤最关键的因素之一,是关系到复垦质量高低和复垦是否成功的关键。该研究以邹城市矿区复垦土壤为研究对象,选择了5个复垦年度对其压实特征进行了详细分析,揭示了复垦土壤压实度的变异规律。同时对复垦土壤的理化性状和综合土壤质量进行了评价,探明了复垦土壤质量的变异规律。针对复垦土壤存在的问题,本研究应用蘑菇料对复垦土壤进行了改良研究,探讨蘑菇料对复垦土壤质量的改良效果。通过分析发现:人为因素的干扰造成地块2、9(复垦后为耕地)表层土壤紧实度远小于未破坏地块(413.40kpa),对作物的生长不利;其余复垦地块紧实度远大于地块1(未破坏地块)。复垦时间对土壤紧实度有一定的影响,复垦时间越长,土壤紧实度越小。在土壤垂直剖面上,随着深度的增加,土壤紧实度增加。充填物质不同,对土壤紧实度具有一定的影响,煤矸石比粉煤灰有利于改善土壤压实度,地块8(充填粉煤灰)通体紧实度都很大,严重影响作物的生长。在土层1-4层,地块9(02年复垦为耕地)紧实度小于地块3(02年复垦为林地),由于人为因素和农作物根系的影响,同时说明在土层表层,农作物比林木对土壤紧实度的影响大;而随着深度的增加,地块9紧实度大于地块3。刚施完蘑菇废料表层土壤的紧实度较低,由于蘑菇废料中有机质的胶结作用,随着施用废料时间的加长,土壤表层的紧实度逐步增加,更加有利于作物的生长。刚施用蘑菇料地块6(07年施用蘑菇料)和复垦后用于耕地的地块变化趋势相近。但所有地块的紧实度在第4—5层基本达到最大,之后变化不大。土壤的紧实度与土壤物理、化学、生物特性相互联系,其中土壤的生物特性与土壤紧实度之间的相关性最大,显著水平P均为0,与真菌数量的相关系数达到了-0.73599;土壤紧实度与土壤中粘粒的含量相关性最小为-0.02889,显著水平P是0.83573。蘑菇料的施用对复垦土壤理化性状、微生物数量和土壤质量具有一定的影响。刚施用蘑菇废料地块表层土壤的紧实度较低(438.30kpa),随着施用废料时间的加长,土壤表层的紧实度逐步增加(826.80kpa)。不同的处理方式,在土壤垂直剖面的2-3层发生不同的变化,未破坏地块和复垦后用于耕地的地块紧实度下降,出现最小值(68.90kpa),随着深度增加而增加;刚施用蘑菇料地块6和复垦后用于耕地的地块变化趋势相近,而施用蘑菇料时间较长的地块则在表层次出现峰值(1378.00kpa),之下下降或不变。但所有地块的紧实度在第4—5层基本达到最大,之后变化不大。施用蘑菇废料较早和较晚的地块表层容重均比未破坏地块大,而04和05年使用蘑菇废料的地块表层容重比未破坏大。蘑菇废料具有很好的保水性能,随着施用蘑菇废料时间延伸,表层土壤的含水量逐步增加,并且远大于没有施用蘑菇料的地块;同时在垂直剖面上,由于蘑菇料和土壤混为一体,增加了水分向地下渗透的阻力,使含水量比较高,有利于土壤含蓄水源。施用蘑菇废料地块中粘粒的含量要比未破坏地块高,其中地块5的含量最高(14.40%),地块7表层含有粉粒的量最大(94.06%),随着施用废料年限的增加,粉粒的含量逐渐减少,但比未使用蘑菇料的地块3的含量高,这说明通过施用蘑菇料可以很好的改良土壤的通透性,有利于耕作。蘑菇料的使用增加了土壤表层有机质的含量,但比未破坏地块的有机质含量低,随着施用蘑菇料时间的增加,表层有机质含量降低,且随着土壤深度的增加,有机质含量减少。刚施用蘑菇料地块表层碱解氮含量比较高(27.33mg/kg),随着时间增加,含量减少。在土壤垂直剖面,施用蘑菇料地块在第2-3层含量增加,随着深度再增加,含量减少,但施用蘑菇料地块通体含量相对于未破坏地比较稳定,未破坏地块(地块1)碱解氮含量随着深度增加会迅速下降。蘑菇料的施用对于土壤表层速效磷的含量有较大的影响,未施用蘑菇料地块表层含量很低(0.98mg/kg),严重影响作物的生长。蘑菇料施用时间与土壤速效磷的含量相关性较小,但施用蘑菇料地块垂直剖面含量变化较小。蘑菇料的施用对于提高表层土壤中有效钾的含量有很大作用,同时随着时间增加,含量降低,地块4(05年施用蘑菇料)表层含量只有40 mg/kg。复垦土壤表层碱性很大(pH>8.3),通过施用蘑菇料可以有效中和土壤的碱性;在土壤垂直剖面上,施用蘑菇料的地块4、5、6、7通体pH值较稳定,并且随着施用蘑菇料时间的增加,土壤碱性减弱,至蘑菇料施用3年的地块5(04年施用蘑菇料)通体碱性最弱(pH=7.92)。施用蘑菇料的地块随着时间的增加土壤表层电导率的降低,且随着深度的增加而增加,在第5层出现峰值。土壤中微生物的数量随着深度的增加,数量明显的减少,在表层数量一般是最大。蘑菇料的施用对复垦土壤微生物影响较大。施用蘑菇料1年后的地块7土壤中细菌、真菌、放线菌的数量较多,分别为324*105、103*103和26*104个/g·土,明显高于未施用地块(83*105、56*103和12*104个/g·土),低于复垦后用于耕地的地块9(1520*105、240*103和57*104个/g·土),但高于未破坏的地块(293*105、80*103和29*104个/g·土)。蘑菇料施用以后,对土壤中的不同微生物产生不同的影响,施用蘑菇料的地块细菌和真菌明显提高,放线菌增加较少。施用蘑菇料后复垦土壤综合质量有明显变化。复垦后用于耕地的土壤由于人为因素影响其土壤质量较高,平均土壤质量指数达到0.53和0.51,其表层土壤质量达到0.64和0.69,大大高于其他土壤。复垦后种树的土壤由于人为干扰较少其质量较低,平均土壤质量指数在0.40左右。蘑菇料的施用对于复垦土壤具有一定的改良作用,但主要集中在上层土壤,对下层土壤影响不大。对土壤质量的影响主要集中在施用后的前2年,2年后随着蘑菇料的分解殆尽,对土壤影响较小,土壤质量指数趋于和未施用蘑菇料的土壤一致。所有复垦土壤上层土壤质量高于下层,特别是施用蘑菇料的土壤质量在15cm左右出现峰值。复垦后用于耕地的土壤质量变异较大,变异系数达到24.74%,施用蘑菇料可以减少土壤质量的分异程度,特别是施用时间越长,土壤质量分异越小,施用第3年变异系数降至3.59%。

【Abstract】 The major mines of Yanzhou Coal Mining Group locate in Zoucheng City, Jining, Shandong Province. Since 1950s, there has been 5653hm2 (8.48×104 acres) of subsided land, which caused the environmental damage. From 1980s on, the city began to strengthen the management of mining subsidence and gradually improved the ecological environment. However, because of the coal production is growing, subsidence land increases at the speed of 200hm2/year. Mining collapse and reclamation seriously disturbed the soil, resulting in great changes of reclaimed soil quality. Soil compaction is the most critical factor to judge the quality level and success of reclamation. The study selected the reclaimed soil in Zoucheng City as the object, analyzed compaction characteristics during five years of reclamation, and revealed compaction variation of reclaimed soil. Meanwhile, through the evaluation for the physical and chemical properties and synthetic quality of reclaimed soil, the quality variation of reclaimed soil was verified. Mushroom was applied to improve