

Effect of Irrigation Regimens on Grain Yield and Quality of Strong-gluten Winter Wheat

【作者】 贾殿勇

【导师】 贺明荣;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 试验于2008-2009年在山东农业大学农学试验站防雨池中进行。选用强筋冬小麦品种济麦20为试验材料,设置了不同的水分处理,研究水分运筹对小麦籽粒产量和品质形成的影响。主要研究结果如下:1小麦灌浆过程中籽粒蛋白质及其各组分含量的动态变化在灌浆过程中,籽粒的清球蛋白含量呈下降趋势,醇溶蛋白含量和谷蛋白含量随灌浆时间的推移呈不同程度增加趋势。其中醇溶蛋白从灌浆初期直到末期均在增加,而谷蛋白在初期增加缓慢或者没有增加,开花25天以后,开始快速增加。其中,可溶性谷蛋白和不溶性谷蛋白均表现出相似的变化趋势。谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白的比值,则是先降低至花后20天左右又有所增加,说明前期醇溶蛋白的积累速率比谷蛋白的大。而谷蛋白的积累主要在灌浆中后期。不同水分处理的比较表明,清球蛋白含量从灌浆初期到开花30天,灌1水处理的显著低于其它灌水处理的;醇溶蛋白单粒积累量从开花20天后,灌1水处理的显著小于其它灌水处理的,开花30天之后,除灌1水外的其它灌水处理的醇溶蛋白单粒积累量均有所降低;谷蛋白及各组分快速积累的时间均随灌水次数的增加而向后推迟,开花30天之后,灌1水的积累速率明显降低;而其它灌水处理的积累速率变化不明显,且在灌浆结束时还有增加的趋势。说明增加灌水延缓籽粒谷蛋白各组分的形成和积累。2水分运筹对强筋冬小麦籽粒产量的影响济麦20的籽粒产量随灌水次数的增加呈现先上升后下降的趋势,灌水次数在1~3次范围内,籽粒产量随灌水次数的增加而增加,当灌水次数增加到4次时,籽粒产量较灌3水处理下降。3水分运筹对籽粒蛋白质及其各组分含量的影响不同水分处理的比较表明,济麦20的籽粒蛋白质含量、醇溶蛋白含量、谷蛋白含量、高分子量可溶性谷蛋白含量、低分子量可溶性谷蛋白含量、总可溶性谷蛋白含量、高分子量不溶性谷蛋白含量、低分子量不溶性谷蛋白含量、总不溶性谷蛋白含量和聚合指数均随灌水次数的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。其中,灌2水处理的籽粒蛋白质含量、谷蛋白含量、不溶性谷蛋白含量、高分子量不溶性谷蛋白含量和聚合指数均显著高于其它水分处理。4水分运筹对籽粒谷蛋白亚基含量的影响随灌水次数的增加,济麦20的高分子量谷蛋白亚基含量、高分子量谷蛋白亚基/低分子量谷蛋白亚基比值均呈现先上升后下降的趋势。其中以灌2水处理的值最高,且显著优于其它灌水处理。5水分运筹对籽粒谷蛋白大聚合体粒度分布特征的影响随着灌水次数的增加,粒径>100μm的谷蛋白大聚合体颗粒所占百分比呈现先升高后降低的趋势,而粒径<100μm和<10μm谷蛋白大聚合体颗粒所占比例呈现先降低后升高的趋势。其中灌2水处理的体积加权平均粒径和表面积加权平均粒径均显著大于其它灌水处理。6水分运筹对面团流变学特性和面包加工品质的影响随灌水次数的增加,济麦20的湿面筋含量、面团形成时间、面团稳定时间、面包体积和面包总评分均呈现先上升后下降的趋势。面团稳定时间、面团形成时间和面包体积均在灌2水时达到最优,且与其它处理差异显著。灌水次数由1水增加到2水湿面筋含量、面团形成时间、面团稳定时间、面包体积和面包总评分相应提高,而灌3水和4水处理的面团形成时间、面团稳定时间和面包体积较灌2水处理显著降低。7蛋白质组分与面团流变学特性、面包品质的相关和回归分析相关分析显示,不溶性谷蛋白含量、高分子量可溶性谷蛋白含量、低分子量可溶性谷蛋白、高分子量不溶性谷蛋白、谷蛋白总含量、聚合指数、面团形成时间、体积加权平均粒径和表面积加权平均粒径、高分子量谷蛋白亚基、高分子量谷蛋白亚基与低分子量谷蛋白亚基比值和面包体积均与面团稳定时间达到显著或极显著相关;可溶性谷蛋白含量、不溶性谷蛋白含量、高分子量不溶性谷蛋白含量、谷蛋白总含量、湿面筋含量、面团稳定时间、体积加权平均粒径和表面积加权平均粒径、高分子量谷蛋白亚基、高分子量谷蛋白亚基与低分子量谷蛋白亚基比值均与面包体积达到显著或极显著正相关。回归分析结果表明:不同水分运筹条件下,不溶性谷蛋白含量的改变是导致面团稳定时间发生变化的关键因子,而面包体积发生变化的关键因子是谷蛋白总含量的变化。

