

Responses of Quercus Species Seedlings to Waterlogging Stress

【作者】 张晓磊

【导师】 马风云; 陈益泰;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于长江、黄河等流域生态环境不断恶化,洪涝灾害频繁发生,造成了巨大的经济损失。现有种植材料耐涝性的缺乏,使这些低湿地大部分处于荒芜或半荒芜状态而无法利用。栎类适应性很强,是优良的城乡绿化景观树种,目前对于栎类树种的研究已成为一个热点,但对于其耐涝性的研究不多,特别是对近几年引进的国外栎在我国的适应性研究不足。因此,结合我国南方特定的气候特点研究栎类的耐涝性,积极引进国外优良的耐涝栎类资源,选择优良耐涝栎类种源及无性系,对丰富我国造林绿化树种和减轻洪涝灾害无疑具有重要意义。本文研究了弗栎、水栎、苏玛栎、纳塔栎、麻栎、青冈栎6个栎类树种及贵州榕江、河南南召、浙江建德、安徽池州、广州乐昌、江西上饶6个麻栎种源在人工淹水胁迫下外部形态及相关生理生化指标的变化。研究结果如下:1.除青冈栎外,淹水胁迫在一定程度上促进了其他栎类生物量的积累,并出现茎基部皮孔膨胀现象。叶片受害指数能够在一定程度上反映树种耐涝性。2.淹水胁迫下,植物通过改变各器官构件生物量分配来适应土壤缺氧环境,根冠比、叶质比明显下降,茎质比明显上升。耐涝能力强的树种,根质比变化不大,茎质比较对照明显上升,原因与茎部形成发达通气组织有关。3.叶片脯氨酸含量和可溶糖含量的变化与栎类树种的耐涝性密切相关,耐涝性强的栎类在淹水过程中Pro含量和可溶性糖含量的变化较对照不明显,特别是在淹水的后期会与对照趋于一致。而不耐涝栎类叶片中Pro含量和可溶性糖含量会随淹水时间的延长不断增加。4.淹水胁迫下,不同栎类叶片MDA含量较对照最大增幅出现的时间不同,弗栎、水栎、苏玛栎分别在淹水第7d、14d、28d出现,在后期增幅减小;麻栎、青冈栎则在淹水后期才出现,可以利用该数据判断树种的耐涝能力。5.通过对6个栎类树种的16个指标进行主成分分析,结果表明,以生物量、叶片受害指数所反映的生长、形态综合指标因子和以可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸指标为主的生理调节因子可以初步构建一个耐涝评价体系。6个树种的耐涝能力由大到小为:纳塔栎>弗栎>水栎>苏玛栎>麻栎>青冈栎。6.根据淹水胁迫下不同麻栎种源生长及生理生化变化初步得出上饶、建德2个种源具有一定的耐涝能力。

【Abstract】 The deteriorating ecological environment in Yangtze River and Yellow River, and frequent waterlogging , had caused enormous economic losses. Currently, the lack of planting material of Waterlogging tolerance species leads to most of these wetlands being in the desert or semi-desert state and can not used. Quercus sp. is an excellent landscape tree species in urban and rural greening, and the current study of the oak tree has become a hot spot, but few studies on waterlogging tolerance, particularly in recent years,adaptive research on the foreign oak in China was deficient. Therefore, it’s of great significances to research the waterlogging tolerance of Oak and to introduce the adaptive foreign Oak to our country, considering the specific south climate, and select fine Waterlogging oak provenances and clones to enrich plantation tree species and mitigate floods in our country. In this paper, we have studied the change of the external morphology, physiological and biochemical indexes in artificial waterlogging stress of the 6 Quercus species i.e. Q. virgin iana, Q. nigra, Q. shumardii, Q. nuttalli, Q. acutissima and Q. glauca, Q. acutissima and 6 provenances of Q. acutissima. Rongjiang Guizhou, Nanzhao Henan, Jiande Zhejiang, Chizhou Anhui, Lechang Guangzhou, Shangrao Jiangxi. The results showed that:1. Except for Q. glauca, to certain extent, the waterlogging stress improved the biomass accumulation of all the other oaks, and on the stem base there appeared enticel expansion. And to some degree, the leaf damage index can reflect the waterlogging tolerance of tree species.2. To a certain extent, under the waterlogging stress, in order to adapt to hypoxic environment in soil, plant organs changed the allocation of structural biomass, and the ratio of root to shoot, the ratio of leaf mass decreased significantly, while the ratio of stem mass significantly increased. To the perfect Waterlogged species, there was little change in root, but the stem quality were significantly increased, mainly because of the formation of well-developed aerenchyma.3. Proline content and soluble sugar content of leaves were closely related with the waterlogging resistance of Quercus sp. for those two indexes of Quercus sp. with perfect waterlogging resistance were not remarkable comparing with the control test, and in the late stage of the waterlogging they were almost equal to the value of the control test. However, for Quercus sp. which can not withstand waterlogging , the Proline and soluble sugar content of leaves increased as time went on.4. Under the waterlogged stress, the highest value of MDA content in different oak leaves occurred at different times compared to the control test. And the occurring time of Q. virginiana, Q. nigra, Q. shumardii were respectively 7th day, 14th day and 28th day after being treated with waterlogging , and in the late growth period the rate of the increase reduced. Q. acutissima, Q. glauca appeared in the late period and this fact could be used to judge the ability of waterlogging tolerance of tree species.5. Through the principal component analysis of Quercus sp. with 16 indicators, and the results showed that the growth and comprehensive morphologic factors such as biomass and the leaf damage index and physiological regulators such as soluble protein, soluble sugar, proline could be combined to establish an evaluation system for waterlogging tolerance. The descending order of Waterlogged tolerance of 6 tree species was: Q. nuttallii > Q. virginiana > Q. nigra > Q. shumardii > Q. acutissima> Q. glauca.6. According to the growth, physiological and biochemical changes of Q. acutissima provenances under waterlogging stress, the Q.acutissima in Shangrao and Jiande were initially proved to have a certain high waterlogging tolerance.
