

Researching on the Right to Regret of Consumer

【作者】 吴惠国

【导师】 孙效敏;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分为三个部分。第一部分:消费者“后悔权”的概念及其法律性质。该部分首先介绍消费者“后悔权”的基本概念,并罗列了主要发达国家关于“后悔权”立法的基本情况。对于“后悔权”法律性质的论述是第一部分的主要内容,也是下文展开论述的基础。关于“后悔权”的性质主要存在两种观点,一种观点认为“后悔权”是一种合同法上的权利,属于民法上的私权利;另一种观点则认为“后悔权”是一项经济法上的权利。笔者赞同后一种观点,原因在于专属于消费者一方的“后悔权”,其设立是为了平衡经营者与消费者之间地位的严重不平等,而由国家出面通过立法对消费者进行倾斜保护,体现了国家对社会经济的管理。这也是“后悔权”与合同法上的撤回权、撤销权、解除权、试用买卖合同等概念的本质区别。笔者将“后悔权”与上述概念进行比较,以便于更好的理清消费者“后悔权”的特点,即“后悔权”由消费者单方享有,具有法定性和无因性,无需借助司法程序,并仅适用于一些特殊消费领域的新型消费者权利。第二部分:消费者“后悔权”的正当性的依据。该部分主要论述,“后悔权”是否应该引入此次消法的修改。笔者主要从理论和现实两方面来进行论述。从理论上来看,“后悔权”是消费者知情权的延伸。由于经营者对商品的赞美、意见与吹嘘和新兴的营销方式相结合;以及经营者对格式合同的滥用,都使得经营者与消费者之间在特殊消费领域产生了严重的信息不对称,法律赋予消费者“后悔权”与其说是赋予消费者一次反悔的权利,不如说是延长了消费者行使知情权的期间,在交易完成后赋予消费者一个冷静思考的机会。从现实情况来看,2008年肆虐全球的金融危机再一次让我国政府意识到主要依靠出口赚取外汇的经济增长方式的弊端,要经济能够发展得更稳健、更健康,必须在重视国外市场的同时,更加注重国内市场的发展。而要扩大国内消费市场,相当重要的一点就是更加注重对我国消费者权益的保护,让消费者敢消费。根据我国消法的规定,我国消费者政策的目的就是保护消费者合法权益及其维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,体现了“效率”和“公平”的价值理念。笔者将从效率与公平两个角度,来论述引进“后悔权”对于我国消费者政策的积极意义,并由此得出引进消费者“后悔权”正当性的现实根据。第三部分:对我国“后悔权”的立法构想。该部分主要论述“后悔权”在哪些消费领域适用与具体的行使要件。在适用范围的问题上,笔者认为,在无固定地点销售的消费行为和网络交易中可以大胆引进消费者“后悔权”;而对于争议最大的交易额巨大的消费行为,如买房、买车,尚不宜适用“后悔权”,主要原因在于没有法理依据,贸然引入,会搞乱市场。在具体行使要件的问题上,笔者分为冷静期之规定、“后悔权”的行使方式和行使的限制三个方面来论述。通过结合世界各国立法的情况,对我国将来“后悔权”的引进提出自己的构想。

【Abstract】 This article shall be divided up into three parts.Part A: The concept and legal property of the right to regret.This part begins with the general concept of the right to regret, and lists the current legislations of some developed countries.The Analysis on the legal property is the main substance of part A, and it is also the basis of analysis of bellows. There are two views on such issue. The one classify the right to regret into civil rights while the others classify it to the economic law’s rights. I agree with the latter, for, the right to regret reflects the tilt protection to the consumer from the government. Then, I make a contrast with the right to regret and related concept, and get the feature of the right.Part B: The foundation of the right to regret’s legitimacyIn this part, I would analyze whether the right to regret should be introduced into the consumer law. And this issue will be discussed in the angles of theory and practice.On theory, the right to regret is the extension of the right to be informed. For, the business’boasting, accompany with the appearance of the new marketing models, and the abuse of the standard contract, makes the problem of information asymmetry between the consumer and the business more serious. The right to regret, given to the consumer, aims to give the consumer a cooling off period for being informed more than give them a chance to regret. On the practice, the financial crisis in 2008 makes it clear that economic growth shall not only depend on export. Instead, it shall be depend on both export and domestic market. In order to enlarge the domestic market, our government shall pay more attention to the protection on consumer rights. According to the consumer law, the objective of the consumer policy is to protect the consumer’s rights and to promote the development of the market more healthily. I would analyze the positive effect to the consumer policy through the introduction of right to regret in the angle of efficiency and fairness, and then make the conclusion of the foundation of the right to regret’s legitimacy on practice.Part C: Proposals for legislative of the right to regretIn this part, the scope of the appliance and the detail exercise elements of the right to regret would be discussed. I argues that such right could be applied to non-fixed place of sales and online shopping, but not suit to the huge trading transaction.On the matter of exercise elements, I would analyze such issue through three aspects: the cooling off period、the manners and limitation of the rights’exercitation. By comparison of some developed countries’legislations, I try to make some proposals to the introduction of the right to regret.