the reclaimed soil quality.The analysis shows:the soil compactness of land surface in block 2 and 9 which interference by human in much smaller than undamaged block (413.40kpa), which is disadvantage to crop growth; remaining reclaimed land compactness is much larger than block 1. Reclamation time have affect to the soil compaction, the longer the reclamation, the smaller the soil compaction.In soil vertical profile, as the depth increases, soil compaction increased. Different filling materials have some influence to soil compaction, Gangue can help to improve soil compaction than coal fly ash,the compaction of block 8 is big in the whole body, which seriously affecting crop growth. In the soil layers 1-4, the compation of block 9 is less than block 3,which due to human factors and the impact of root crops. At the same time which tell that crops have larger impact in soil compation than trees;but as the depth increases, block 9 have biger compation than block 3. The compaction of surface soil in block which was just finished mushroom is small,due to cementation of organic matter in mushrooms, and with longer time by using mushroom, the compaction of soil surface gradually increased, which is better to crop growth. Block 6 which was just using mushroom have the same change trend with the block which was cultivated land after reclamation. However, the compaction of all plots reach the maximum in level 4-5, then have litter change. Soil compaction have interconnect withsoil physical, chemical and biological properties, the biological characteristics of soil and soil compaction have the biggest correlation, the largest significance level P is 0, the correlation coefficient with the fungi reached-0.73599; soil compaction and soil clay content have the minimum correlation coefficient which reach-0.02889, significance level P is 0.83573.The application of mushroom took some effects on the physical and chemical properties, microbial quantity and soil quality of reclaimed soil.The compaction degree of surface soil was low (438.30kpa) when mushroom waste was just used, A few days later, compaction degree of surface soil gradually increased (826.80kpa). Different approaches caused compaction difference in the second and third layers of the vertical profile. In the undamaged plot and cultivated land after reclamation, the compaction decreased to the minimum-68.90kpa, and then increased. Plot 6 with mushroom application and the cultivated plot after reclamation had the similar compaction status. The highest compaction value (1378.00kpa) occurred in the plot with long-time use of mushroom, and then decreased or stayed unchanged. However, all the plots had the maximum compaction value in the fourth and fifth layers, little compaction change took place below the two layers. Whenever the mushroom waste was applied, surface soil bulk density was higher than that of undamaged land. The application in 2004 and 2005 was the example. Mushroom waste can maintenance water very well; soil moisture content with the application of mushroom gradually increased, much higher than that in the plots without mushroom. In the vertical profiles, due to the mixture of mushroom and soil, the resistance of water infiltration to the underground increased, which gave high water content and help soil maintenance water. The plot with mushroom application owned a larger clay fraction than the undamaged land, and the highest content appeared in plot 5 (14.40%). The surface soil of block 7 contained the maximum amount of silt particles (94.06%), which gradually decreased, but still higher