

A Study on the Legal Personality of INGOs in International Law

【作者】 李海博

【导师】 周洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 毫无疑问,国际非政府组织已经成为当今国际法相关领域重要的参与者,尽管国际上目前还没有统一的定义,但从国际文件的规定可以总结出国际非政府组织被国际社会公认的非政府性、国际性、组织性和非营利性特征,进而反映出国际非政府组织的概念内涵,即非由一国政府或政府间协议建立,在一个以上国家(或地区)开展活动并产生影响,拥有自身管理机构的非营利性组织。从产生和发展的历程可以看到,国际非政府组织对国际法的影响不断增强。随着全球化时代的到来,国际非政府组织已经越来越广泛参与到国际政治和国际关系中,并且直接影响着国际法的发展。围绕国际非政府组织是否具有国际法主体地位的这一课题,不同的研究方法有着不同的观点。一些学者否定国际非政府组织能够成为国际法主体,认为它们都是“国际法之外”的国内组织;也有观点认为国际非政府组织在与主权国家、政府间国际组织的国际关系中可以从后两者的承认或默认取得一定的国际法律人格,国际非政府组织发挥积极作用的客观事实或为实现其宗旨的隐含权利也可以成为其获得某些领域内一定程度国际法律人格的渊源;更多的研究则是从国际非政府组织在国际法领域的实践出发,认为国际非政府组织在国际法某些领域影响十分明显,在国际法上具有一定的功能性身份。国际非政府组织在国际立法、国际人权、国际环境保护等方面与国际法实证联结可以为功能性身份的理论提供论据。国际非政府组织通过特有的方式影响着国家和政府间国际组织的决策,积极参与到国际立法进程中,还通过参与人权监督机制、环境监督机制推动国际人权法和国际环境法的实施。灾难救助领域的国际非政府组织实践,则是其展示在人道救助领域的优势的重要方式。必须看到,在现行的国际法体系下,国际非政府组织作用的发挥离不开联合国体系。尽管目前对于国际非政府组织是否具有国际法主体地位还没有定论,但以咨商关系为主的联合国框架下的一系列制度性安排是国际非政府组织越来越充分地参与国际事务的保证,也是国际非政府组织进一步促进国际法发展的最为可行的渠道。

【Abstract】 It is nowadays beyond doubt that International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) play a prominent role in international law-relevant field. Although there is no unified definition, the characteristics of INGOs can be summarized as known to all as non-governmental, international, organizational and non-profitable. Aforesaid four characteristics give a clear explanation that INGOs is a non-profitable organization with its own administration, not founded by a government or based on the treaties between governments, whose action and influence is over more than one country (or region).The increasingly active stance of INGOs on the international plane since their generation and long-time development, especially their engagement in politics and international relations within the time of globalization still raises questions concerning their position under international law, which is the subject of a continuing debate among legal scholars. Some insists that INGOs cannot be treated as subject of international law, while they are“beyond the international law”as national organizations. Some argues that INGOs can acquire the legal personality by the admission of countries or governmental international organizations in the international relations between or among them. The objective facts of INGOs’action and the latent rights to realize their aims can also demonstrate the subject position in some fields. More scholars consider that INGOs have some specific functional personality for their obvious influences in some fields, from the view of the practice.Empirical studies on the relations between INGOs and international law in the area of international legislation, international human rights, international environmental protection and can give the grounds for the theory of functional personality. In their specific manners, INGOs influence the decision-making of countries and governmental international organizations, take engagement in the international legislation, and promote the development of international human rights law and international environment law by means of the engagement in the supervision mechanism of human rights and environment. The INGOs’practice in the field of disaster relief is a great demonstration of their advantages.It is noteworthy that, in the existing system of international law, the function of INGOs cannot go without the system of United Nations (UN). Although there is no final conclusion on whether INGOs have the subject position in international law, a package of arrangement under the framework of UN, which gives priority to consultative status, is the guarantee of the engagement of INGOs in the international affairs more sufficiently, and the most feasible method to promote the development of international law.
