

An Exploratory Study of the Reverse Culture Adaptation Situations of the Returned Students From Britain

【作者】 郄琨

【导师】 陈汉生;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化的不断发展,国与国之间的交流日益频繁。针对频繁的国际交流活动,文化适应成为诸多学者研究的热点。“逆向文化冲击”这个概念大家并不陌生,国内外很多学者对此现象著书立说,当人们旅居至陌生文化时会提前做好准备,以应对“文化冲击”。但是,在学术界关于“逆向文化冲击”的研究少之又少。“逆向文化冲击”的概念由Scheuts在1994年提出,那时正值战争完毕,很多归国老兵回到曾经熟悉的故土时,经历了诸多文化适应的困难。“逆向文化冲击”主要指离开旅居他乡的人们在回到母国后需要经历文化再次适应的过程。学者Clyde N. Austin指出,现有人愿意承认自己遇到了“逆向文化冲击”,承认自己对母国文化的解读出现困难。但是事实情况是绝大多数经历异乡文化洗礼的归国者都会遭遇一定程度的再适应压力,有些人情况严重甚至需要及时治疗。时至今日,中国的“海归”群体日益扩大。面对“逆向文化冲击”,他们是否能够很好的做出调整?本文采用John Berry的文化适应模型以及Colleen Ward对文化适应的二维分析(心理适应和社会文化适应),主要依靠网上问卷调查的形式,辅助以少量深度访谈,将赴英归国留学生作为调查对象,旨在与调查赴英留学生归国后对“逆向文化冲击”的适应状况,并对相关结果进行分析、综合,并提出建议。笔者希望通过本文能够帮助广大留学生更好的进行文化再适应,同时号召整个社会关注留学生归国文化再适应问题。

【Abstract】 With the growing penetration of globalization, countries tend to exchange with each other much more than ever before. Researchers at home and abroad have conducted various researches on“cultural shock”experiences which people may encounter when he or she left his or her motherland culture for somewhere new. As a result, most people will get themselves ready for the cross-culture journey to face the potential“culture shock”.However, researches about the“reverse cultural shock”are not often seen in the academic fields.“Reverse cultural shock”was firstly put forward by Scheuts in 1994, when the returned veteran met with difficulties in their once familiar home culture.“Reverse cultural shock”refers to the fact that people who have left their motherland involving in another culture for a long time may misunderstand, misinterpret, alien his or her home culture when coming back home, and he or she would have to do cultural re-adaptation.Scholar Clyde N. Austin pointed out that no one wants to admit that he or she is having difficulties reading home culture. But reality is that most people returned faces stress in reentry process, and in some cases their need of counseling is severe.At present,“Hai Gui”in China has been an expanding group. In face of“reverse cultural shock”, could they adapt themselves successfully? This study employs the returned college students from Britain as a focused group in order to indicate the whole picture of all the returnees. The research will be based on on-line survey by the returned college students from Britain, and under the theoretical framework of accultraration model of John Berry and two dimensions of adaptation of Collean Ward. The author hopes that the thesis could help the returned college students to better overcome the difficulties in cultural reentry and call on the society to pay attention to the issue.

  • 【分类号】G648.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】357