than the plot 3 without mushrooms. It showed that the application of mushroom could improve soil permeability, good for farming.Mushroom scrap application increased the content of organic matter in the surface soil, which was still lower than that of undamaged soil. Later, soil organic matter content fell lower; with the increase of soil depth, it became less. The content of available N was high-27.33mg/kg, but later it decreased. In the second and third layer of vertical profiles, the available N content with mushroom increased, but decreased with soil depth. However, the plot without mushroom (land block 1) had a higher decreasing speed with soil depth. The influence of mushroom scrap application was significant on soil available phosphorus content. Without application of mushroom scrap, the content in the surface soil was very low (0.98mg/kg), seriously hindering crop growth. The time of mushroom scrap use related little to the content of available phosphorus, and there was little difference of available P content in the vertical profile between with and without mushroom scrap. Mushroom scrap’s application is great for increasing soil available K content, but later, it reduced a lot. For example, the content of surface soil in block 4 (in 2005; mushroom application) was only 40 mg/kg. The surface reclaimed soil had great alkalinity (pH>8.3). By applying mushroom scrap, the alkalinity could be effectively improved. In the vertical profile, plots of 4,5,6,7 had stable pH value and with the time passed, alkalinity was reduced by using mushroom scrap. From plot 5, pH value fell down to 7.92 with 3-year use of mushroom scrap (since 2004). The conductivity of land after mushroom scrap disposal decreased over time, but increased with soil depth; the peak occurred in the 5th layer.With the increase of soil depth, the number of microbes decreased; generally, the surface had the biggest number. Plot 7, with 1-year mushroom scrap application, had more bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes, the number was namely 324 * 105,103 * 103 and 26 * 104, significantly higher than the plot without mushroom (83 * 105,56 * 103 and 12 * 104), less than plot 9-the reclaimed land for cultivation (1520 * 105,240 * 103 and 57 * 104), higher than the undamaged plot (293 * 105,80 * 103 and 29 * 104). Mushroom scrap application impacted on different soil microbes, the number bacteria and fungi increased more significantly than actinomycetes.The comprehensive quality of reclaimed soil was obviously different after using mushroom. scrap Because of human cultivation and fertilization, cultivated soil after reclamation owned high comprehensive quality, with average index of 0.52-0.54. The index of surface soil got to 0.64 and 0.73, much higher than other soils. Due to little human measurements, the quality of reclaimed soil for planting trees was low, with the average of 0.40. The effects of mushroom scrap mainly focused on the top soil other than subsoil. The time of its influence was mainly the first 2 years after application, later with the decomposition of mushroom scrap, soil quality index tended to the value without mushroom scrap. The quality of top soil was higher than that of subsoil, especially in application of mushroom scrap, soil quality reached a peak at about 15cm-depth. Cultivated soil after reclamation had great soil quality variance, with the coefficient of 24.74%. Mushroom scrap application could reduce this kind of variation, particularly with the longer-time use; the variance coefficient fell down to 3.59% after 3-year application.