【Abstract】 This study was conducted from 2008 to 2009 at the experimental farm of shandong Agricultural University. In order to investigate the effects of the different irrigation frequency on the grain quality of strong gluten winter wheat, Jimai20 were subjected to a series of irrigation frequencies under rain shelter conditions, with protein composition and its grain quality ( farinograph parameters and flour wet gluten content ) evaluated. This experiment mainly shows:1 The dynamics curve of grain protein components content of the grain filling processIn the grain filling process, albumin and globulin content of Jimai 20 decreased, but gliadin and glutenin content increased. Gliadin from them until the end of early filling were increased; increase grain protein in the initial slow or no growth, but 25 days after anthesis, it began to rapidly increase. Grain protein, soluble glutenin and insoluble glutenin were shown similar trends. The ratio of glutenin and gliadin is first reduced to 20 days after anthesis, the increase again. So it is adverse to the accumulation of grain protein mainly in the late grain filling.From the early filling stage to after anthesis 30 days, the albumin and globulin content was lower in rrigation once than the other irrigation treatments. The gliadin accumulation of single grain was lower in rrigation once than the other irrigation treatments from after anthesis 20 days, and it was also decreased in other irrigation treatments after 30 days anthesis. Rapid accumulation of glutenin components of the time were postponed with the irrigation frequency added, After 30 days anthesis, rrigation once of the accumulation rate decreased; and other irrigation treatment of the accumulation rate did not change significantly, and there is an increase in the filling end of the trend. It showed that increase irrigation delayed the formation and accumulation of glutenin components.2. Effect of irrigation frequency on grain yieldThe grain yield of Jimai 20 increased with irrigation frequency added which ranged from 1 to 3 times, however, it was noted to be decreased in four irrigation treatment compared with thrice irrigation treatment.3 Effect of irrigation frequency on the grain protein composition contentWith the increase of irrigation times, the content of grain protein,gliadin, glutenin, HMW soluble glutenin, LMW soluble glutenin, soluble glutenin, HMW insoluble glutenin, insoluble glutenin and polyphenol index of Jimai 20 was frist increased and the decreased. The content of grain protein, glutenin, insoluble glutenin, HMW insoluble glutenin and the polyphenol index was significantly higher in irrigation twice than the other irrigation treatments.4 Effect of irrigation frequency on glutenin subunits contentWith the increase of irrigation times, the content of HMW-GS and the ratio of HMW-GS and LMW-GS of Jimai 20 was frist increased and the decreased. The content of HMW-GS and the ratio of HMW-GS and LMW-GS was significantly higher in irrigation twice than the other irrigation treatments. The content of LMW-GS was lower in rrigation twice than the other irrigation treatments.5 Effect of irrigation frequency on the granule size distribution characteristics of wheat grain GMPThe distrbution characteristics of particle size of GMP was consistent in different irrigation treatments,and the peak was also consistent with scope, but the particle size distribution of volume and surface area showed some differences in various irrigation treatments. Under the experimental conditions, with the increase of irrigation times, particle size >100μm in the percentage of GMP particles first and then decreased, while the particle size of <100μm and <10μm GMP particles decreased first, the percentage increased. D ( 4, 3 ) and D ( 3, 2 ) are the highest in the irrigation twice treatment, and its significantly better than the other irrigation treatments. 6 Effect of irrigation frequency on dough quality and bread qualityThe flour wet gluten, the dough development and stability time, the bread volume and the bread total score of Jimai 20 first increased and then decreased with the increase of irrigation times. The dough development and stability time and the bread volume of twice irrigation treatment of was significantly higher than the other irrigation treatments.The dough development and stability time and the bread volume increased with the irrigation frequency increasing in the range of 1 to 2 times irrigation, and then decreased in three and four times irrigation treatments compared with two times irrigation treatment.7 Correlative analysis of the protein quality and the dough and bread qualityCorrelation analysis showed: the insoluble glutenin content, the HMW soluble glutenin content, the LMW soluble glutenin content, the HMW insoluble glutenin content, the glutenin content, the polyphenol index, the dough stability time, the D ( 4, 3 ) and D ( 3, 2 ), the HMW-GS, the ratio of HMW-GS and LMW-GS and the bread volume were significantly and positively correlated with the dough stability time.The soluble glutenin content, the insoluble glutenin content, the HMW insoluble glutenin content, the glutenin content, the flour wet gluten content, the dough stability time, D ( 4, 3 ) and D ( 3, 2 ), HMW-GS and the ratio of HMW-GS and LMW-GS were significantly and positively correlated with the the bread volume.Regression analysis showed: in different irrigation treatments, the changes dough stability time resulted manily from the changes insoluble glutenin content, and the changes bread volume resulted manily from the changes glutenin content. Key words: Strong-gluten winter wheat; Irrigation; Yield; Protein; GMP; Quality

【关键词】 强筋小麦灌水量产量蛋白质谷蛋白大聚合体品质
【Key words】 Strong-gluten winter wheatIrrigationYieldProteinGMPQuality